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The Tetris effect (also known as Tetris syndrome) occurs when people devote so much time and attention to an activity that it begins to pattern their thoughts, mental images, and dreams. It takes its name from the video game Tetris.People who have played Tetris for a prolonged amount of time can find themselves thinking about ways different shapes in the real world can fit together, such as the boxes on a supermarket shelf or the buildings on a street. They may see coloured images of pieces falling into place on an invisible layout at the edges of their visual fields or when they close their eyes...
8 hours later…
@CowperKettle Happens to me sometimes
My psyche didn't use to be this malleable, but now, yeah, when I close my eyes, sometimes I see the shape of things in the games I played
. . . WILL I DIE
Yekaterinburg in bloom
Why is there no cat food with mice?
Is it possible to change the default font of ELL to serif?
It's the default font of ELU.
It looks smexy n attractive.
Can we request to change the default font of ELL?
The default font of ELL rubs me up the wrong way.....
2 hours later…
Why we can't say "I have not a car" but we can say "Not a shirt on my back, not a penny to my name"? In other words, why can we combine two determiners in the latter case? @snailplane
2 hours later…
> Subgroup analyses suggested that ALC was most efficacious in older adults. (From a research paper)
What is the meaning of "older adults"? Is it always comparative to something else? I mean, would a 40-year old classify as "older adult" relative to someone younger?
This is from this study: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29076953
I take older adults to mean "not so old as to be considered definitely old people". I'd say it refers to people in their fifties and older.
I don't think we should apply the same rules that we apply to sentences with no ellipsis or coordination to those featuring them.
I'm not certain what not has scope over in that sentence. I think the sentence works both as I haven't a car in BrE, but I'm not very familiar with it (maybe synthetic negation is the only thing permitted, who knows), and as I have [ not a car ], and even as I have [ not a car[, but something else] ] (the inner brackets represent what's left out rather than indicating structure).
1 hour later…
The World Memory Championships is an organized competition of memory sports in which competitors memorize as much information as possible within a given period of time. The championship has taken place annually since 1991, with the exception of 1992. It was originated by Tony Buzan and co founded by Tony Buzan and Ray Keene. It continues to be organized by the World Memory Sports Council (WMSC), which was jointly founded by Tony Buzan and Ray Keene. In 2016, due to the dispute between some players and WMSC, the International Association of Memory (IAM) was launched. From 2017 onward, both o...
4 hours later…
A: Spelling of noun for "absorbing" or "absorption"

Decapitated Soul absorbing; is it absorbtion or absorption? 'Absorbing' has b (voiced) because the following phoneme is also voiced (vowels are always voiced). Absorb + tion → Absorption. The correct one is 'absorption' with P. Why isn't it written with B: It's because of regressive assimilation. It's a...

Absorb + tion -> absorption or absorbtion?
1 hour later…
There are loads of misleading answers
And have got lots of upvotes
I'm refuting all those answers
Check them out!!
On the front page




@DecapitatedSoul Most people here learned about assimilation in elementary school.
There's that table with voiced-unvoiced pairs we had to know: b-p, d-t, g-k, ž-š, dž-č, đ-ć, f, c, h, and apparently I still remember it, lol.
Naturally you'd just observe the vibration thing, but whatever.
@DecapitatedSoul I don't know how efficient it is to repeat your answers. Close the questions as duplicates of other questions where the accepted answer is "actually correct".
As a first approximation, the answers given there are acceptable, I'd say. No one past the basic level of English asks these questions (aside from people who study all these sound changes, but they're probably proficient speakers of English).
@userr2684291, I don't have enough rep to close vote.
You can do that...
I voted to close some questions. You can still raise a flag and the question'll pop up in the appropriate queue.
2 hours later…
I can't find any fish to fish. You guys leave something for us ...
The review tasks have all been cleared
imma feelin useless

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