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12:21 AM
@quartata More or less
I honestly forgot what I was going to say one second
oh something about adding code labels
Probably the biggest thing that we need in a new assembler is labels
since GCC emits them and they're useful for creating symbol tables
I'm kinda concerned about how much we add though since it'll deviate away from the interpreter
I was kind of thinking that the QFTASM interpreter could kind of interpret just the emitted bytecode but in assembly format (if that makes any sense), whereas our assembler would support some of the nice syntax sugar most offer
I suppose that would also be the domain of @El'endiaStarman
This is basically the flow I'm envisioning at the end though:
We could have a preprocessing step where we resolve the labels, and feed that output to the QFTASM interpreter. We'd need to resolve labels anyway when assembling.
Frontend (code to assembly; GCC, Cogol, QFTASM lang) -> Assembler (assembly to ELF files, but maintaining the QFTASM text in a separate section as well as the byte code) -> Linker (ELF files to ROM) or QFTASM interpreter (takes in that preprocessed text format and data section)
Yeah, the assembler is kind of a preprocessor
But I think it would also output the byte stream that would get put in the ROM too, or at least the code for a given symbol
the linker would put it together afterwareds
ELF files are delightfully flexible and we can put more or less anything in them
So we could preserve some kind of QFTASM plaintext section that would go into the interpreter
The interpreter will need to have something new for the preinitialized RAM from the data section though
It's something to consider. But the QFTASM interpreter could also be modified if necessary.
direct write only does one at a time
@Mego The question is is the interpreter simulating the computer or the assembler and the computer
What scope/role should it have
Personally I don't want to have to sync changes from the assembler (presumably Python) to the interpreter (ES5 JS)
12:30 AM
@quartata It should simulate the computer, ideally.
Then it should probably take basically what the computer takes, just in plaintext for copy-pasting
That is, the current QFTASM with no assembly directives or labels
Sounds good
also found a library for actually writing elf files: pypi.python.org/pypi/elffile/0.005
old but libelf hasn't been updated since 2009 either, there's just not a lot of things to add
although I just tried to install it and it threw an ImportError?
1 hour later…
1:53 AM
@quartata It's using an old fork of setuptools called distribute. Just remove lines 13 and 14 in setup.py, and it should work.
2:07 AM
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'coding' hmmm
1 hour later…
3:19 AM
@quartata Add 'coding' to setup_requirements
3:32 AM
I have an editing question for you all. There seem to be one or two typoes in each post. Would you mind if I went in and made some corrections?
@Sherlock9 Typos? In my post? Nevah! (I jest; I don't mind.)
3:54 AM
@El'endiaStarman I've just read through your post again. I don't see any typoes but I have one or two grammatical gripes. "Simply a strip of blue bordered by strips of green." is a sentence fragment, for one
For another, the ANT gate explanation maybe helped by pointing out which incoming signal is A and which is B
@Sherlock9 Go for it.
I did my best to proofread everything before we posted, but there's always something that slips through.
Alright decided not to edit the ANT signal explanation. Nowhere to put it where it wouldn't be awkward
@Mego Already on it o7
I'm editing Part 3 a little heavier than I expected to. When I've finished could you look over my edits to make sure I didn't overstep anywhere?
4:26 AM
Finished editing Part 3, starting on Part 4
4:40 AM
Question about this sentence in Part 4: "Furthermore, ANT is versatile and has its main advantage masking: in the case of the Tetris program we use it to erase tetronimoes." What does "its main advantage masking" mean here?
@Sherlock9 I believe it means "its main advantage is masking"
Okay another question, have any of you noticed that you have 11 opcodes assigned out of 16 possibilities?
@Sherlock9 Yep. We've discussed adding opcodes for I/O devices, but we haven't made any decisions yet.
Right, but I was asking because Phi said 10 in Part 4
Never mind, already fixed
Oh, I think SRA wasn't counted
4:46 AM
Ah fair enough
Also, I have been meaning to ask how on earth you do the graphical output
SRA is only implemented in software - no hardware support has been added because it's insanely complicated
@Sherlock9 Bit twiddling in RAM, and viewing the RAM values in the online interpreter
@Mego Oh, I see. So how shall I edit this sentence to reflect that: "The opcode is 4 bits to support 16 unique opcodes, of which 10 are assigned:"
Or should I just say "11 are assigned" and move on the next section?
@Mego Okay I think I understand. Cool :D
@Sherlock9 I'd say 10. I think only the QFTASM online interpreter recognizes SRA - when building QFT ROMs, SRA gets translated into an equivalent series of commands out of the 10 that the computer recognizes.
Alright so I'll say "The opcode is 4 bits to support 16 unique opcodes, of which 10 are assigned (SRA is too complicated to build into the hardware, so in the ROM, we translate SRA into an equivalent series of commands built out of the other 10):"
Or "so when we build the ROM, SRA is translated into"
Okay, what does the branch delay slot section mean? I'm having trouble grasping the implications
5:31 AM
@Sherlock9 That sounds better
Wait according to @KZhang's post, we implemented SRA in hardware. Apparently I missed that.
@Sherlock9 Because the previous instruction's output is written to RAM after the next instruction is fetched, conditional jumps need to have a blank instruction after them, or else the PC won't be updated properly for the jump.
@Mego Oh I see
I might want to edit that in later, but I'll have to save my work and continue later
I did edit in, perhaps a bit inelegantly, but step 2 now ends with the paragraph: "In short, because the previous instruction's output..."
8 hours later…
1:37 PM
@Mego I thought @KZhang did implement SRA in hardware?
8 hours ago, by Mego
Wait according to @KZhang's post, we implemented SRA in hardware. Apparently I missed that.
...shoulda kept reading...
1 hour later…
2:39 PM
@Mego btw turns out the problem was that it was including elffile to get its docstring before the install requirements were resolved
for whatever reason
6 hours later…
9:01 PM
@quartata I should probably fork it and re-write the setup code...
9:22 PM
I just ended up not using the setup
the only dependency really is coding
everything else is for unit tests

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