@DhanishthaGhosh No worries. Feel free to ping anyone here for a chat/gossip. I don't know why people worry so much about sending kids to school. Keep them home and make them watch cartoon or something. I don't know. Opening colleges and universities is fine as long as classes are online, which I believe they are in most parts of the developed world.
@AIQ My university is open, for a long time now. They are conducting online lectures. We will be having exams in a few weeks. They are thinking of physically opening it up as well for the coming semester. I don't want to go! At least not in the city I live in (Mumbai/Bombay, India).
I was about to submit an edit on a question, when I got this:
I do not remember how many edits I did in the whole day, and how many of them are yet pending. So I would like to know when do we get such error/warning message? Specifically speaking, how many pending edits make up for this warning m...