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3:11 AM
For this question (cs.stackexchange.com/q/47870/68251) I have found the paper which supposedly has the answer (Haralick and Elliot (1980): haralick.org/journals/haralick_elliot.pdf). However, the paper uses a much different language (no LCV notes are found) so I am having trouble determining which section is truly about LCV. It doesn't seem any of them are?
Maybe somebody else can check out the paper and determine the answer? The paper mentions some fail-first heuristics, but I can't see anything about least-constraining-value and none of the sections really resemble it unless you're willing to generalize quite a bit
I feel like I've read through this paper a few times and I have no idea where Russel and Norvig got the idea for LCV unless it was just mentioned very briefly.

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