> A 39-year-old woman experienced severe postherpetic itch, but no postherpetic neuralgia, after ophthalmic zoster. Within 1 year, she had painlessly scratched through her frontal skull into her brain.
Doubling final consonants:
Consonants (often) get doubled in CVC combinations, where the vowels are represented with a single grapheme, not digraphs.
The last C in CVC is the final consoant.
Rob -> r-C o-V b-C -> robbed, robbing.
mop -> m-C o-V p-C -> mopped, mopping.
Pin -> p-C ...
Below is a daily chart of newly-detected COVID cases in Krasnodar Krai, a region of Russia, from April 29 to May 19. The population of the region is 5.5 million people.
I read about it and wondered - does this look okay from the statistical standpoint? Or does this look suspicious? In my home re...
@snailplane I tried to find that figure but I only got a couple of figures for different days. It looks like about 1500 - 2000 tests per day, but that may vary from day to day.
I found the total number of tests performed since the start of the pandemic, and added it to the question.
I have read many times that they send US citizens back to the US on the first flight that is available, but which city will they send me to? Flights to some cities can be very expensive. Could the flight cost over a thousand dollars?
@M.A.R. Well, I don't think I'm fully aware of the gravity of the situation it has already, or will engender. Not that many people have died here, and no one close to me. Since we most likely can't go on effectively living much longer under severe lockdown measures, their relaxations are inevitable. On-and-off lockdown might be a good strategy until we develop a vaccine for the virus. In the meantime, we have to learn to live with the situation and change our lifestyle accordingly.
I wish to know if it is okay to use "away" after the superlative/comparative forms of "Far" since I have come across this sentence:
I am the farthest from the grace of my family members.
Is this ungrammatical? Should I use "away" after it?
I'm farther (away) from him than you.