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8:30 PM
The row over the Heimdall questions seems to have quieted down.
9:20 PM
That's good!
Btw, @DanHulme: May I ask you to take a look at android.stackexchange.com/a/51458/16575 and see if I've got things right? Took me about two days to dig into that account-managing stuff :)
My answer is not nearly as good as yours on using accounts, but I hope I was able to explain the permissions involved...
Hm, and I wonder whether @Flow took that "official warning" and didn't fly to Egypt? Still seeing his avatar here in chat :)
there's one thing: "the Account Manager should make sure the user is asked whether he permits this"
oh, never mind, that's fine
Not correct? I understood the (systems) account manager as a kind of "supervisor", and the one who really executes any actions. Kinda "SuperSU for accounts"?
no, it's right, but it's not the one who really executes any actions
generally it's the authenticators that do stuff, the AccountManager is more like a switchboard
As SuperSU does not. But "no actions without its confirmation" would be right? Hm, switchboard... Controller?
I think the only user confirmation is the case you mention: the first time an app talks to an authenticator
9:30 PM
Maybe I "compressed" a bit too much :)
most actions, the authenticator is responsible for checking
I was having trouble with OAuth earlier
the usual problem caused by having to pop up a browser to get you to sign into the relevant website
@DanHulme Yes, that's what i understood. Furthermore, as I understood, the AccountManager also takes care that e.g. the Dropbox app does only deal with Dropbox accounts (to put it into easy terms)?
@DanHulme Yeah, see that even with normal web pages ("log in with Google" etc.) :)
@Izzy I think that might be a bit too simplified, but kind of, yes
@Izzy It's a lot harder to get the credentials back out of the browser into the app
that is, it's not too hard in some cases, but I'm not in one of the easy cases
@DanHulme Yeah, I can imagine that. And yes, my example was over-simplified :)
So the answer I posted is basically OK – or would you suggest to change something?
I think it's fine (and I just upvoted it). The only thing I'd change is "such as e.g."
which is a bit redundant
9:39 PM
@DanHulme That might be the "foreigner" in me (English is not my native tongue). I guess it should then be either "such as" or "e.g."?
Thanks! I hope to remember that :)
they both mean almost the same thing
Do you know a singer named Esther Ofarim?
That's clear. But if you e.g. check linguee.de/search?tool=opensearch&query=wie+beispielsweise you see I'm not the only one :)
She sang in German a lot in the 70's.
9:41 PM
Esther Ofarim? Sure! She and her husband, and now her son AFAIK.
But I cannot remember her German singing (only her Hebrew songs)
oh, she sang in English, German, and French too
(such as e.g. fixed :)
Ah, and tnx for the upvote :)
Noch einen Tanz is quite silly
Lemme check...
LOL. Yepp, silly :) I wouldn't have recognized her in that video...

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