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Q: Flagging the answers posted as comments

virolinoWhile using EEL (and other sites), I noticed that there is a lot of abuse - answers are posted as comments. And usually, it is not done by people with low reputation, which is even worse. I already read about these here and here, but there is nothing really helpful being done to discourage the p...

@NewMetaQuestion I'm not an EEL. I mostly consider myself catfish
Also, like, what the hell
> . . . I noticed that there is a lot of abuse - answers are posted as comments.
Did this all start because of Sam's post?
5 hours later…
Is okay to use : I don't talk gibberish. ( I mean , colloquially, is the use of "talk" natural instead of "speak"?)
@It'saboutEnglish I misread that - you can say "Don't talk gibberish!" but if you're trying to say "I don't understand you because you're talking gibberish" you would say Sorry, I don't speak "gibberish".
Actually with more context it might be an interesting question for the main site, because now I'm second guessing myself about whether I would use "talk" or "speak" in different sentences, lol.
3 hours later…
I normally hear talk collocate with gibberish; Google Books Ngram Viewer chart shows that speak gibberish and its variants occur around half as often in writing.
@userr2684291 They have different meanings though which makes an Ngram hard to interpret
But in ColleenV's context, in speak gibberish, gibberish is used as if one were talking about a language.
I keep thinking of that line from the movie Airplane... “Excuse me stewardess, I speak Jive.”
I think that reply might be perceived as somewhat snide.
@userr2684291 It is quite snide
It’s similar to saying Excuse me could you translate that into English for me? But possibly more snarky because it uses “gibberish”
You could ask someone to “translate” very technical jargon into English as a joking way to explain you don’t understand it
Or could say “Sorry, I don’t speak Astro-physicist!”
If someone told you, or dismissed you with, Don't talk gibberish, you could reply with I'm not talking gibberish if you'd like to be taken seriously. You wouldn't normally say I don't talk gibberish, as that would be seen as overly confident.
I think that's what @It'saboutEnglish wanted to know.
1 hour later…
@userr2684291 well it’s plausible but hard to know for certain without more context.
2 hours later…
Q: Don't talk gibberish, I don't talk gibberish

It's about EnglishSomeone replied to a question I asked( on a website). He wrote: Ajjdj skidid sksksko...... So I said: Sorry but I don't talk gibberish. Is the use of "talk gibberish" natural? Can it be: Please don't talk gibberish. Is it a natural alternative for "speak"(of course colloquially).

I added it..
2 hours later…
@SamBC I hope you won’t mind me being nosy, but how did you find ELL?
Q: Changes to the Hot Network Questions List

ColleenVUpdating the Hot Network Questions List - now with a bit more network and a little less "hotness"! There are some very nice new features around the HNQ list. I’m not going to repeat the contents of the official post here, but I wanted y’all to be aware of it and to give us a space to discuss any...

@ColleenV Tsk, questions like that should always be multiple choice
@NewMetaQuestion ELL-specific impacts?
Hmm . . .
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Part of what made me rudely put Sam on the spot - I wondered if it was an HNQ
@ColleenV Pretty sure it was when I was using somewhere else on the network for something (possibly when I was trying to pick brains about Latin) and saw a link to a question on here.
Quite possibly an HNQ, yes.
@SamBC Thanks! I think we get a lot of our askers (who often end up answering as well) from search engines and a lot of our answerers from the HNQ, so I want to be pretty careful about removing questions from the list
Q: Are you guys for real?

KyleI posted a question I had (Suck er vs suck-up right here.) and you guys put the question on hold as off-topic just because it had the word "sucker". Why is everyone so offended on this forum?

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