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5:59 AM
@Vikas As you can see above, the room has been unfrozen.
It was unfrozen by Journeyman Geek after I mentioned this in Tavern on Meta.
6:25 AM
@MartinSleziak The one I requested is still frozen.
@Vikas I am not sure what you mean.
@MartinSleziak I mean see my 3rd last message. I requested for same but didn't work.
The link in your message goes to the Rational Thinkers room.
Dec 2 at 7:30, by Vikas
Can any mod please unfreeze this room https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52488/rational-thinkers-hinduism-se
@Vikas Do you mean this message?
That room is unfrozen - as you can see I have posted a message in there:
in Rational Thinkers (Hinduism.SE), 30 mins ago, by Martin Sleziak
Unfreezing was requested in several places:
6:31 AM
Oh it's unfrozen! So how did it work?
I mean who unfrozen? Mod?
I have already mentioned all of that in the messages above. Starting from here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/56380088#56380088
once more please
The user who has unfrozen the room is Journeyman Geek. They are a moderator on Meta Stack Exchange and Super User. (The name of user who unfrozen the room is also shown in that room.)
@MartinSleziak So it means any mod can unfreeze any room, whether they are mod on that particular room or not. I thought you have to be mod of the same room.
He did this after I mentioned this issue in the chatroom Tavern on Meta.
@Vikas Any moderator of a Stack Exchange site can unfreeze any room on the chatserver chat.stackexchange.com
6:35 AM
THanks :)
There are also chatstervers chat.stackoverflow.com - only Stack Overflow moderators can unfreeze there. Similarly on the chatserver chat.meta.stackexchange.com only moderators from Meta Stack Exchange can unfreeze rooms.
And of course, Stack Exchange staff has the same rights as moderators in any chat room.
got it
But those two sites - Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Exchange - are a bit exceptional. For other Stack Exchange site, it simply works in that way that a moderator from any site can unfreeze any room, even if it is associated with a different site.
I guess stackoverflow is the first website of this network?
@Vikas I guess so. You probably might find a bit about the history of the network on Wikipedia: Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange.
6:41 AM
I can see my guess was right

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