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@c11o That depends a bit on the paper in question, but given that BIRCH clustering is a machine learning method, I think either here or Cross Validated would be the best fit.
6 hours later…
Hi guys. I hope you can help me out here.

The loop for (int i = 0; i < n ; i*2) System.out.println("*");

Is the runningtime n^2, or is it log n?
2 hours later…
@DanielGuldbergAaes what do you think? You can do some magic and check how it behaves for increasing fixed n. Or simply calculate number of executions?
@Evil the case i s i'm not sure how I should do the calulation. But I would say n
Log N goddamit ;)
The case is i print's 5 stars, but Log_2 20 gives me 3.32 which is 5
I meant 4.3
Some rounding is required ;)

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