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Is anybody else getting sick and tired of all the BS pseudo-science sky-is-falling panic about radiation from Fukishima? It's a bad situation, yes. But for pete's sake people, figure out what a becquerel is before you worry about a few trillion of 'em.
4 hours later…
@nhi much less of that here in the papers, but I still see stuff on the Net. For what it's worth, I think that using any other unit would still have the problem that it says "radiation". In the past people didn't even know it was harmful (let's put radium on watches!), now anything containing the word "radiation" is "harmful"
@ManishEarth becquerel is just an example - same goes for sieverts, millirem, and any other unit. As you say, people are afraid of anything relating to radiation or nuclear.
5 hours later…
@nhi Ah. Let's start using the femtobecquerel just to make them even more paranoid :p

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