@Abcd Though they're talking about eclipsed conformers in the second paragraph ("Since the eclipsed conformer of ethane has..."), yet figure "A" has them all drawn in staggered conformation! :(
If there is corona discharge in air,what is the average time between positive ion recombinating with electron? I read that its 30 seconds,I also read its in picosecond range...
I have another question,when reading about UV light absorbtion in in gases,there is this unit called "absorbtion cross section cm2" I tried googling it but found no explanation what it means
@hBy2Py Don't worry about it, I stand by my decision, and real life always comes first. You make the time, when you make the time. Unless - of course - you don't want to be a RO, then we can reverse that. But I don't recommend that.
@GaurangTandon I don't think it's in JEE syllabus, neither is MPV reduction, I think. A lot of other fun stuff aren't there either like Strecker synthesis or Kiliani-Fischer synthesis
I know, I always click that edit approved notification to see if they improved anything or not
I missed a lot of stuff ....
when I clicked that notification and checked out what you did I was like oh god so much...!
I knew that \begin{align} thing, have done it more than once before, but it didn't come to my mind when making that edit
dunno why
moral of the day: read each line carefully when suggesting edits and think how each line can be made more beautiful; think over your tools and know how and when to apply them
@GaurangTandon nah it's fine, you're still improving. Even if I had done nothing, it would have been better. So all is good. But you asked to be notified... therefore ping ping ping
@GaurangTandon I am doing this on auto pilot... but yeah, i don't see the codez no more
@Gaurang Use spaces between units in \pu to separate the otherwise it is set as one unit. Not much of an issue, but \pu{3 g mol-1} looks nicer than \pu{3 gmol-1}
A few reasons to allow them:
I recently found that there are best practices and document organization methods. That is, splitting the documents based on sections, tables and so forth and using input tag to include them.
When I started, I often did not know the existence of particular features ...
there was a messup in the post though and i started with sulfuric, I didn't want to change it back when i realised there are like athousand instances of it...
I've been itching to buy a copy of version 6, but I just haven't been able to justify it to myself yet. There's some bonding analysis stuff that I'd like to play around with, but I'm not sure it would go anywhere and thus be worth the money to get it.
Oh, you mean there's a new version of the software? Now that you mention it, I think I might have seen that.
Ha. Version none. I've tried downloading that old 1990s version that is in the CCL archive, but I have not spent the hours and hours it would take to get it actually compiled.
Oh, sure, but at least I could play around with it from a qualitative perspective. Get used to assembling inputs at least to a certain extent, and then tell if the cost of buying it is actually worth it, in terms of what the results look like on systems I'm interested in.
Oh, I'm not complaining that I have to pay for it. It's just balanced right at my 'is it worth it or not' threshold.
With my various programming projects, it seems like I have a much better chance of making something that other people will find useful. With the quantum chemistry calculations, they're interesting and fun, but the likelihood of actually turning into something publishable seems pretty low, since I'm not working in a guided, structure environment. So, my willingness to spend money to support them is fairly low at the moment.
The main thing is, I suspect at the moment that charge shift bonding is a generalization of Weinhold's 3c2 bond. But, I don't know, and I can't really find out without buying it. Catch-22.
@Martin-マーチン I am still thinking about your comment though; when we assign the name, say "but-1-ene", aren't we assigning a locant 1 to the pi bond and not the atom?
@Abcd i think the conjugate acid should be in opposite order