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12:03 AM
squashing compiler errors fun times
11 hours later…
11:08 AM
@quartata Did you ever push your changes to a repo?
2 hours later…
4:48 PM
@El'endiaStarman we should check that out
5:25 PM
@El'endiaStarman I looked through the pattern library, but I don't see any other metacells. I would think a 256x256 metacell would be mentioned on the Life wiki too, but it's not.
I'll wager a guess and say that, if the metacell exists, it only simulates for a von Neumann neighborhood
6:52 PM
@Mego I responded to that user's comment. We'll see if they can point us to it (assuming it exists).
2 hours later…
9:08 PM
@Mego I'm going to try today once I figure out the compare instructions but it may take me 2+ hours since I do need to upload the full GCC trunk
Or rather download it and then push
Unless I can just fork it and add the changes via the upload files thing
one sec
@quartata Why not submodules?
because I have to make changes to parts of GCC outside of my little folder
just config trash
Like they have giant bash scripts that control some parts of the target
@El'endiaStarman By the way, I finally docked my iPhone and got the error message
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: set_code qftasm:48
that's when pressing the set code button
beats me what it means
Looks like that's when it's trying to call set_code() on click
A: safari ReferenceError: Can't find variable

ndtrevivJavascript that is added dynamically to a page needs to be eval-d in order to correctly initialise. In order for that to work correctly for function definitions they need to be formatted slightly differently. eg: <script> newfunc = function() { alert("here"); } </script> <button type="button" o...

well I guess that's the problem
but I have no idea why it exists
9:31 PM
Hmm, interesting. I have that problem in JSFiddle too, so I have to assign a button's click handler from JS as opposed to in the HTML directly. I'll bet the fix will be the same here.
Worth a shot. Ping me when it's live
It's definitely a scope thing
So doing it from there should work
9:44 PM
@PhiNotPi We should put the Tetris source in its own repo rather than having it in Cogol
Also these forks should either be removed and any changes merged upstream or have the upstream repos transferred to the organization
VarLife should not be in the org but CircuitSimulator and the interpreter probably should

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