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3:29 AM
Agreed! Could you write that up paulmorriss?
13 hours later…
4:34 PM
@Christopher Yes, when we're ready to go. I guess we need a few more posts though.
4 hours later…
8:39 PM
@paulmorriss awesome. I'll add you to the list of contributors
9:00 PM
@Christopher @paulmorriss I'm asking in the community blog chat room (chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/115/stack-exchange-community-blogs) when we will get our blog

Stack Exchange Community Blogs

For anyone wanting to help or participate with the Stack Excha...
1 hour later…
10:11 PM
in Stack Exchange Community Blogs, 1 hour ago, by Rebecca Chernoff
It'd be nice to see a few more people involved...would reinforce that this won't be a fad and will still be going strong in a few months.
how can we get more people involved? anyone have any ideas?
10:46 PM

What we need to do to create our blog

yesterday, 23 hours 16 minutes total – 4 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 11 secs ago by Christofian


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