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> The word dime comes from the Old French disme (now dîme), meaning "tithe" or "tenth part", from the Latin decima [pars].
1 hour later…
@AIQ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
In various sports, a forfeit is a method in which a match automatically ends, and the forfeiting team loses. There are two distinct forms of forfeiture. One occurs when a team is unable (or refuses) to meet the basic standards for playing the game, either before the game begins or as a result of actions that happen during the match. In such a case, the team not forfeiting wins the match. Another is punitive forfeiture, in which a team has been found to have broken the rules of a sanctioning body during a match they have won and must have the results stricken from the record; whether or not the...
@Cardinal Yep. And that's per-game vocabulary. In some games like chess, you resign.
@snailplane Nods
2 hours later…
I just wrote:
I find the definitions conveying different definitions. Actually, length, rhythm, and the rhythm pattern are three different things. Not sure, what makes you confuse. — Cardinal 2 mins ago
is "I find something doing something else" an idiomatic sentence to say?
3 hours later…
@Cardinal It's grammatical, but it's not what you want to say.
You should think of it like this:
> I find [(that) the definitions convey different definitions].
Here, I find means something like 'it seems to me (that X)'.
Yours is more like this:
> I find [the definitions (which are) conveying different definitions].
Which is possible in the right context, a sort of present-tense narration where you describe happening across some definitions, then you supply a little extra information about those definitions, but it doesn't seem like that's what you wanted to say.
I think that, most of the time, it isn't what anyone would want to say.
So I'd suggest just using convey instead.
Also, for the last sentence I'd go with something like "Not sure what you're confused by here, exactly."
The left-edge deletion of I'm is fine (it makes the sentence sound more casual), but it would have to be "what makes you confused" to be grammatical the way you've worded it. I'd just word it a bit differently, myself.
@snailplane I see you have gone back to plane! Not that I knew you when you were a plane previously ... How good are you in your third language? Are you as good in it as you are in your second? I am learning Spanish, but I am not young anymore, my brain doesn't work as good as before. I don't know how long it will take me to gain fluency ...
@AIQ I haven't used French nearly as much as Japanese. Spanish even less.
If you want to get good at Spanish, just try to put all of your time into Spanish for a while. Don't do anything in any other language if you can avoid it.
Japanese is your second language?
Just make friends and speak to them in Spanish constantly, and stop thinking "am I going to be able to learn this? How good am I?"
Naw, not chronologically, but it's the language I've learned the best, so I figured that might be what you meant by second.
Spanish is my second language.
But yeah, stop evaluating, just start doing, and do as much communication as possible.
Obviously that has to include a lot of input and not just output.
What happens as we get older isn't that we no longer have neuroplasticity, it's not that we lose the capability to learn a new language, the sounds, the grammar, and so on. Instead, what happens is we get really good at the languages we know, and our brains get really optimized for those cases. We fail to recognize distinctions that are irrelevant to the languages we know well, because we naturally optimize away the brainpower we would spend on those, since it doesn't normally buy us anything.
Okay, I am just learning basic things now from Youtube and Edx ...
And so learning new languages becomes more difficult, but it's not like we can't do it. You don't lose the capability to recognize the sounds of the world's languages as you age.
@snailplane Wow, such an unbreviloquent sentence!
waves hello
@CowperKettle Thanks! Maybe someday I'll manage a Brexitoquent sentence.
Snailcar you are a gem, thanks!
ooops, I mean plane
For more information about the science of language acquisition, specifically as pertains to my lengthy starred message above, I highly recommend Anne Cutler's Native Listening.
@AIQ Don't sweat the vehicular polymorphism. Any ol' vehicle is fine.
@snailplane, Did you make up 'brexitoquence' yourself?
1 hour later…
@DecapitatedSoul Yeah, it was just a little joke :-)
Nice portmanteau!!
1 hour later…
@snailplane I see, thanks. For some reason, I sort of felt that it does not sound well.
@snailplane For the last sentence I meant to say confused, I think that one is a typo. Thanks anyway :-)
@CowperKettle LoL
@snailplane I think fluency is highly correlated to the subconscious part of mind. So, I believe the only way to get fluent in something is practicing over and over again so that it resides on your subconscious mind.
And you definitely can learn if you get older, but if you've already familiarized yourself with learning
@M.A.R. :))
For a programmer with 30 years experience, this new version of large snake programming language is no biggie
So it's really just an elaborate and established comfort zone
> Both authors viewed the syndromes described by them as some variety of "childhood schizophrenia", that is, schizophrenia that manifests in early childhood (in the case of infantile autism) or somewhat later (in the case of the Asperger syndrome) [Frye RE, 2018].
Do I need the before "Asperger syndrome"?
@M.A.R. But programming languages can be classified into different groups within which the grammar and rules are very similar. Python is a high level programming language. All the high level programming language follow almost the same grammar. However, if you are well-round with a high-level language like Python, you won't be very fluent with a low-level one like C++.
@CowperKettle I would not, since there is already one the used in "the case of"!
@Cardinal Thank you!
Many websites now require two-step verification using your phone to sign in. What happens if you lose your phone or your phone is damaged?
@M.A.R. I thought you were 24-26, like ... I think I remember you wrote something like that ...
I am frustrated because these websites do not even provide another means for you to sign in or use two-step verification.
@AIQ That was 25 years ago. How does the time fly!
I am pretty sure many people have been locked out of their own accounts because of this.
@CowperKettle пожа́луйста :-)
Do you guys here have any input on this matter?
@Jasper I'm also very afraid of losing my phone.
I've no idea what I'd do.
There are logins and stuff.
@Jasper You usually provide them with an E-mail to set up the account.
@Jasper I think you can get a virtual number - like an app ... you can install it on your pc ...
They might give you a chance to send the verification code/linke to your E-mail.
I remember a friend do that -
@Cardinal Yes, in this case, I mean the email is not enough. Some require specifically a phone number.
I know, I am saying they may do that for you.
it is like a real phone number - only you gotta load money into it
like the old-school one step verifications.
Also, most of the websites know asks for a complementary/additional E-mail address which comes handy in such scenarios.
I always wondered how people in the Roman empire distinguished one's position. There was no passports, no authentication.
Are people allowed to be out on the streets now in Iran? In Russia, the restrictions have been eased, and there are throngs of people outside, apricating
@CowperKettle If you wear nice clothes, you are upper class. If you wear ugly clothes, you are lower class. That is how they do it, LOL.
@Jasper If you steal fancy clothes, you are upper class?
@CowperKettle Apricating is a new word to me. Where did you learn it?
@Jasper In this room
@CowperKettle Yes, LOL.
Decapitated Soul told us of this word. His post was impactful enough to appear on the right panel.
@CowperKettle I am pretty sure I have not seen this word in my entire existence.
@CowperKettle All I know about is apricot jam.
@CowperKettle They lifted the restrictions while a ago, like more than a month ago.
@Cardinal In Russia, 10 thousand people get diagnosed daily, and yet we have loosened the restrictions.
People have never been their concern in Iran.
I am actually not convinced that lockdowns will lower the number of deaths significantly.
I think different people can make different predictions based on different models, but eventually nobody knows anything for sure.
@CowperKettle That's not good at all if the trend has not reached the peak!
@Cardinal I agree
I am also not convinced that asking everyone to wear a mask helps.
We had a sort of human crisis in Iran, especially in the province that I am from.
I think Russian officials are cooking the books with statistics
I think lockdowns and masks can make things worse in several ways.
My sister is a doctor and she was diagnosed with the covid19. It was a very very tough situation in my province.
It is still not safe and sound and normal yet.
@Cardinal Are the numbers of cases and deaths reported there accurate?
@Jasper Hell no.
@Cardinal I'm sorry to hear that! Is she okay?
@Cardinal Many people say China has drastically underreported the numbers.
@CowperKettle Yes, she is fine. She passed it, I think around 45 days ago.
@CowperKettle Has the virus changed public opinion of Putin?
@Cardinal That's good!
@CowperKettle Yes, thank you.
@Jasper Not very much. His rating is the lowest since 2013, but still about 45%
@CowperKettle I hope Alexei Navalny will be the next president of Russia.
@Jasper I do too! I hope he will not get murdered.
@CowperKettle After this virus is over, maybe I should try to travel to a few countries.
The Russian parliament passed a set of amendments on 13th of May allowing to vote via the Internet and via the postal service. This means that the next elections might be completely manipulated.
@CowperKettle In fact, even if votes are cast in the traditional manner, they can be manipulated.
I was watching one of the Joe Rogan's podcast last night, the guest was a doctor I think. She went into a great length about the benefits of Vitamin D and said, I think, 89 percent of whom died because of the Covid were Vitamin D deficient. And stuff like that, I think she's right and Vitamin D may be a positive and important player.
The also cut the acceptable limit of "unconfirmed" signatures among the prescribed set of signatures a candidate must provide in order to stand in elections.
@Cardinal I only know that vegans lack vitamin B12.
I have been eating vegetarian for a few months now.
I don't think I will ever become vegan though.
For me, eggs and milk are very important.
@Jasper Nods
@Jasper At least it was possible to record all comings and goings at the polling stations, and then gradually calculate the disparities between the video records and the official attendance statistics. This was it was shown that in the region of Tatarstan, 300 thousand people officially voted although on video records only 200 thousand were seen entering this same set of polling stations.
@Cardinal It seems that many people in this room like to nod, LOL.
@Cardinal That's way too early to tell. Observational studies are poor when it comes to firmly determining the cause-and-effect relationship, and we don't even have observational studies on vitamin D and COVID-19
By the way, is halal a common food preference for non-Muslims?
@Jasper We had a Thai guy back then, he contracted it to me. Since then, I am noding! :))
Nod is the official name of the artwork I stole my avatar from
That is, if I know someone eats halal, do I assume he or she is Muslim?
@Cardinal I knew Damkerng.
@Cardinal I believe the spelling is nodding.
@AIQ I'm 21
@CowperKettle Yes, you are right. But since it is very difficult to get vitamin D-poisoned, it does not take in some vitamin d piles every day, like 5000IU a day.
@Jasper Yes :))
> Please select all pictures with: modern art
@Jasper Nod
@Cardinal nod
@CowperKettle LoL
@Cardinal It is? It probably isn't
@CowperKettle LOL
@M.A.R. Yes, then how do you have 30 years of programming experience?
I don't, where did I say that I do?
> It does not hurt to take*
I meant above. sorry! :-)
@CowperKettle The boxes, definitely the boxes
It's hard to get Vit C poisoning, but it's not all that hard for A and E, so I assume D is like A and E.
@Jasper For non-muslims? No.
@Cardinal What does that have to do with anything
@M.A.R. For a programmer with 30 years experience, this new version of large snake programming language is no biggie
Yeah, where did I imply I'm that programmer?
Jesus, who turned up the nitpick level here
@Jasper That would be a good assumption ...
@M.A.R. It seemed that way ...
@M.A.R. I meant being experienced in one language might or might not have a carried over effect to another programming language.
@AIQ All I know about programming is typing hello world in C++ and HTML
Take the former with a grain of salt
@Jasper sue the website
Stop it @M.A.R. We both know very well you have some crazy skills in coding ...
@M.A.R. Can you set your microwave clock or your alarm clock?
@GWarner Yeah, I like to scroll the numbers so it looks like The Matrix
You know where this is going then. Congrats! You are a programmer!
Where do I sign for my paycheck
No paycheck. Just consolation prize of my account on a BBS system? You know how to telnet?
Okay so I can't quite put my finger on it - first that 30 year programming thingy - then Cowper says M.A.R. was 24-26 years 25 years ago, and then M.A.R. says he ain't no programmer, and then @GWarner says M.A.R. is.
alright ...
good night folks ...
@AIQ Welcome to the new social norm. We all think we are all having the same conversation. Talking to everyone and actually no one but ourselves. Our own minds fill in the rest to think there is a connection.
Kalinicte @AIQ
My mind says: Little too much wodka in the aqua
1 hour later…

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