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@andselisk \pu{0^oC} will be rendered the same as \pu{0^circ C}
@mhchem I swear I saw the difference, but thank you for pointing this out :D I think that LaTeX commands should be semantic, so I'd still replace \rightarrow with \toin reactions, and ^o with ^\circ when it comes to degrees. Muscle memory.
7 hours later…
Somebody recommended me claydens organic chemistry right here on Chemistry se. I went through the European edition and I really liked it.
The south Asian edited is a tenth of the cost of the European edition. (I went through the pdf of the European edition). So I just wanted to know whether there is a major difference between the two. The south Asia and European editions.
If anyone by chance has used both of them
"3 days later…" ^ Three? o.O It seems truly dark hour of periodic table...
Oh, I found an interesting old unanswered question that I totally missed.
The usual programs give different answers.
Maybe the rules have been changed or it's simply a bug in some of my programs.
I shall investigate.
Apparently, ACD/ChemSketch 2016.2.2 gets it right; ChemDraw 13 and MarvinSketch 17.29 are wrong.
Heh, even the Blue Book was wrong first but later corrected.
good morning
so I asked about the properties of Galden but got no answer so far. That's not surprising, but maybe the question can be improved
Q: Thermophysical properties of liquid Galden LS 230 between 25 °C and 230 °C

ChristophI'm looking for thermophysical properties of Galden LS 230, a liquid polymer (PFPE) produced by Solvay (https://www.solvay.com/en/markets-and-products/featured-products/Galden.html) at temperatures above 25 °C. Solvay only publishes properties at 25 °C. I asked them for properties at higher temp...

@Christoph I have placed a small bounty on that question. Maybe it will give you some attention.
that's noble, thanks. I tried a lot of stuff to get closer to the answer myself, but was only able get with in the range [not sure;definitely wrong].
using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation to calculate vapor pressure for example is definitely wrong since it contradicts the little data that is already there
Q: Thermophysical properties of liquid Galden LS 230 between 25 °C and 230 °C

ChristophI'm looking for thermophysical properties of Galden LS 230, a liquid polymer (PFPE) produced by Solvay (https://www.solvay.com/en/markets-and-products/featured-products/Galden.html) at temperatures above 25 °C. Solvay only publishes properties at 25 °C. I asked them for properties at higher temp...

Q: Edited closed question will not show in question queue?

MuzeI am trying to clean up my questions to reopen, but they are not showing up in the search or on my profile. Can CO2 be cracked by electrolysis?

1 hour later…
@Mithoron shhhhhhhh
You'll disturb the spirits
@Loong Their list of errata is really long... Not that that's a bad thing, considering the size of the book itself...
I'll post a new and uninteresting nomenclature question for you at 7 pm soon

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