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Feb 15 at 0:20, by El'endia Starman
So one can generate a row of the Sierpinski triangle, chop it up into chunks of n, reverse every other chunk, sum up the columns, and look at the parity to see what cells are alive (odd if they are, even if not).
@orlp: I never did hear what you thought about this.
need to think
@El'endiaStarman that won't be any faster unless you've got some special formula to get a row of the siepinski triangle
That's basically what I'd like to see. If we can figure out a formula, we can possibly work backwards from there and find a closed or iterative/recursive solution to the original problem.
@El'endiaStarman also we can only use this to test upper bound conjectures for periods
if we have a conjecture for a period, and it works we only also need to check its divisors
@El'endiaStarman there's a formula
pascal's triangle, see if the numbers are odd
I'm not sure that'll work for the CA version.
There are gaps...
@El'endiaStarman actually, there's another problem
to get to generation n you need to generate a triangle with n elements (and then reverse and fold over itself)
so if we need to get to generation 2^100...
Yeah, that's not gonna work.
If we can calculate a row directly, that'd help (I think).
@orlp This is an amazing rabbit hole...
By the way, where he talks about Towers of Hanoi, I think that's the structure we get with the CA.

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