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Q: Cormorant vs Eel?

user45620I recently saw a cormorant at our local park. It dove pretty quickly, soon after it came up struggling with a large green eel. The thick 2' eel seemed quite determined to escape by thrashing and even wrapping around the birds neck! Still, after about 2 minutes the bird somehow opened it’s throat ...

1 hour later…
Q: Mixing basis sets

user1420303I need to compute extremely accurate single point energies using the coupled cluster method. The methods to be employed scale largely with the number of basis functions. A few basis functions may have a huge impact in the computational cost. I planned assigning a 3$\zeta$ basis set to a central ...

11 hours later…
@orthocresol: are you a user of the Orca software for modeling large systems? Did you see the Materials Modeling stack exchange: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/122958/materials-modeling ? It was advertised by the CCMC on Twitter.
@Hot nitric acid (HNQ), did you see the Materials Modeling stack exchange? There was also a question there about "mixed" basis sets that are a mix of Gaussians and Plane Waves.
@Hot nitric acid (HNQ)? ... that's weird.. I type @o and it fills in @orthocresol for me. I type @Hot nitric acid (HNQ) and nothing happens. Even hot Hot nitric acid (HNQ) wrote here more recently.
In my last message, I meant to write "even though Hot nitric acid..." not "Even hot Hot nitric acid" ... anyway that's a cool user name.
@Kitchener Thank you. I dabbled with ORCA for a few months, but that's stopped now.
Hot nitric acid is a bot, not an actual user.
Anyway, I am afraid I cannot help much: my knowledge of computational chemistry is very basic, and in any case I never dealt with solids or any kind of periodic systems.
2 hours later…
@Mith I got your message but I had no idea what you were referring to
I am punningly impaired at the moment. I can't think of good puns.
@M.A.R. Imguric impairment ;)
dezimguration xD
@Mithoron Looks into a grim rat-infested corner of a single brick wall on the street
Yeah, dark single street walls have corners
Gives a Morgan Freeman look and sighs
Q: tik tok temporally suspended support

scarletHi my tik tok account got deleted and I am so upset. Says that i am temporary suspended. I didn’t do anything wrong - and ive lost and tried eveything. There is some special stuff on there, i’m very gutted. Please help. Thank you

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