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Q: Is it possible to demolish one of the rail tracks in a station, and not all of them?

lemontwistSometimes I want to demolish just one line of rail station in a big station. However when you demolish it, all of the rail stations go away. Is it possible to just get rid of one station at a time? Here's what I mean. In the pic below, I want to demolish only the rail station that's in red, bec...

@YiJiang It's partially useful, but there's already an existing, accepted answer. So yeah, I'd say it's spam.
Then again, I'm just a guy.
I wouldn't actually know.
Damnit, Pandora. I gave one movie soundtrack a thumbs up, and now it's just spewing movie soundtracks at me.
@YiJiang Not really an answer, although I suspect most of the downvotes are because people saw him advertising his own referral code.
@spugsley I think you only got about 5 dolan pings, the rest were about doughnuts.
@RedRiderX donuts > dolan
@spugsley I agree with this statement.
@RedRiderX as should everyone
@spugsley This is not true.
I'm a little saddened that the last @spugsley punches baby pic only got three stars.
@spugsley This has been the case for some time.
@spugsley I'm honestly surprised it took you this long to figure out.......
@James Got me a Peridot dragon!
@spuglypls I see a little stupid pony and I don't bother to LOOK AT YOUR STUPID NAME I KNOW ITS YOU
@spugsley Every time you ping me.... Every. Single. Time.... spugly pls
@spuglypls I will never ping you again.
@spugsley But you pinged me as you said that.
Now I can just use tab completion to troll her
@spugsley @spuglypls
@fbueckert I have a proposition for you. >_>
@spuglypls Go on...
@fbueckert I couldn't figure out how this was a reply for a while.
@fbueckert You are Hicpotboy on steam, right?
@spuglypls That's me, alright.
@fbueckert Phew. I was worried I sent that to the wrong person. >____>
"Spring Traps. Fulfilling orc dreams of flight since 1139!"
@spugsley There. I changed it back.
I don't believe you
@spugsley This would seriously hamper my travel plans in December.
@spugsley What is it showing up as?
@Fluttershy Until I refresh the page, I can still use tab completion to say @spuglypls
@OrigamiRobot Except everyone else will see it as Fluttershy. :P
@FAE @spugsley This. Please do not end me.
@fbueckert Oh really?
@Fluttershy Should have thought about that before you became the worst person ever (behind @Wipqozn and @Mana)
@spugsley Aww. Don't be TOO mean. He changed it back because I asked him to. :P
@spugsley I've been that for months now, I thought. But still... Do not end me before December.
@fbueckert Why?
@spugsley Because he's a nice guy?
@fbueckert HAH! You are just too funny!
Now I'm curious what I was pinged with. >_>
@spugsley Thank you, I try.
Tasha Baxter has such an amazing voice.
@Fluttershy I was going to say that you should try to temper semi-disparaging comments about @spugsley with equal parts complements to @spugsley, like I did. Then she might not wish to end you with such ferocity and all caps.
But then I decided not to enter the conversation.
But I do realize how much less fun that would be.
Yes it would.
Q: Is there a way to allow the placment of torches on Red Power 2 columns?

SolignisI have started messing the saw in the Minecraft mod Redpower 2. One of the items you can create is columns made from pretty much anything in the game. The problem is I cannot seem to place torches on the columns. Has any seen a way to do this? it would make the columns so much more useful.

If anybody wants a huge, fantastic, and free orchestral soundtrack, check out the Ravenmark OST.
@GnomeSlice Another album that the artist recommends isn't too bad either.
@RedRiderX Huh, it must have also come with the game music bundle, because I have it too.
@GnomeSlice It is the sound track for eternal daugthers, one of Derek Yu's first games.
@RedRiderX I can read.
I don't know who that is, though.
@GnomeSlice Co-creator of Aquaria, creator of Spelunky.
@GnomeSlice I meant you might already have the soundtrack if you had the game.
@RedRiderX Haven't played either of them yet, but I've been meaning to play Spelunky for over a year
@RedRiderX Came in one of the game music bundles
@GnomeSlice I have been playing it continuously for numerous years. It's a game that short enough that it always seems fresh.
@GnomeSlice I didn't finish Aquaria, (the storyline didn't really agree with me,) but the setting and style was very nice.
hey kids
@Shinrai lo
Q: In UT2K4, can you outsource content downloads to an external server?

AslaiI have a group of buddies who run a Unreal Tournament 2004 server, but it's run on an ADSL connection with terrible upload speeds. It's enough to support about 16 in game players, but maps only download at about 10 Kbps. Is there any way to configure the server to serve the content from a seconda...

Q: What's the fastest way to kill an ogre by myself?

KexloxI've set up my diabolical traps. They've killed 99% of the enemies coming through the gate, but I've been distracted on the other side of the map and don't notice the ogre that smashed through my hallway of death until he's almost to the rift. What's the fastest (non-trap) way to kill the thi...

Q: How do I toggle to full screen resolution?

NachoGame starts to me on windowed mode, I go to settings and click on Windowed button but it won't change to Full Screen. How can I full screen it!?

Hello Bridge
Do I have coders in the room?
Also, hello
What language?
Any, my question should be language agnostic
vim vs. emacs?
Dear lord no
I'm doing normalization of a line, and looking to see if anyone knows of any good algorithms for it
I know some of those words
Unless it's database normalization I don't think I can help you
Google turns up nothing for "normalization of a line" or "line normalization": do you mean trend lines?
Are you trying to calculate the regression line?
I'm trying to normalize the pile that appears at the bottom
Oh, so it always appears to be roughly level?
@MarkTrapp basically. I just don't want huge weird piles to form (like happens now)
I want it to basically go to normal-esque curves
How are you doing it now? Determining the final stop at the beginning of the snow flake drop, or recalculating every tick?
@MarkTrapp When a snowlake lands on the pile, I redraw. Any slope that is greater than 1, I normalize to 1
but you'll notice on the left, it gets a weird upward slope every time
(if you go back, you'll probably want to reload. Known issue where I'm not cleaning up properly)
(also, don't change the properties)
How long does it take? Seems pretty level to me
a little while
basically, since not many go on the far left, it ends up most always being an upward slope
I think I need to switch to window based normalization instead of point to point, but I don't know any efficient algorithms for it
Q: How do I play Skyrim smoothly like I did the first time I bought the game?

user30392I just got Skyrim, two weeks ago, and everything ran ok. After a few days everything started loading a bit slower then usual, but the gameplay still ran smoothly until I installed some mods. Since installing the mods made me lag, I had uninstalled it and it still lags, even with low settings. I d...

Gotta love when users recognize the size of your software update
@Fluttershy Gratz!!! I got one of the olympic I think :)
Q: Application load 3:0000065432

zCynicI tried loading Skyrim from Steam and everything was working fine, but after I press play on the game window with the Dovahkiin in the background I get this message.

Q: What Achievements, Titles, Items, Mounts and Pets, (etc.) Are being removed in Patch 5.0/Mists of Pandaria?

LessPop_MoreFizzWoW has a long history of removing content with the release of new expansions. While the most obvious case of this was the removal of, for example, Zul Gurub, and with it, the old Tiger and Raptor mounts with the release of Cataclysm, there have been several other examples of now classic titles o...

I hadn't gotten the 100% ending in Seiklus before.
I blame @LessPop_MoreFizz for almost being late to work.
Stupid sexy Flanders awesome TSW NPC dialogue
@RilgonArcsinh It is good dialog.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well yes, I'm not discounting this, just bitching that it was 9:55 and I hadn't packed lunch or gotten dressed and had to head out in 20 minutes
Alright, thoughts on my new normalization... Does the snow piling at the bottom of the screen look mostly natural still? imgineme.com/Snowing
@GnomeSlice Report it
Q: Humble Indie Bundle Soundtrack - CaveStory+

LinkI feel bad for asking this but I'm new here and couldn't comment on the previous topic found here: How to make sense of the Cave Story+ soundtrack in the Humble Indie Bundle 4 release? I've added Wind Fortress and Halloween 2 into the mix as "Bonus" tracks. What I can't figure out is WHAT soundt...

@Ktash Looks like it to me. Also, that is mesmerizing
@Ktash Looks much more natural to me: the slope issue on the left aside, snow cover is mostly smooth to the naked eye
How did you fix it? I was playing around with different things, but didn't come up with a solution
@MarkTrapp Slope issue on the left side? Is there still a problem?
@Ktash No no, that's fixed: I mean the old version—even if you discount that issue—was less natural than the current version, because it was creating too many peaks
or rather, the peaks were too prominent
@MarkTrapp Done.
@MarkTrapp New solution is to normalize an area when a snowflake lands. It does a sliding window based normalization
Makes my pile drawing a little slower, but I think it is worth the trade-off
Firefox has slowed though.... Chrome got faster, FF got slower... gonna need to look into that
Seems to be about the same in Safari 6.0
Whoo, Chrome got a lot faster... looks like I got GPU acceleration triggered. Wahoo
@AshleyNunn You want mesmerizing? animatedpizzagifs.com
@MarkTrapp It looks like this site is entirely comprised of ripped content, judging from the 'gaming' section.
Yeah, everything on the site is scraped from Stackexchange.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Haha, most of that is just a pizza focused 90's flashback lol
Ok, don't run two copies of the snowing animation... I'm at 100% cpu usage lol
@GnomeSlice I did find one odd point.
@Fluttershy Oh?
Looks like they changed the first line in the ripped version. O_o
@Fluttershy Was the game dev question edited?
@GnomeSlice It was not.
Or wait...
I dunno. I don't have an account on there. So if it was, I probably couldn't see it.
@Fluttershy Maybe a "silent" edit
within the first 5 minutes by the author
@Ktash It was scraped around a month later.
There's probably a bot to change things like 'there are many' to 'you will find many' to make it look less copied.
Might be
Hmm, I stand corrected. Firefox sped up as well, Chrome was just hogging my CPU so FF wasn't getting what it could
@LessPop_MoreFizz Pizza the hutt!
See, since I picked Blood Magic as my first combat discipline, now I want to find a fancy cape in TSW
Are there suitably-fancy capes, @LessPop_MoreFizz?
@RilgonArcsinh There are long jackets
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hrm, that might have to do, though good lord all the clothing is expensive
@RilgonArcsinh Not really, your income accelerates rapidly.
Some jerk in London wanted 100k pax for a pair of goggles.
a million pax is not a lot.
Ah, it must really accelerate then
Because I'm getting like ~500-ish from zombies in the first area, if they even drop any
@RilgonArcsinh pax drops don't increase much but quest rewards do, and aside from your three runspeed upgrades, there's next to nothing else to spendit on
so clothing doesn't feel too pricey by the end
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, because talismans and weapons are mostly crafted, right?
there are also some otehr sources of clothes, such as filling in skills and decks.
@RilgonArcsinh crafted or dropped or bought with tokens
@LessPop_MoreFizz Makes sense
Also I am totally bee-lining the Q9 crafted Blood focus
(heh, bee-lining)
@RilgonArcsinh Blood is a really solid tree. Iron maiden Vital Fluids, Boiling Blood all have huge synergy
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I'm still trying to get out of the starting pre-reqs myself
I really need to get Outbreak so I have some AoE capacity
though if you're going to play blood, once you get past blue mountain-ish and AP gets a bit easier to come by, one MUST do thing is to spend the ~75 AP in fists to pick up Bloodsport.
Bloodsport + Iron maiden + Dark Potency = boom.
It's one of the best combos of passives in the game.
Though I like how the first heal/barrier skill actually generates resources so I can pop that off thrice then Angelic Aegis
Bloodsport = all of your attacks apply a stack of a 3 stack dot. Glances remove one stack.
Dark potency = every time you apply afflicted, you gain + Penetration
and then Iron maiden = every time you penetrate an afflicted target, you gain even more + penetration
Yeah, I have Dark Potency and it's really helping mitigate glances
@RilgonArcsinh No it isn't. Penetrating hits can still glance.
Huh, I guess I haven't seen that then
The combat table in TSW is... strange.
Is it hit that mitigates those, then?
Penetration is opposed to block.
Glancing is opposed to defense, and is affected by hit rating, yes.
And then crit is also in there.
you can have a blocked crit
or a glancing penetration
@MarkTrapp That's not the correct post - this one is (the one you linked to is for cases where the scraper is ranked higher than the original post, which is largely solved by an update Google made to it's ranking algorithm a while back)
there's a breakdown/heirarchy of which combination of results is better than which other somewhere.
But the tl;dr is that there are a ton of awesome abilities that synergize/stack on penetration if you build for them
like, you can take that bloodsport/iron maiden/dark potency combo
Yeah, I'm not even ready to begin any sort of numerological analysis yet, I just know blood at bad guys = dead bad guys
@YiJiang OK. @GnomeSlice is the one who was reporting
and grab an ability like 12 gouge, which applies a stacking -damage done debuff to opponents every time you penetrate
Is it possible to skip deeper into an ability block, or do you always have to go in order?
It didn't look like it was, but I figured I'd ask
@RilgonArcsinh You can't skip around no. You must complete the inner ring before you can go to the outer ring.
and within any given 'cell' you have to go in order
though you can freely jump around from cell to cell
Yeah, I was more wondering about jumping forward in a cell
also, one thing to note: Active abilities require you to have a specific weapon equipped, but passives have no such restrictions, and there are some amazing passives.
Ah, that's neat
So a useful passive unreliant on an active is always useful
@RilgonArcsinh yeah, there are a number of passives scattered around that are just Really Good.
like the aforementioned Bloodsport
the top of the line endgame dps build at the moment is AR/Elemental
using an Elemental ability called Blaze
and a passive which causes Blaze to be guaranteed to crit on targets with an afflict on them.
use Bloodsport to guarantee that every hit causes affliction...
and well, blaze permacrits.
then, you stack that, with a passive that, every time you crit 4 times, causes your next attack to deal a bonus 1200 damage.
Aaaaaaaaaand, well... things get silly.
the whole system is full of broken stacking interactions like that and finding them is a lot of the fun.
I levelled using AR/Blades and basically just stacked on a huge pile of abilities that procced every time I used a 'Frenzy' category attack.
then i only equipped frenzy abilities.
There's a particular blade finisher
that's guaranteed to penetrate against afflicted targets.
And it's a frenzy.
There's a passive that causes frenzies to always apply afflicted. 100% chance.
It hits so fucking hard that just alternating builder->1 point finisher is the optimal way to kill any multi target fight imaginable
especially if you pile on the passives that cause every time you penetrate to set another additional DoT, and every time you penetrate, you hit for x damage for free, and every time you penetrate you gain a heal...
So basically this game is built for people like me who love to tinker with stuff
And see just how many mechanics are exploitable
@RilgonArcsinh Pretty much.
There is a trendy tanking build at the moment using blood/chaos that uses self healing via shields to build aggro.
@RilgonArcsinh I can link a deck calculator if you want to explore and play around a bit more.
Heh. Illuminati cabal: "Fear and Loathing in R'lyeh". That sums things up pretty well.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I found one, but it lacks stuff like cast times and recast times, so yeah
(Or at least, it sums up the illuminati perspective pretty well. Typical Illuminati HQ PA announcement: "Mandatory Drug Testing begins tomorrow. This is a reminder. Please inject your drugs.")
@LessPop_MoreFizz Much nicer, thanks
So this is probably dumb - when AR refers to "leech effects", what precisely is it talking about?
@RilgonArcsinh So, each healing tree specializes in a different sort of healing.
Blood does shields.
Fists to HoTs.
AR's do Leeches.
Leeches are terrible and awful and a waste of your time.
but basically.
If you give the tank a leech effect, he gets back x% of the damage he does as hp
Ah, so Fist/Blood or Blood/Fist is better than AR/anything for healing? Boo
they scale awfully and they are a complete waste of time. AR direct heals are okay, and the passives are great, but the leeches are awful.
blood ar and blood fist are the norm atm
Q: How to use keyboard controls with Need for Speed: The Run

RobboWhen I play Need For Speed: The Run, all the onscreen prompts are to press "B" or "X" or "LT" (Left Trigger) for Xbox 360 controls. How do I play this game with keyboard only?

Q: When are enemies no longer "nearby"?

KecoeySometimes when you try to fast travel, you are unable to and a message is displayed that tells you that you cannot fast travel with enemies nearby. What determines when enemies are "nearby"? Is it purely distance? Or are there other things that factor into it?

Q: Possible to use usb headset for game audio?

LordZardeckI know that this is an age old question, but can you use a usb headset on a PS3 for both chat and game audio? I know that the firmware didn't use to support it, but now that Sony has their USB stero headset, I thought for sure it would be possible. I don't know if it still isn't, or I'm just not ...

Q: How do I get Hamlet, Prince of Denmark to join my ship?

McKayIn the Star Trek: Online wiki, there is an entry for Hamlet, Prince of Denmark it says that it is earned from a mission, but that that mission requires an item, that is retrieved from a box but I can't find anywhere in the wiki where I can earn that box. I've tried Performing the Holodek Performa...

Q: What happens if you don't found a religion?

XXYXXYSuppose the other civilizations have founded all the religions that could be founded in that map (that never happened to me, but I'm curious, but not curious enough to spend a night doing an experiment). So what happens to you? Do you play without the bonuses of a religion? How do your religiou...

Q: How do I make multiple spawn points in minecraft vanilla?

chipperyman573I'm fine using any mods to DO it, and use a program like mcedit. However, the final time that it's played, it can't have any mods installed. I'd also like to know how to chose which spawn to make the user spawn at.

@Lazers I did some poking around, and 'duty-officers' doesn't seem to be a useful tag
1 hour later…
> EA/Maxis Sue Zynga for Copyright Infringement
Q: Diablo 3 - Magic Find In Groups

cornjulioxSo I'm running Izual on Normal with a friend, who's having trouble getting the Staff of Herding recipe from him. My question is, how does magic find work since each player in a group will get a different set of items when Izual dies? Since my friend needs the plans, should he be the one striking ...

Q: Does the GamersGate version of UT2004 have DRM?

Robin AsheI'm thinking of picking up UT2K4 ECE, and both GOG and GamersGate are possible options. I know GOG is DRM free, but their games are all x86-32. I'm running 64-bit Windows, so I'd rather get a version that includes an x86-64 installer as well, as long as it's DRM free. Will GamersGate deliver on t...

Q: Boxed PC games and steam activation

KasimusKlayMy question is about Steam and its activation with PC games on a disc. I know that some PC games when bought on disc still require steam activation. Also some do not i.e Batman Arkham city that requires game4windows live. But my questions is this. Is there any game out there that is on Steam. B...

@YiJiang It's shocking that I am actively cheering for EA, but there it is.
@Lazers Can anyone else review the edit I've made here?
@RilgonArcsinh does anyone like Zynga? I'm pretty sure even the big fans of there games hate the company
Q: Can emeralds be found in a world created by a version below 1.3?

0x187With minecraft 1.3 emeralds were added. Is it possible to find emeralds in a world that was created with an older minecraft version? If yes, does this take effect only on new generated chunks?

2 hours later…
@FAE Guess what?
@Wipqozn Chicken butt?
@FAE 19 days.
@Wipqozn I have so much to doooooooo before then.
crashes through emeralds
Q: How do I allow trains going in the same direction to not stop at the signals?

lemontwistI currently have an intersection of trains. 4 go parallel and 1 perpendicular. I would like to let the 4 parallel trains all go if they approach the intersection at the same time. However, they all stop until one train gets through. I have to admit I'm not so great at signals, so I'm sure I'm doi...

@Wipqozn What happens in 19 days?
@GraceNote Guild Wars 2 releases.
Good morning, Bridge.
@fbueckert Good afternoon.
Q: What is this quest marker for, and how do I get there?

StrixVariaI'm currently attempting a side quest called Cloak and Daggers, and I'm trying to get to a mystery quest marker that appears in my HUD but not in my map. I've been wandering around for about 15 minutes now, trying to figure out how to get there. As you can see: The marker seems to be inside ...

Q: Does tapping an employee carrying supplies help or hurt in any way?

phantom42In No Zombies Allowed for iOS platforms, you can tap an employee while they're carrying supplies from the gate to their building of employment. It seems to take the box from them and they return back to the gate. But the supply counter doesn't increase if you do this - nor does it increase if yo...

Q: I deleivered more than 25 jobs at the global event in Vancouver, but it never updated even though I continued to send jobs their. Why?

RangerhornAlso why didn't update? I was always hooked up to the internet. And when will i get my prize?

@Lazers Edited
The Bridge is dead today...
Q: Does Healing Wave grant Solar when drones are at full health?

BrysonicVoltar's Healing Wave gives you Solar every time you heal a player or drone on your team. Does this work when the ally is already at full health?

@Fluttershy I find the bridge is usually pretty slow on a sunday.
@Wipqozn That's disappointing.
I'm here, so it's not that bad.
@Wipqozn Haha, what the hell. I had no idea "electroswing" was even a thing.
@FAE Neither did I.
@Wipqozn Where the hell did you find this.
@FAE A friend linked me to it. Thought I would like it.
@Wipqozn This is really entertaining. I may have to listen to more of this.
and my friend says he found it when someone posted it in a reddit thread about water slidse.
You've probably heard part of his song catgroove before:
@Wipqozn Nay not familiar. I'll definitely check more of this out later though. For now, have to head out.
Electroswing is great, you need to listen to Caravan palace.
@RonanForman Hm, I feel like I've seen this before.
@FAE I may have already linked it.
May 12 at 18:13, by Ronan Forman
@Wipqozn The chat fu is strong with this one.
@RonanForman The search feature is very useful.
Q: How can I melt your face?

EnderIn Borderlands there is an in-game trophy system. The very first trophy is titled 12 Days of Pandora and involves killing lots of things in many different specific ways. One of these ways is apparently face melting, as I'm currently listed to have 1\2 of my "Faces Melted" entry. I have no idea ho...

So the secret world just had some really strange major server side lag events for about 15 minutes
Since chat was unaffected I stayed online and chatted
and was trying to disassemble an itrem
I now have like 10,000 top grade crafting materials.
wow that lightning strike was a lot closer than I expected
@LessPop_MoreFizz gz
@pixel Exploit early exploit often!
I had to make a super crude ahk script for assembling all the sacred metal.
Because its so tedious.
i'm thinking I should turn off my electronics at this point
Q: I need to get people on my minecraft server

Mdonatuti99Please help me by visting my server at or go to my website mullicraft.devhub.com

Wooooo I am bad at autohotkey.
I made a script that runs for 20+ minutes of left clicking with no way to pause or interrupt it. Fortunately I am too dumb to have made it infinite loop.
@Lazers Just an fyi, everyone who closed voted that should have cast a spam vote as well.
Considering it's still there I'm guessing that didn't happen.
@Wipqozn good point
Q: Is there any way to skip the mass relay cutscenes?

BlueRaja - Danny PflughoeftThese cutscenes are significantly louder than the rest of the game, so I have to turn down my speakers every time I go through a mass relay. Is there any way to skip these scenes? According to this link it was possible in Mass Effect 1 by editing a configuration file. However, that file doesn'...

@murgatroid99 Damn straight. tortoise shades
and there it goes. Excellent.
Still need to do 14 more tsw missions tonight
damn, I cant find whats the song in the background of this ad.
I really thing I've heard it somewhere before.
*Better version... original
I knew it was the good the bad and the uglu
Haha, no problem
just used Shazam... makes things easier
@Ktash I was gonna do this, but then I remembered I'm lazy.
@OrigamiRobot Haha, yeah. I'm normally lazy but for some reason I felt helpful lol
Anyone have any thoughts about this suggested edit that's been sitting there for over a day? At this point, I'm leaning towards reject
Also, I have no idea what "tendencious" means
> ten·den·tious also ten·den·cious (tn-dnshs) adj. Marked by a strong implicit point of view; partisan: a tendentious account of the recent elections.
@MarkTrapp Don't know the content, but it almost sounds like the edit adds information the answerer may not have wanted there
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Changes the author's intent to be "less tendencious"
Q: How does Sven Great Cleave interact with enemy armor?

DrakeI was looking at Sven's Greate Cleave on Dota 2 Wiki and its notes it is written: Cleave damage is reduced by armor type but not by armor value. Cleave damage goes through magic immunity. Now I have two questions: The fact that it goes through magic immunity it means that the damage ...

@RonanForman very nice
Oh, hey... The Quantum Conundrum DLC released.
@RonanForman We're about to play some DayZ. By "we" I mean @OrigamiRobot and myself.
Q: Pocket planes - no cities on map

ToriI just started this app. When I tap the picture of a green arrow with a plane after loading people or cargo, no cities are available on my African continent. Non e are even "faded out", as the game likes to say. Should I buy Biggs planes to go farther?

Q: How do you get skulls in Orcs must die 2?

SvishAt the end of each game you get from 1 to 5 skulls. But what exactly decides how many you get? I'm only able to get 3 it seems, even though no orcs get through my defenses. How do you get skulls in Orcs must die 2?

Q: How can I get my ship to go back to the dock once it's full, even if it has other oil rigs to go to?

lemontwistI have some ships going to multiple oil rigs because each rig doesn't generate a lot of oil. However, sometimes it gets full after the 2nd, 3rd or however many rigs, and wastes time fulfilling the rest of the orders (it's full and can't unload) until it gets to the dock. Is there any way to give ...

I love this ReMix:
@spugsley Just bought stuff from Ikea. I blame you!!!!!
(Also my cousin, but he's less fun to tease)
I love that show.
I really wish they didn't cancel it for one of the shitty new ones.
Although even the original one had gotten pretty terrible in recent years.
Q: How to make multiple minecarts turn together?

marco-fisetI have a railway and I want to have multiple carts on it. However, when I launch my carts together, the one behind jams when they come to a turn and doesn't continue. How can I make this so both carts will arrive at destination properly?

Q: Steam Installer repair tool

pepperpapaI've recently been getting a lot of error messages when trying to install Steam for the first time on my new gaming computer. I've tried many things to solve these error messages, but none seem to work for me (I referred to the troubleshooting page from the Steam Support website when i was trying...

Q: Cheat for just dance 3 on playstation move

ElizabethHow do I enter the cheat code on just dance 3 for playstation move if there are no buttons that can be used to enter the code

@FAE Hullo.
@Fluttershy Hola!
@FAE Que pasa?
@Fluttershy You're missing an upside down question mark.
@FAE I do not know how to do those.
@Fluttershy alt+168
Assuming you're on Windows.
@FAE ¿Que pasa?
@StrixVaria You're my hero. =3
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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