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Now I want wings
I might do that next time
Extra sauce/sauce on the side
Of course, that's only if you're talking boneless wings
But if you're talking about wings with bones, it's not even worth talking to you
Glad we are on the same page.
Nobody orders bone in wings on boneless thursday
I mean, dumb people would
Nobody orders bone in wings on boneless thursday
So apparently strikethru doesn't work if you do multiple lines :(
It was all those subsequent ones that had problems
only @Wipqozn eats bone in wings
@Wipqozn is a monster
@Sterno that's whole foods for you
Q: Any way to change the weight?

SelectionIs there a way I can edit the "power cooldown" in the weapons tab in MP? Is there any sort of program I can use to edit that, and is it simple? I've tried using cheat engine to mess with it, but that didn't work. Thanks in advance. On PC by the way...

I don't know how we did it, but we won tonight's game of Pandemic Legacy. Definitely the worst starting conditions we've had, and things were starting to snowball, but we pulled through.
And we did it in the first half of the month.
@MBraedley very nice
We definitely got lucky in one respect.
And come to think of it, we may have cheated.
No, we didn't cheat! Now I don't feel bad about it.
Do I finish homework then play overwatch, or finish homework then go to trivia
The decisions
Play Overwatch, then go to trivia
Homework is for suckers.
I've been doing too much "play overwatch instead of being productive" this week
I'd do some comp if I didn't have a drink with dinner
And would rather not have my skill rating tank further than -200 points off season high/placement
Also I'd only have time for like a match before we'd need to leave for trivia
(since realistically I probably won't get +500 on season high)
Flight success!!
Textpattern CMS

Proposed Q&A site for people who are affiliated with Textpattern both professionally and unprofessionally.

Currently in definition.

Playing DQIV is weird because I remember a lot of the enemies and stuff from Rocket Slime but it's such a different style of art and style of game
I am enjoying it, it's just a context switch
Hmm... It sounds like homework then overwatch
Since Thursday trivia kind of sucks and there are no strong opinions from the group on it
(only a resounding "if the peer pressure is strong enough I guess" and one "where is it? bars? oh nevermind I'm only 19")
Q: How does one gain access to Colossus Boulevard?

rivermont - Will B.I have seen multiple forum posts where users state that you need to defeat the main bosses on Cyclops Lane, Triton Avenue, and Firecat Alley, and the Headmaster will give you the quest to go to Colossus Boulevard. I have defeated almost all of the bosses in those streets, and the quest has not un...

Alternatively I might just watch reruns of overwatch competitive
Wait Rogue picked Hanamura in their match vs Reunited?
For real?
Who picks that map on purpose?
The pre-buff mei strats is why apparently
Q: What is the most efficient strategy?

Chronos MythSo in the mobile game Jurassic World the game you are charged with maintaining a park, growing your Dino's by feeding them and battling with a custom team of Dino's of your choosing. I run a basic early game team of a 2-star level 24 mujangasaurus, 2-star level 21 trike, and a 1-star level 14 tro...

> In a few months from now get ready to discuss some legitimate Ana strategies because it's coming
@Unionhawk cc @sternostradamus
Wait Undertale came out a year ago?
... Are we seriously going to lose to double Bastion?
I haven't won a single match all week.
should've been mei
And the genji is ggezing all over the place
Classic DPS main
Of course the one match I probably did just win, I disconnect from before it's over.
Was Bastion PotG?
No, McCree
I got a lot more sleep dart hits today.
God dammit
Made me feel good when I tranq'd a Tracer.
Man that was a sloppy game
We were getting shut down by a widow pretty bad and someone (level 14) went widow as a counter
The correct answer is d.va or winston on that buddy
FORTUNATELY we were able to get by thanks to a handsome german man
And I got POTG and forgot to record it
But it was bad anyway because all I got was a net 1 guy since I got a double, then a res, then a single
Oh my god
moon2SATAN is my new favorite emote
in the history of twitch
(spoiler alert it's mei)
Mei #1
She's so good now it's annoying
speaking as a tank support main, since she can pressure me to focusing on one angle as reinhardt, spin around, now I'm dead
Or just like get in on me alone as lucio, and I'm dead on sight
Or wall off half of the team on hanamura and then the push is dead
@twobugs 2bugz best bugz
I thought this was cute. (it is too late for my brain to format that right on mobile)
@Ash zomg that is amazing
but i think some go the fuck to sleep is in order :p
Yeah probably
Debating first finishing His Robot Girlfriend which isn't really a romance novel, more like a play by play of this boring dude and his omg perfect life with said titular robot
so like boring dude and his amazing fantasy?
Yeah but without any sort of conflict, and they gloss over the sex scenes (fade to black, it was amazing sex yay)
what is the point then?
Yay my robot girlfriend is perfect and my life is perfect yay
They did try to get married in Vegas
yeah but books without conflict are no fun
You can't get married to a robot in Nevada because marriage is between one man and one woman, then the main guy asks what about same sex couples, and the lady at the marriage place is like well that's okay too but no robots
Oh there is a software glitch now due to a robot update, she's punching him now
Oh, nope surprise that was an imposter
maybe the conlfict is that a software update bricks her and he becomes a supervillain
(that was like... 3 pages of tension and that was it, I only have 30 pages left)
....turns out he also had traumatic amnesia and forgot about his other kid that died because I think the author needed to fill the last ten pages with something so he made up this huge reveal or something
Why do I read these things?
ugh, this doesn't even sound like so bad it's good
Nope, it's just so bad it's bad
kinda book related, did you read jonathan strange & mr. Norell?
they made it into a BBC show and its on netflix now
also BBC related, i heard sue perkins isn't doing bake off anymore :(
@GodEmperorDune wait what noooooo
@GodEmperorDune I don't think I have, no
@Ash its good fantasy
alternate history with magic playing a bigger role in early england
But like they're half of why I watch it!
@GodEmperorDune I will add it to my list of thing last to check out at some point
@Ash the book won the 2005 hugo
@Ash Have you read Ready Player One yet?
@Nzall a few times. It was decent enough.
TIL that when people on Anime say something is NSFW, you better believe that
@Nzall like the anime cafe?
@GodEmperorDune no, the question @arda linked and the Wikipedia article in there
I don't know why I expected that an article about Hentai would only be test-NSFW
TIL that wikipedia has a porn portal
@GodEmperorDune well, obviously. They try to catalogue every meaningful part of human existence, obviously they're going to have a portal on a billion dollar industry
i suppose so
i just assumed that it was all SFW
@Nzall No shit.
@Arperum I thought it would be text-only NSFW, not a naked couple doing Cowgirl
Or whatever it's called when the top rides the bottom
Adobe photoshop

Proposed Q&A site for questions by users and experts on photoshop

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Isn't Photography and/or graphic design already in there?
Windows whyyyyyy
Why do people think this is a serious server operating system?
We suddenly had scheduled tasks for 2 days fail with an "extended attributes are incorrect" message, first 8 hits on google "Disable this sound option", one hit "use icacls to fix the permissions". GUESS WHICH ONE WORKED
@KevinvanderVelden The sound option?
@Nzall Yes
Apparently windows suddenly decided (this has been working fine for years) that it needed to play the windows UAC sound but there was something wrong so it just didn't do anything
@KevinvanderVelden Well, it's a Windows Update most likely, given the timing
Whhyyyyy cries
@KevinvanderVelden ah the wonderful world of Windows servers
and by wonderful I mean painful
So much pain
@KevinvanderVelden windows UAC makes everything rekt
So apple is apparently very busy removing all the porn they got in their own messaging app
Q: How to disable fire from generating in Nether?

Dr.Sheldon-MemerSo im making heaven in minecraft by changing nether textures. And it would be stupid that fire generates in nether (now heaven)....

@Lazers2.0 The heaven will have very hot "water" I say....
@Derpy heaven has 7 times the sunlight earth has, hell has lakes of sulfur. Sulfur in heaven would just vaporize
(oh it's even worse, 7*7 + one moon emitting as much light as the sun for a total of 50 times as much sunlight: lhup.edu/~dsimanek/hell.htm )
@KevinvanderVelden Perhaps you are right. As now, my concentration is hindered by the image of ghasts with halo and angel wings.
> we may feel confident that by the year 2000 the total number of the damned will be at least 29,422,641,251,519,917,000 souls.
That's a lot of damned souls.
That is a lot of levels one could gain too.
@Arperum 2.94*10^19
That's... quite a few
"Do you know the key strategic weakness of the human race? The dead outnumber the living."
Aha, that number is assuming the flood happened and the birth rate from 2 -> 6 billion was applicable before the flood
@KevinvanderVelden So how many people would there been around when the flood happened?
> ... up to the Flood there were 9,289,000 births in 1,658 years. Since the Flood up to our epoch 2,326 years have passed, during which, if only five couples survived, they would have produced 2,213,867,610,000 children. If these calculations are extended up to the year 2000, the resulting number is 34,326,414,259,675,172,000 which, together with the 9,289,000, makes 34,326,414,259,684,461,000 offspring. ...
we should really end our D&D sessions earlier, I am knackered
@sequoiad you just need to play more d&d to improve your stamina
@KevinvanderVelden At that point your getting beyond the point of any sort of realistic. that number is way to fucking high.
I mean, we're talking about the flood, realistic got out way earlier in that book
@KevinvanderVelden going from ~2.2*10^9 to ~3.4*10^19 people in ~130 years is also kind of insane.
You'd have to have 2*10^10 offspring in ~130 years per couple. (assumin monogamy for ease of calculation.
so assume every single person in 1877 is capable of producing offspring for the next 130 years. That's 1560 months. One child every 10 months. Let's also assume that at age 15 all kids join into this mad scheme of reproduction. They also stay alive for the full duration.
So first couple gets 156 kids. after 15 years the first generation also starts having kids. so they have 138 kids themselves. 10 months later second kid starts also reproducing -> 137 kids from those. ANd so on. so second generation results in 9591 kids.
That's a lot of grandchildren.
ANd I don't want to bother figuring out what math function I need to use to calculate the total. But I doubt you're going to end up with even remotely enough kids. Even if you somehow multiply by two because everyone always has twins.
wtf is this
@GnomeSlice Mostly math and boredom.
Dammit. Still bored. I just calculated the number of third generation children (namely 295240). working on the function to calculate fourth generation.
ok, so that's 3469070 fourth generation kids.
although that somehow feels wrong and far from enough. So I probably made a mistake
goes of to check math
nope. math checks out.
hot damn. this goes all the way to a 9th generation.
@Nzall yes
Aha! Math was wrong. I knew it. Not as much as expected, but it's 4.78 million fourth generation
hmmm. wolfram alpha doesn't compute the next generation accurately anymore. It gives an estimation. somewhere close to 3.91758*10^7
And the next generation WOlfram just gives up and doesn want to calculate sum (sum (sum (sum a, a = 1 to q), q = 1 to k), k = 1 to j)*(67-j), j=1 to 66
To much sum nestings probably.
I give up. It's all based on insane premises anyway.
La la la trying to break our companies expression evaluator to get arbitrary C# code execution
Otherwise known as "I'm having fun at work and getting paid for it"
That moment when Content-Disposition filenames are causing problems, and you read up on it.
@KevinvanderVelden have fun :)
So apparently, the website of a Belgian WWII resistance group uses a flash element... To display a clock
He sounds like an actual human bineg here. IT's horrifying, since he's talking about banning Muslims.
I feel like actually hitting everyone that complains like mad every time the Battle.net servers get hit
Also @arda the new steven universe was good, I hope you've watched it. cc @Ronan @PrivatePansy @fredley (that was supposed to be @Fluttershy, but lol whatever something about archer)
@Wipqozn currently moving it. Will watch in an hour or so
wtached a few minuts of it, seems good so far
@Wipqozn If pigs are not your thing, no other episodes of Black Mirror contain pigs.
@Wipqozn I'm hurt @Wipqozn. Hurt.
@Wipqozn rage
I have the full ep too. Hmm, I think I'll start with that, and then calm down with SU.
@Ronan there. fixed.
Yay! My whining payed off!
@Ronan Whinig usually pays off
Also I haven't seen it yet.
You should, it's good.
But Onion.
In fact I cc'd @Fluttershy because I think he's ben meaning to watch it, and I want to pester him into it
Work!!! Start!!!
Dq7 3ds today. RIP WoW and Monster Hunter :(
posted on September 16, 2016 by Phil D.

There's not much to do other than a few missions and buy stuff at the moment, and the shop seems a little glitchy. Has RSI issued any statements about resetting purchases or any other sort of in-game progress when fully released?

Q: Can I charge the battery with just a USB cable?

RLHWhile perusing a local second-hand charity shop, I stumbled upon a PSP for a steal! However, the one "problem" mentioned by the clerk was that it was without a power supply. After handling the device, I also noticed the battery had started to bulge. I'm shopping around for an OEM battery at a ...

@fredley The number of PHP developers that don't understand the difference between single quotes (') and double quotes (") when creating strings is unsettling.
@twobugs I still need to get back to Monster hunter G cc @Yuuki @Frank to fuel my shame
I did all the 4* village quests over my trip
I'm still working through 2 and 3 star quests.
> The number of PHP developers ... is unsettling
@KevinvanderVelden lololololol
The only guess I have is strings and characters?
@Lazers2.0 Stupid robot, I wish you wouldn't post already deleted questions.
@Ronan Basically single quotes are plain text, and double quotes allow special characters and will try to read variables: stackoverflow.com/questions/3446216/…
Aha. I really should have guessed that, considering I know loads of languages that do that.
$ronan = "Fancy pants":
$single = 'Ronan is a $ronan'
$double = "Ronan is a $ronan"

echo $single would produce "Ronan is a $ronan", and echo $double would produce "Ronan is a Fancy Pants"
Yeah, it's the same in perl, groovy, and (I think) ruby. I now feel ashamed for not guessing that.
Q: Do skeleton traps get hurt by poison spell?

micro busterI was attacking a th9 guy and i was having poison spell at that time. There was a skeleton trap activated when there was a lots troops just covering the skeletons, i mistakenly drop the poison there at the place of those skeleton. so, i am wandoring from that time do the skeletons got hurt or not...

@Wipqozn Is that sarcastic?
but yeah just seems like a really basic thing you'd pick up fter a few months of coding
@Ronan Yes. It was directed at your shame.
I see.
Well now I know more things about PHP than I ever wanted to know. THANKS @WIPQOZN!
@Ronan you're welcome
gotta share the misery
but yeah, something like that strikes me as the kind of thing you'd figure out just by going through someones code and seeing it, but then again if all te devs you run into just do "Ronan is a " . $ronan then you might not ever encounter it
Even less devs seem to realize HEREDOC syntaax is a thing
Knowing all the ways you can create strings in your language is super important imo, since you'll likely want to use whatever one makes your code more readable.
@Wipqozn True but tbh Heredoc never really made my code more readable
But I guess I just default to escaping to html for a lot of stuff...
@RedRiderX If I'm doing some fairly long multiline string it's my preferred way of doing so.
Either way it's good to know about it. Although the worst thing, is that I had heredoc syntax in code once, and a dev went through my code (the one I'd normally complain about) and then broke it all by indenting all my heredoc. He indented, pushed all the code live, and shit started breaking. Pissed me off so much. If you don't understand what you're seeing int hat code, don't touch it. Either ask or google.
Q: Transferring Individual games between 3dses

Brett CarwileOkay y'all, I have a problem. In late April, I decided to buy the Nintendo "New" 3ds, upgrading from a 2ds. When I had bought the N3ds, I had decided to give the 2ds to my brother. You see, the 2ds had several downloaded things on it: 5-6 themes, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, Pokemon...

Two people from my company were stopped at the Canadian Border for trying to steal jobs from hardworking Canadians
@Wipqozn Heh yeah that's my main problem with heredoc
I want to indent it so badly
@RedRiderX yeah it looks ugly, but for multiline strings it's just the best way to do it imo
well, normally
@Wipqozn But yeah just messing with a language thing you don't recognize isn't a good idea.
@RedRiderX yeah, it's like "Don't do this dev 101"
@Wipqozn He pushed the code live without testing?
@SaintWacko yes. He's stopped doing that, thankfully, but since it was just an intending he dind't think it would matter. He was wrong.
There's a reason I always complain about that dev
He has gotten better.
He actually works harder now, and is more willing to ask for help when he needs it.
That's good!
Surely the reason we test is that we don't think anything has gone wrong.
@Ronan Basically
Always testr before pushing live
even if all you did was delete a comment
heck, especially if you deleted a comment! Sometimes a comment is what was keeping everything from crashing.
You never know when you'll fat finger something
Especially with PHP. Deleting that comment will cause it to rebuild! And PHP just fails 1 in 10 builds.
Q: I cant send out my pokemon and it says nothing!

xYeuwhen i have been playing pixelmon after 30 min. when i try to send out a pokemon it says nothing. It does not say: You sent out charizard and does not spawn it, what the heck!?

@Ronan it rolls a d10
Ohhh.... Pixelmon. Strange that Nintendo hasn't yet go against commercial Minecraft servers monetizing the Pokémon IP.
But I guess that killing off AM2R is easier.
> When the 70-year-old Republican nominee looks in the mirror, he sees a man half his age staring back. And somewhere in the attic, there's a portrait twice his age.
Q: Can you predict a Pokemon's next evolutionary stage's CP?

ychirea1I am buddying with my 1036 CP Weepinbell and I will evolve it when I get enough candies. Will it stay close to that level CP? Is where a way to know what it will be? What about HP?

(we only failed last time because we broke into restricted areas)
@Unionhawk Now that sounds like an interesting walkthrough.
@RedRiderX There's a secret lab under his house which they broke in to use the cooler. NBD
And the person who was here didn't have "people in years past have had legal access to that area" down and ready to deploy
i.e. They were secretly henchman of the owner of the secret lab
No, it wasn't restricted until they redid the insurance
And after that all rooms needed 2 points of egress which the attic lacks
Like, it's a furnished attic with carpet and stuff
And the university helped pay for it!
@Lazers2.0 I've posted a second answer on this because bulging lithium ion batteries are not good, unless you want fire and such
Filling that jarful of grilled cheese with vodka was perhaps the worst part.
@Yuuki What?
@SaintWacko That was pretty much my reaction.
What the hell?
Is that a grilled cheese and tomato soup cocktail?
Bleurgh, yes.

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