Not sure why, but I am seeing some company, completely unrelated to the ChemWiki load everytime I try to go onto ChemWiki.
Just something to be aware of when answering questions and attributing information back to the link. If the website goes awry for any reason (whether temporarily or permanen...
today i was trying to clean my Poor Laptop with a nail polish remover. Not only it didn't get clean but some white thing remained on the keys.
I tried boiling water and a piece of cloth to make it warm and easier to remove without any success.
Please help me to remove this awful things :(
I understand that molecular dipoles are electric dipoles. And electric dipole moment vectors point from the negative to the positive charge.
In class we learned to draw these special molecular dipole arrows (with a "plus" at the beginning) that point from the positive to the negative partial cha...
@WYSIWYG An awful lot of content in the modern chemistry textbooks for high school students is so much of an oversimplification, it's scientifically wrong.
Well, the Municipality here neglects our historical valuable museums, monuments etc. so we don't get as many tourists as Isfahan, Shiraz, Mash'had etc.
Now Amir of Isfahan also wanted to throw a grand feast. He gets best chefs from all over the world and has the best dishes in the feast.
But he finds the Amir of Shiraz was just munching a little bit and not hogging as he did in Shiraz. So Amir of Isfahan gave up and asked how is it that the feast of Shiraz is so nice. To that the other Amir explained that because of the hunting and other exercise they were too tired and they didn't care about the taste.
@M.A.Ramezani I like Persian language though. Don't really understand it but can know some words. I like the script and can read it. I was trying to learn calligraphy (by self though).
@M.A.Ramezani You do not have any English medium schools? Even in big cities?
You have to be careful with your conversions - you are missing a step in your conversions.
You have 19000 mg
As 1 mg = 10-3 g and
1 g = 10-3 kg
19000 mg = 19 g = 1.9 x 10-2 kg
An user is asking a question in stackoverflow to get an answer/idea/help after a long research. And he gets the first answer in a form of very minimum explained. As the questioner made much research on the question he grasped the minimum explained answer well/soon and "accepted that as answer".