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12:49 PM
@DeathMaskSalesman That has already been dealt with 2 days ago.
@Izzy Odd. The review queue still displayed suggested edits made by them.
@DeathMaskSalesman The deleted post (the only one there for the user) was marked spam and deleted by Community 2 days ago.
> deleted as spam or offensive 2 days ago
@DeathMaskSalesman I've cleaned up the rice comments and "combined" the info to a single one (credits given). Btw: your @ping there won't have any effect; the system only performs it if the pinged user was already part of the "thread".
1:26 PM
@Izzy I'll note that down, thanks!
@DeathMaskSalesman General indicator: if autocomplete won't work with it, no notification will be sent either.
1:57 PM
@Izzy This is an useful hint, but unfortunately the mobile app isn't seeing much autocomplete love, you know.
3 hours later…
5:17 PM
@DeathMaskSalesman Yeah, there's that. And that's not the only thing it lacks … Don't get me wrong, it's a good app still :)
@Izzy It is. Still, if they lack enough manpower to invest in its development, maybe they would be better off open sourcing it.
@DeathMaskSalesman Drop the condition.
Open source is always preferable – even if you have enough manpower :)
BTW: My F-Droid repo is now compatible with that color-tiler-game (ahem, the latest client version).
Managed to update the server software yesterday, having eliminated the major hickups I'd experienced with it.
5:41 PM
@Izzy That wannabe Play Store, you wanted to say.
@Izzy I agree, but if they kept the app proprietary for all this time, I'm skeptical they would open it now.
@DeathMaskSalesman Almost, yes. But as much as I dislike the design, that comparison would be a little too much insult #D
Luckily, they still discuss a second variant to it (call it "Lite", "Classical" or whatever – I prefer "Classical" as it doesn't implicate missing features or "stuck in the past" as the 3rd word I just miss would do)
@DeathMaskSalesman They wouldn't be the first to do so.
6:35 PM
@Izzy The more years go forward, the least someone is prone to be the first to do something. This, though, does not mean that they'll do so, unless you happen to know more on the topic.
@Izzy Rétro. Vintage. Legacy.
7:19 PM
@DeathMaskSalesman Legacy was wwhat I had in mind. But that has the connotation of being for outdated systems. Classic is much better :)
7:38 PM
@Izzy Makes sense, yep.
3 hours later…
10:49 PM
@DeathMaskSalesman don't defeat my educational measures! A user crazy enough to run such a command must be scared! #D
Besides, did you notice my subtlety? I didn't write a factory reset were "the only way", but "the only safe way" – IOW, it might not be needed, but if you want to be 100% sure … ;)
11:08 PM
@Izzy Well, it's the only way if one's not experienced enough. As in enough bootloops, mind you.
@DeathMaskSalesman Yupp. Especially without experience and root powers.
With root powers and no experience, not even that might help …
11:41 PM
@Izzy dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/block/mmcblk0
Ouch. Proved again: dd stands for "Disk Destroyer" …
No, in the case described (root powers but no experience), sometimes the only thing left is a clean flash.

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