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@TimStone Oh, did the dev team get the code I sent? I emailed it on Thursday night, had to send it a second time with a Dropbox link because Gmail doesn't like WAR files.
Yeah, I'll ask them about it on Monday but I was told they had it
Q: If I buy golden gun for a hero, is it only for that skin or for every skin?

Robert FraserIn Overwatch, if I spend my hard-earned 300 competitive points on a golden weapon for a hero, is it locked to the skin, or available for every skin?

Q: Pokemon go account switch

EricaIm currently playing Pokemon go on my mother's account. I want to know if I can save my Pokemon and items and transfer to my account. I'm not sure if I made one but if I do, I want to transfer the progress from my mom's account to mine.

Yay, my first soldering went well!
Well, my first soldering since college
@TimStone Oh, that's fine then.
As long as they have it, I don't want to come across as a bother.
The only bad thing about slow cooker food is that now I have to wait til dinner time tomorrow to see if it will end up tasting good
I'd love to start slow cooker food in the morning, but I'm always worried that I'd burn the house down.
@Sterno once I'm done with deus ex I might just play thief 2. I only ever beat the first level on that.
The number one failing of Deus Ex is that you can't take down more people
A few NPCs that really just have it coming, trying to make me feel bad about my choices and what not
@Yuuki so far I never have. I am getting threeish hours of tattoo work on my arm tomorrow so I am like eh I won't want to cook so giant beef stew it is
Q: Password reset issue

PauloIm using a trainers accnt to use pokemon go..accidentally i pressed sign out and now it wont accept my password..ive tried ressetting it many times but it wont accept my email as well..im sure that its the right email cause ive recieved an email from pokemongo to verify it..it happens to me befor...

Fluttershy saying the s-word in the latest episode is so shocking
@PrivatePansy kinda unrelated but reminds me of this south park episode
Oooh, Planet Coaster has a release date!? And it's not too far away!
Wait, is it EA now?
Not sure. I think maybe?
@Unionhawk No, it's just available for preorder on Steam
But preorders get beta access
Instead of having to pay extra for the alpha access
so... it's in early access
Because that's literally what "preorder for beta access" is
I mean, except the beta isn't here yet?
It's not scheduled until early November
So preordering gets you access two weeks early
Since the release date is November 17th
Oh so there are just youtube type keys floating around then
It is 10% off on Steam for the preorder though
So I guess if you want to save $5 off launch price that's not a bad deal
Yeah, I am debating because I know I am going to pick it up regardless but I am weird about pre-orders
I've had good experiences with the devs so meh
I should prob save money currently
Both good points. :)
And no spending $5 less now is not the same thing as saving money
I've got like 17 games in my "hey you idiot, you bought these winter sale 2014, you should play them ever" list
installed now too
I find it funny that I apparently bought so much winter sale 2014 since winter 2014 was after I made almost zero money at sea base
@Ash Looking at their list of games, it is probably worth preordering, however considering their stocks went down by %5 today, I'd probably check the reason before preordering. But well, worst case scenario, you refund it.
I really am not that worried
Meh, doesn't seem like it has a reason, probably a shareholder wanting to cash out.
frontier dev does elite
Ugh... I just found out a friend of mine from the Army died on Friday.
I'm sorry to hear that
@Fluttershy :(
I'll be alright. Just mostly in shock atm.
@Fluttershy that sucks :(
Q: Can I play ANY modern PC game with an Xbox 360 controller?

SidI want to buy an Xbox 360 controller to play modern PC games. Can I play all current/coming soon PC games with an Xbox 360 controller or is there limited compatibility?

Q: what class is best to defeat Duke Fishron

Calon Williamsi am post-golem on my terraria world and i have a lot of different armor and weapons for the option of fighting Duke Fishron. I have The tiki armor set,pygmy knecklace,pygmy staff and twins staff (summoner). I have the specter armor with magnetic sphere, rainbow gun and shadowbeam staff (both myt...

the deus ex mankind divided run is already under an hour (without loads)
(it is typical for PC games to be timed without loads)
raises brow and blames @Sterno/@Wipqozn
I think "millenial" means "anyone less than 800 years old"
also 3-in-1 is best soap
Who surveys people coming out of supermarkets on their soap purchases?
rewards cards?
@Yuuki I only saw one single survey taking place, which was people sitting outside supermarket and scanning the receipts and noting down the age and gender of people leaving the supermarket. That was years ago though, they probably use the data from royalty cards or whatever now.
Who's like, attached to bar soap as a thing?
Body wash is clearly superior
@Unionhawk ah, the elusive "anyone but @sterno" demographic
cc @Wipqozn and @fredley on that old burn
although millennials can't take credit for this, i've used bar soap maybe 10 total times, most of it at hotels before they started providing liquid soap
also, what is a "premium bar soap"
soap is soap
I dunno
Dove vs Cheap Hotel Brand?
one fancy hotel had bar soap with things in it, like leaves and twigs or something. i dunno what the point was
connecting guests to nature
i mean soap is supposed to remove the leaves and twigs, not add new ones
and reminding them that camping would have been free
it's been too long since i went camping
@Yuuki My mom used to be part of a program where you scan your grocery purchases etc when you get home and they track what you buy and get you to do ssurveys and you get reeward points
i remember as a kid camping was like $10 a night. now the price has exploded to $15 a night
@Ash yeah, Kroger stores do similar things, except it also does base discounts
It's base discounts plus coupons in exchange for data
and meh about the data
Neilsen Homescan is what she used to do
We were part of that too for a bit
At least for us the reward catalog was ridiculous in terms of effort
She ended up getting gift cards with it usually
but it just got to be kinda tedious
Like at least half the stuff we'd buy didn't scan right
And we'd have to enter it manually just so we could earn ten billion points for a small gift card
That was a while ago, my memory might be wrong
Deus Ex: It was that guy, we all knew it was that guy, no one was divided on this™
@Ash I look forward to the day Millennials finally kill the term "Millennials." It'll come right after they kill think-pieces.
@twobugs It wasn;t my favourite thing ever :P
@Fluttershy I like this plan
Q: Change the comment flag icon because it looks like a scythe/knife/axe

narawagames Please change the flag button icon on comments to look like an actual flag, because right now it looks like a scythe/knife/axe.

@Fluttershy i prefer the pieces that require no thought
@SepiaLazers wat
Well, yeah, that's the idea. That's the button to call someone to execute bad questions. I guess it does kinda look like a flag, though. Someone should fix that. — SaintWacko 50 secs ago
@SepiaLazers lets make it a lazer
@ash, my friends chopped party went pretty great
@Dragonrage Yeah? :) What were the ingredients?
we only did entree and dessert because of time, but for the entree it was chicken, clementines, collard greens and krabby patty gummies
not too hard because none of us are professional cooks, but was fun. dessert was also pretty simple. lemons, frozen waffles, and pop rocks
This question should be reopened, it is clearly not a duplicate: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/276221/…
(not mine)
@NicolasRaoul both that and the marked duplicate one seems to be cauesd by a softban
the question it was marked a duplicate of was definitely a dupe. though you probably cannot see that question because of merging
Q: What is an efficient jungle route for Kha'Zix?

GureKwinI've been looking for a good route in jungle to help me be on the same level as laners in game for Kha. Any help? I am currently level 27 and I main Master Yi.

and how, back to cooking, for the entree, my team made a Mediterranean Chicken Calzone, and for the desert, we made some chocolate pop rock bark, pop rock and lemon ice cream, on top of chocolate frosted sugar baked waffles. and drizzled with magic shell
let's see windows forms' performance on rendering a 10000 point chart
gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/274315/… does not even talk about Pokestops, how can that be a duplicate? Would you consider "Excel is crashing" and "Ubuntu flickrs" duplicates just because the answer of both happens to be the same "Reboot your computer"?
@NicolasRaoul both are caused by same softban
if that user were to try spinning pokestops, he'd have same issue
I actually have the Pokestops issue, but not the fleeing issue.
@NicolasRaoul weird, sounds like a connection error or a game bug. Have you tried restarting the app?
I restart the app often, yes.
When that happens, I keep re-entering the pokestop and spinning again, and it usually works after ~5 tries.
oh, I used to have that happen too. definitely connection issues
in that users' case, they can spin but they get nothing
I see! Thanks :-)
So, the answer is not soft-ban, right? Was I looking at the wrong question?
By the way, it happened twice today while on very stable Wi-Fi.
@NicolasRaoul it is not softban. The problems are pretty similar, so while you were looking at the wrong answer, I'm not even sure there is a question about your issue except the second dupe there
we had an answer the collected them
@Dragonrage That sounds like it was really fun
I'd not know what to do with the gummies
yea it was quite fun.
@Lazers2.0 removed
20 hours until deadline, and I'm rewriting upgrade mechanic :/
I might change the base idea and ditch levels
@GodEmperorDune not my bases!
2 messages cleansed to Android Hell
doing new concept art
@Lazers2.0 spam
has referral link
Q: How do I participate in chat?

aaayI have enough reputation to participate in chat, and I have a feeling that there's a button somewhere, but I just can't find anything

Etsy, do you know how federated login works? I logged in with Google.com, so why do I need to create a new username and password!
Oh ffs, I guess I'll buy things elsewhere
(that's incomplete version though, will not publicly release that - hit me up if you want a key to the very terrible version)
Q: Is max energy level dropping off intentional

Matas VaitkeviciusWhat was the reasoning behind making the energy bar to 'shrink' when augs are used? I mean it already shrinks from recharge, but occasional power cell puts it back up, however after maxing energy out I realized that my max energy capacity falls down from using augs! I heavily rely on sneaking u...

Q: Good Sites For csgo

Erik LowI found a site called Free-csgo-skin I just wanted to see if it was real or not. I have been using this website today and been searching up if it was legit, but there was nothing online that i could find. Hopefully someone here has used this site before and can tell me if it's legit.

Q: Minecraft: if I join a minigame after joining the server says: timed out

JustMeOkay, I have already got this problem a few times, and it dissapeared after a few days but I want to play Minecraft if my friends are online. The problem is: I start Minecraft and I go to multiplayer to join some servers. But everytime I want to join it takes quite a while before the server loads...

Q: What merchants sell praxie kits?

Matas VaitkeviciusIn my apartment building one of my neighbors is selling praxie kits for 10k Are there any other merchants like that across the game, or I was hoarding all those money for no good reason?

@Lazers2.0 spammer
@arda Flagged it as spam
he's probably question banned already, one q at -9 and this one is at -6. Problem solved.
@arda You had no idea how much I had to resist writing "Gary Motherfuckin' Oak" in that Anime comment
I've send a solicitation mail yesterday evening. Got a reply this morning that they want a first chat with me \o/
Q: The Deathstar - World of tanks Xbox 360 and One

GipsyDI am currently grinding my way up the British Tank Destroyer Line,and am at Tier 7(AT 7 Tank Destroyer). I am contemplating now, whether I should continue grinding the line, or abandon it and move onto a heavy tank line. I have seen some videos on YouTube, some say it is still worth it after the ...

Q: Dota 2 The International 6 Battle Pass / Compendium Expiration

HL96So it seems like the TI6 compendium ends 31st Aug 2016. So my question now is, do we still have access to our compendium and continue to do the quest ON 31st Aug 2016? And the expiration is based on what timezone?

1 hour later…
Q: What do the light signals on the cars mean?

Gerald SchneiderThe Anki Supercars all have different lights that signal various things. Sadly, the meaning of the colors are never explained anywhere in the game or in the documentation. So far I gathered these meanings: lights on the front: active when weapons are fired. lights at the back: active when bein...

Yay. test environment API1 is having issues DNS with API2 again. And big surprise: I need API2 at this point to even be able to do anything.
Fun times all around then
@Arperum Why does your test environment rely on outside DNS?
Because the person who wrote it before handing it over to him was an idiot?
Can't you go into the hosts file of API1 and manually hardwire DNS rules for API2?
I mean, that's like devops 101: make sure that your development and test environments do not have a critical component that's located outside of your network.
See also: Previous person being an idiot =p
And I don't think he can, he's just a contractor using the api
@Nzall Hell if I know.
All I do is create a website in front of an API
And the person who made the API is in holiday until tomorrow.
@Nzall No. all I can do is send calls to API1
@Nzall Pretty sure there is no actual test enviroment for API2, so the test thing might use the live API2 thing.
@KevinvanderVelden Indeed. Earlier times this happened (rather frequently lately) I did the things that did not require API1 to access API2, but now I'm out of those.
@Arperum I assume you already informed your manager/employer/main contact that your work is blocked by this?
@Arperum Wait, so you are using Live data in your test environment? hello, PCI-DSS violation
@Nzall I don't know. Maybe? All I have is an API I can send calls to.
@Nzall He's in meeting.
This is just a consultant type thing, and certain things here are not what they should be.
@Arperum Then at least send him an email so there is evidence you informed him of this. Then talk to him as soon as he is out of the meeting.
\o/ tomorrow afternoon I am going for that first chat! cc @KevinvanderVelden

Proposed Q&A site for people who use/are interested in drugs both recreationally and medically, and will be used for advice, safe consumption guides, and experience reports.

Currently in definition.

@Arperum Nice!
@KevinvanderVelden Yea, Last time I send a solicitation mail (>1.5 years ago) I could go the same evening :p
That's not uncommon, it's usually limits on the solicitants time that decide meeting times. After all, it's work time for the employer
@Unionhawk I use bar soap
@Wipqozn ... if you were @Sterno, I could call you old, if you were @Uni I could call you wrong, now I don't know what to do
Except of course blame you for my inability to reply with a proper bridge meme
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Isn't recreational drugs already an a51 proposal?
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, I can start early tomorrow and then have time to go there after work. Since it's basically halfway between here and my home.
I'm so glad it's a bank holiday in the UK today... Was up until 4am last night doing d&d
Well that's definitely a good ida
@KevinvanderVelden Being up at 4AM?
@Arperum being up til 4am playing games with friends
(Or at least, assuming they're friends, otherwise why would you be up till 4 am?)
@KevinvanderVelden Yes.
Yeah it's a good group
Apart from the one person (there's always one) who tries to Deus ex machina their way through encounters
Sooo, they suddenly get robot arms and punch people through walls? (I know what you mean my way is funnier)
Something like that yeah :-P
Also re: deus ex speed run comment someone made
Honestly it's not surprising. I don't think there's that many mains story missions, and since a lot of time of the game is intended to be figuring out what to do - talking to folks, exploring, hacking - you could easily speed things up a lot by just skipping by all that part, rushing straight to the goal not worrying about stealth, skipping all conversation, et cetera et cetera
In fact I am a little disappointed thus far by the apparent lack of main story missions which actually involve going to places on missions.
Heck, you could probably find the code once and then type it in while speedrunning
Part of what is getting me in the mood to just play theif
@KevinvanderVelden yes, I watched a bit of the runand that's what you do
don't need to find passwords or hack terminals if you just know'em all already
So yeah, once I'm done with DE I'm likely going to play either Thief or Styx
aka just like your mom
that kinda beats the point of the game tbh
I mean that's speedruns in general but
I... there are videocards with 24gigabytes of ram
@arda well, yes, but that's defeeats the purpose of the game like you said
No, no extra 0 there
tbh using a speedrun to judge how short a game is though is always a bad idea
like look at skyrim
A glitchless speedrun for that game could probably take less than an hour, due to main story, but saying that tells you how shrot the game is would be dumb
@KevinvanderVelden Titan or the one by intel for data processing rather than render?
intel iris' some models?
Using speedruns to judge how short a game is basically going "So after a few hundred hours of practice, how long does this game take to beat?"
@arda nvidia Quadro M6000
@KevinvanderVelden also nvidia tesla k80 apparently
@arda IMO that is just about OK... it's when speedrunners start exploiting or glitching I don't like. Ala oblivion or portal speedruns
@KevinvanderVelden and if you skip by everything you don't need to
@KevinvanderVelden not necessarily: it could just mean "how long does this game take to beat if I don't care about the plot, don't want to explore the environment, don't read the text but just go forward as fast as I can?"
@Derpy "and already know how everything works and where everything is"
That is a big part of speedruns
Like old Mario runs, where you learn all the patterns and work out the fastest way
@KevinvanderVelden yep, if the speedruns is done as a challenge after you already know the game. But today, many people are doing "blind speedrun" too
which to me seems like a good way to ruin you experience, but hey, they are the one that paid for the game, not me...
@Derpy that's not a speedrun, that's a blind speedrun
@KevinvanderVelden got your point, but my point was that people are using blind speedrun to judge the length of a game too.
See the No More Sky leaks just recently for an example
with that guy that went to the center in ... was it about 15 hours? by using some hyperdrive fuel exploit
If it uses an exploit or console commands, I don't count it personally
@sequoiad I count exploits but think that they should be stored in a different category / named differently
console commands is a no-no for speedruns IMHO
@sequoiad there's different categories of speed runs. Some allow glitches some don't. Personally I love seeing the ways in which you can break a game.
Reverse badge order hype!
I'm not too into speed runs though... I take my time
Apart from Mario games
I actually try and do the reverse of speedruns in most cases, where on my first playthrough, I usually try to just milk every ounce of content from the game, and rarely touch it after that
Like, most of the games in my complete library are only completed once, maybe twice.
@Nzall Same
@Wipqozn New games just continually patch those bugs. Boring.
@GnomeSlice Unless you're a game that actually accepts speedrunning as a viable means of playing. For example, world of Warcraft didn't fix a wall jumping bug in one of their instances because it would make the existing challenge mode times unbeatable.
@Wipqozn you could say they were sunglasses thunderstruck.
@Nzall Oh I shouldn't be laughing at that, but it's great
@Nzall try this: (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
@KutuluMike nah, too much effort
by the time I entered all of that, the joke is too old
i just have it as a macro in porkchat.
(•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
(•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
i just have to fix that > sign because I'm too lazy to fix it in PC
@KutuluMike And how do you fix that?
I mean, I just deleted > and type >
(•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
@KutuluMike ah, okay. I thought there might be a way to fix it in porkchat itself
there might be if I looked.
Post it more times
4 mins ago, by KutuluMike
(•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
As you wish
you could at least quote the fixed one
Nope! I will, instead, quote your shame
@Nzall everbloom?
So now most of the screen here is nonsense pulling me away from the other nonsense I'm reading while waiting for this nonsense to start working again so I can actually test my code.
@sequoiad Yep
And I believe Skyreach as well
All my computer parts, save the monitor, should be here today!
API2 still dead. Meeting still ongoing.
@Arperum poke it with a stick
Either the meeting or the API, I'm not picky
I would have started installing stuff already but Newegg decided to ship some fairly essential components last
ok this is terrible
@Arperum and you have noone else at your job you can talk to about this blocking issue?
Stuff like, you know, the CPU cooler :|
Who needs that! Just put a glass of cola on it
Quiet, you
@Nzall Nope. I'm a consultant here right now. I've just been suggested to just connect to production (by a local junior dev)
Apparently an issue with what I was working on last week is I was using the "wrong" version of a file we have 5+ versions of, none of which are marked
Oh well, I learned a lot and it works
@KevinvanderVelden Oh, the condensation!
@KevinvanderVelden Is this what is known in the OC world as extreme watercooling?
@SaintWacko to be fair, I'm fairly certain my friend was drunk.
@Nzall subzero cooling I think (it has ice cubes in it!)
Remember that Fox show about overclocking? I think it was called The OC
I all of a sudden want to cool my computer with coffee so I can just get some fresh one whenever I want one
Cc @fredley on that Arrested Development ref
The OC was a great running joke in Season 3 of Arrested Development, which is also the final season and no seasons after it exist
someone wants to team up on a rigged csgo jackpot game to steal from others...
that's really illegal and I reported it
@arda Even if it's not rigged it's still illegal AFAIK.
@Arperum it is. It being rigged and seeing people lose hundreds of dollars in it in seconds is the real reason I'm furious though
I don't have any patience for that stuff, either
haha %100 classic midman scam: he has a fake site, he gives some fake rigged jackpots, he will grab my items and run if I put my items
@Wipqozn It's a great game but I'm not sure if it aged well.
Thief 2 was definitely the best Thief
@Sterno Agree 100%
They focused on the best stuff from 1 and had some awesome levels
@Wipqozn Yeah, judging Deus Ex length by how fast you can speed run is ridiculous.
I'm honestly surprised it takes a full hour or whatever
damn steam mods are fast - apparently I got it blocked
I wonder what the WR time for Deus Ex 1 is
Probably 1-2 hrs
I need to finish Deus Ex 2 one of these days
Even though it is not the greatest
Q: What is the "regional Pokemon" for south America?

MindwinThe question: What are the regional Pokemon? does not address south america (hereby referred as SA), basically because at the time of the posting the game had not launched in South America (SA). Tauros is the pokemon for North America? Is it the same for SA? If not, is there any hard evidence o...

@twobugs 43:20 on realistic youtube.com/watch?v=srTF560yuXY
(Not a single run though, multiple segments)
@KevinvanderVelden Wow what a bad game!!!! - someone
@Sterno Yeah, I tried it once, and it does have some "this is old" issues. Going to try it again and see how I feel.
I seem to remember there's a mod for it that improves graphics
for some values of "improves"
I assume you've played System Shock 2, right?
@Sterno yup, and the original deus ex. both quite a few years after.
You know what they need another game of? No One Lives Forever.
@Sterno That was the British styled espionage fps right?
@twobugs If "British-style" = Somewhere between James Bond and Austin Powers, then yes.
They were excellent games.
I never played them and probably never will :(
@Sterno UI've never even heard of that game
What is this ad I don't even
@Sterno I think it's to help you become more bangable.
@Wipqozn They weren't quite to the level of Deus Ex or System Shock in terms of multiple approaches or stealth, but it often got quite close and had really cool set pieces
oh "more bangable" means "have more sex". Just realized you probably didnt know what the term meant since it's new and you're not new.
Let me rephrase
I would like to return this @Sterno. He is extremely not new.
@Sterno Something about your mother
No One Lives Forever was also one of the best games when it came to eavesdropping on random NPC conversations

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