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Jesus, this guy...
(You'll know what I mean if you browse the main site's questions sorted by new.)
youtube.com/watch?v=7-x3uD5z1bQ This is a nice, catchy song. I never thought I'd be saying that about friggin' Harry Styles' music, lol.
I'm still undecided about Biebs, however.
I'm tryna be a hipster's hipster and all, and yet I listen to such popular crap it's embarrassing.
@userr2684291 Why, is Jesus asking questions on main?
@It'sOver Au contraire: Jesus has all the answers.
Well, 2019 English might seem a bit too weird for him
@It'sOver Why?
It's 2020 (btw?).
@userr2684291 We haven't had enough time to add English to the world this year
@It'sOver Enxit.

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