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So basically the "smallest sum of locants" again?! — Martin - マーチン ♦ 39 mins ago
1 hour later…
I am just interested about the production of (RS)-N-methyl-1-phenylpropane-2-amine
Commonly known as Meth. (Don't think I want make it really :p)
Suppose, I have 1-phenylpropane. How to introduce the N-methyl group on the second carbon? Would treating it with methanamine do?
3 hours later…
Hi everyone
Does anyone know about Cheminformatics?
@ABcDexter Its quite a broad topic, anything specifically?
Q: What is the nature of the Fe–O2 binding in oxymyoglobin and oxyhemoglobin?

orthocresolDeoxymyoglobin ($\ce{Mb}$) is known to have iron in the +2 oxidation state; I believe this was deduced from its magnetic moment, which corresponds to four unpaired electrons in high-spin $\mathrm{d^6}$ Fe(II). However, upon binding of $\ce{O2}$ (which is itself paramagnetic) to Mb, the resultant...

If my Russian text says about the volume of solution to be used in a chromatography operation: "from x8 to x10 volume", would that be understood? Or should it really be "8x to 10x volume"?
The meaning is, between 8 full column volumes and 10 full column volumes of the solution should be passed through the column in that particular operation.
1 hour later…
Q: How to prepare a water sample for photometry

user3896705The purpose of measuring N P K Ca Mg S is to determine the amount of material consumed by different types of plants in different periods. The initial solution, which is prepared as a nutritious solution, includes highly accurate and measured doses of substances such as Potassium Nitrate, Magnesiu...

This was flagged as unclear, and I skipped review since I can't judge. Can anyone help him out?
2 hours later…
oh god it's way too hot here. Even our supercomputer gave up .-/
@DSVA nice excuse.
Don't break supercomputers!
nope really, some switches failed. already got 95 messages of failed jobs that's going to be fun tomorrow:-S
And if tomorrow's hotter than today?
It might be (I hope not, 37°C is already enough), but they said they will fix the cooling. I hope they succeed.
@DSVA tell them to use the supercomputer to power the cooler so it gets hotter and you get time to chat
Huh. I got a +2 to my rep because a user was removed.
I guess that makes sense
@Zhe try figuring out +31
I am now at an even 7600 though
Got a ways to go before I become ron though
We could dig up what happened, but I'm too lazy for that
I'm not sure we care :)
2 hours later…
Anyone want to edit all these answers?
Q: Why is SiO2 solid while CO2 is a gas?

DovI was under the impression that chemistry almost exclusively involves valence electrons because there isn't enough energy to strip off electrons located closer to the nucleus. If that is true, and elements in the same period have similar properties because they have the same number of valence e...

@MelanieShebel I'll do it
. . . later
I'll procrastinate later...
@Ortho do mods have stats about how many times people skip reviews? Or can they see if people skipped reviews?
Maybe let's not... it was a very poor
pointless edit* on a very old question
It was a very poor indeed
I skipped the late answer review
I felt a need to downvote an answer. Too bad it puts my rep at 7599...
1 hour later…
I skip reviews.
I get the impression that people do a poor review more often (accept or decline solely to get that badge) than hit "skip."
That is correct
I sometimes do a poor review because the post doesn't need much of a review anyway
And sometimes because I have no idea what to do

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