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It's almost time to sit on Twitter and watch the snark get oneboxed in here #debate #gorgingontweets #zingers
For their two minutes in the first question they sure used a lot talking about being behind the podium
CLEAN COAL IS NOT A THING AMERICA #shitstorm2012 #debates
#debates #debate #denverdebate #debate2012 That's a lot of hashtag variants. Like searching SE for that other question
Jim Lehrer is getting crushed from both sides
Welcome to live coverage of tonight's debate. May the best asshole win.
Romney: "Hey, Jim. If I become President, I'm going to destroy you. AND your fucking Big Bird."
17,000 Tweets per minute for "Big Bird" and 10,000 Tweets per minute for "PBS".#debates
After reading some more of How to write a great job post and those flashy job ad titles it's more likely the muddy waters of market vs creativity
> Try adding some awesome sauce. For example: "Bad-ass Ruby specialist" or "Raise your hand if you want to work with iOS!"
21 hours later…
A: Is there any way to report spam in BlogOverflow comments?

Yannis RizosOther than emailing the team, you can drop in the Assembly, a chat room that's usually full of moderators. Even if no one's around, just post the link to the blog post, write SPAM!!!, and we'll take care of it, by quickly forwarding it to the team - if one of them isn't in the Assembly already.

They have been scrubbed now

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