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@IsmaelMiguel about the tag layout for the ASP.NET and HTML tags
that is how Visual Studio auto formats those TD tags
I don't like it that way either, but when I was playing with JavaScript I used the auto format quite a bit
but I agree with you and would have updated an answer if that was the only thing it mentioned.
@IsmaelMiguel not a follow up
Q: Deterring Searches on Minors by restricting Date of Birth

MalachiI have some code that I am using to deter users from attempting to search for minors, there is also a nice confirmation dialog on the search button. I also use jQuery DatePicker on the DOB Text Box. Note: This page is unfinished, but this part of the code is working. I will be placing an I am n...

@Malachi That's why I use Notepad++ to develop.
That's almost a duplicate :/
My answer, with some adjustments and less points, would answer that question.
that is kind of what I was hoping for, in a way. I want more information on less points, the stuff I was able to understand better I changed in my code
the other stuff I probably need more information on.
I need some coffee
I don't know if the question will survive. I could answer it with even more detail, but it really seems a duplicate.
The same answer answers both questions.
Yes, you have improvements
But you still have points that you didn't touched.
Which make it really close to a duplicate
points 1-6 and #8 I did. 7 I wasn't quite following
as far as the HTML...
#1 I got rid of those
#2 Visual Studio Standard is consistent throughout
#3 I didn't touch yet
#4 not quite following your logic there. in a newline and after an element???
#7 of the JS stuff I would like explained a little bit more, I don't understand fully, or maybe it won't work with the ideas I have. I have to call the handler somewhere. I want the dialog-DOB to open when the user leaves that text box with a bad date inside of it
@IsmaelMiguel can you do string concatenation with . instead of + ?
@Malachi Sorry I'm at work. But no, you can't.
That's PHP
I realized that and changed it. thanks.
no worries I should be working as well
@Malachi Sorry, I can answer now
On the point 7, I'm creating a function that will deal with both events on both elements
You have a click event on a button
Then, you have a blur event on an input
Both are exactly the same code
Except the modal that opens, which change according to the id and event
So, I handle both events on those elements with the same function and that very special case for that specific input
1 hour later…
if (dateOfBirth > minAge) {
needs to happen on txtDate.blur
needs to only happen on
$("#<%=btnSearch.ClientID %>").click
I think I might be able to take the $dialogDOB.dialog("open") out of the code for the button click
I'll fix the answer in 1 hour

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