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Q: Is there a way to search but exclude questions with a certain tag?

CHEESEI am currently reading A Song of Ice and Fire (just finished CoK) and I am really scared that I will accidentally read a question title that will spoil something really big for me. Is there a way to exclude a particular tag from your search results?

Q: Should we have a tolkien-language tag?

CHEESEA quick search of 'tolkien language' yields 161 results, many of them questions, while 'quenya' yields 89. I scored tolkien-language using this system and got 12 (+2, -1, +1, +2, +2, +2, +1, +2, +1), which is pretty darn good, and according to the aforementioned post is good enough to be a tag. ...

4 hours later…
Q: Do we need both [currency] and [money] tags?

amarettoThe currency and money tags have 16 and eight questions, respectively. I can’t think of a reason why we would need both tags. Should one of them be made a synonym of the other? Or should questions be re-tagged so that one of the tags is removed?

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