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6 hours to go, the final stretch
guess I should dust off my copy of OpenSTV
6 hours later…
@AJHenderson I've got it
Unofficial results: Winner is MikeW.
OpenSTV version 1.7 (OpenSTV.org)

Suggested donation for using OpenSTV for an election is $50.  Please go to
OpenSTV.org/donate to donate via PayPal, Google Checkout, or
Amazon Payments.

Certified election reports are also available.  Please go to
openstv.org/certified-reports for more information.

Loading ballots from file votes.blt.
Ballot file contains 2 candidates and 192 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 192 non-empty ballots.
grats mike
oh hey, they have a bot now to do it
that 's cool
@AJHenderson I have a bot to do it now :P
That's why it says 'unofficial', so that I don't get lynched.
thanks AJ :)

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