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8:20 PM
@MonicaCellio I've finally got the first draft of my thing on medieval war done, although I still need to add images - is there a way I can get you to read over it without actually 'publishing' it yet? Thanks
8:46 PM
@Mithrandir24601 yes, if you create a draft on Medium but don't publish it, you can share the link and people can see it that way.
@MonicaCellio https://medium.com/@Mithrandir24601/medieval-warfare-an-introduction-2bec1e2909e4
Does that work - would you be able to read over it while I try and find a couple of decent images (probably take a couple of days)?
9:07 PM
@Mithrandir24601 I see that, yes. Thanks! I'll do my best to read through this later tonight, ok? (At work now and have a class this evening, so after that.)
Great! Thanks - there's no particular hurry as it'll take me a day or two to get a couple of images sorted (and I'm in no rush anyway) :)
9:38 PM
Ok, sounds good. So it won't inconvenience you if this slips to tomorrow, then? (Just in case things run late tonight, as they sometimes do.)
9:50 PM
Not at all! I'm not exactly the fastest at writing anyway, so if things drag on for a few days (or a week or more or whatever) I don't mind

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