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@orthocresol interestingly, you're the only user with 500 helpful flags but without a marshal badge. Any idea why?
Should scientific opinion based on scientific facts be necessarily off-topic on our site?
Q: Repeating unit of poly lactic acid (PLA)

m.r.saboohi2000Which repeating unit for poly lactic acid (PLA) is correct, picture 1 or picture 2? and I read somewhere that in polymerization, acids give $\ce{OH}$ and alcohol gives $\ce{H}$, creating water. According to this explanation, picture number 2 is correct but I have seen on websites like Wikipe...

I have never found a clear consensus on this.
an opinion is said to be "a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge."; if we close the given question as opinion based, it means the answer won't be based on any fact or knowledge, but the currently given answer is based on fact/knowledge
5 hours later…
@GaurangTandon I can’t say for sure what happened there. However, my guess is that I didn’t have the requisite number of flag a before being elected as a mod; and after the election they either stop counting it towards the badge, or disable the badge entirely (who needs a badge when you have a diamond)
@orthocresol being a Sheriff is always better than being a Marshall ;-)
3 hours later…
could someone please fix the title here?
Q: Confusing statements about galvanic cell voltage

dubIn nearly every textbook about physical chemistry or electrochemistry, the authors mention, that the Galvani potential of a half-cell, i.e. the potential difference between an electrode and the electrolyte, is defined as follows: Equality of the electrochemical potentials between the two phas...

I don't understand the question at all so can't fix :(
2 hours later…
Any idea anyone why this question would deserve a closure as "unclear what you're asking"?
This isn't the first instance where I cannot figure out what is missing from the question that several other CVers demand. The fact that there are absolutely no comments from any of the CVers about what needs to be added to this specific post to make it better increases the problem further :(
1 hour later…
@GaurangTandon OP clearly has something they want to know, but I can't figure out what exactly they're asking.
What is phi?
Also, there are too many questions in there
This is probably not something that can be disentangled for OP on Chem.SE. I suspect OP needs interactive tutoring here.
Hmmm, I'll drop that here: chemaust.raci.org.au/article/june-2018/… Have fun guys ;)
@hBy2Py well, I've absolutely no clue of the topic in the first place :P I'd recommend adding a comment there
@Martin-マーチン YAY! :D
@Mart @Gaurang Could this question be a good dupe target for stoichiometry questions? Or, be edited into one, if necessary?
btw, penta and I are already trying to nail down various types of stoichio problems and reaction balancing problems - github.com/berquist/stoichiometry/blob/master/links.markdown
@hBy2Py as for this specific question, I disagree, because the question is too specific, and editing it would require editing the answer too
creating a new canonical is easier
2 hours later…
anyone up for beta-testing? :)
Q: Markdown Shortcuts for StackExchange - insert latex commands quickly by keybindings

Gaurang TandonAbout This userscript gives users some quick key bindings to speed up the process of editing mathjax/chem/etc. into posts. Example usage: (the hotkeys are customizable!) Pressing Alt+Shift+P would insert \pi directly. Pressing Alt+R would insert \mathrm{} with the caret auto-placed in the mid...

2 hours later…
@GaurangTandon The problem with this is that now I have to remember what the shortcuts are
The cognitive overhead is high whereas I've already committed the latex to memory
Would I rather type or think?
2 hours later…
@pentavalentcarbon do you have experience with implementing coupled-cluster?
or if anyone does: how does the number of iterations a CCSD calculation require in comparison to a typical SCF?
@obackhouse Yes, but it's only correct up to the MP2 energy, so not very far...
CCSD should probably require slightly fewer iterations than SCF
frankly most of what I write seems to not work
as in SCF using DIIS or just basic
Yeah I haven't done a test run yet - I'm just using the equations from the Stanton paper, I haven't really taken the time to understand them yet though
My PhD project is gonna involve CI so I want to code up CIS before I start, I'll probably finished CCSD and maybe CCSD(T) before then
@obackhouse both SCF and CC using DIIS
I don't know about CC not using DIIS, but you probably know from Crawford that SCF w/o convergence acceleration is super slow
explicit CIS is great...my Davidson didn't work though
I don't know how to do CISD
implementation-wise, CIS and CID/CISD are perhaps surprisingly unrelated
ah I didn't know about a DIIS method for CC, I will look into that
Am I correct that you're working through Crawford?
I've used Crawford for SCF and MP2 but I'm using the Stanton paper for CCSD
I've used Helgaker for most of the mathematical details
Ah Crawford uses Stanton's paper for CCSD. So yeah, I basically am

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