I am posting mainly because it is getting close to 14 days (and we do not want to let this room freeze).
But to say at least something sensible - as mentioned before, on sites where there isn't a lot of activity in chat, it often happens that during election the main chatroom gets frozen.
in 2022 Sustainable Living Stack Exchange Moderator Election Chat, May 20 at 13:39, by Martin Sleziak
Here are a few examples showing such situation: https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/130426/2021/12/4 and https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/127926/2022/2/3
Most recently I noticed it on Tezos - but soon after I pointed this out, the CM who created the election room unfroze the main chatroom.
in 2022 Tezos Stack Exchange Moderator Election Chat, yesterday, by Martin Sleziak
Maybe it is not really surprising that after this room was created, the main chatroom was frozen (for inactivity):
in 2022 Tezos Stack Exchange Moderator Election Chat, yesterday, by Rosie
@MartinSleziak thank you for flagging. I unfroze the room and let the new mods know
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Aug '2226
The Assembly
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