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Is it just me, or is this question like, super unanswerable? ell.stackexchange.com/q/195947/230
You are not alone.
A really good answer to this would be a single sentence covering a couple of pages.
I closed it as Too Broad.
I wasn't quite sure what to do there.
Psh, trigger-happy. Haha.
I mean, okay, I think I get their question, but I don't think it's fully generalizable and is very context/situation-dependent.
@userr2684291 I think -happy is fairly productive. We have close-happy and delete-happy on SE, for example.
Not to mention upvote-happy and downvote-happy.
I can even find flag-happy.
When I search for random examples, I find all sorts: lisp-happy, remake-happy, prison-happy, prescription-happy, punch-happy, gun-happy, antenna-happy, radiator-happy, lawsuit-happy, click-happy
It's possible we're all a bit -happy-happy.
Yes, it seems that way. English-speaking people are somewhat -happy-happy indeed.
Homer-happy is an interesting one.
> Mazzone downplayed any adjustments his pitchers must make in these homer-happy times, but he acknowledged his hatred of the middle of the plate. "The one thing we don't want to do is give into the strike zone," Mazzone said. "We try to live on the edge. If we walk guys, so what? We'd rather do that than throw a pitch down the middle. These days, changeup strikes and slider strikes are homers."
I guess there's both N-happy and V-happy (spend-happy).
A lot of them could go either way (deal-happy, edit-happy, fight-happy), but spend-happy seems to be clearly verb + -happy.
Pamper-happy, too.
Just looking through examples, I think the meaning has shifted and become a bit more general, moving a bit past what the OED lists.
I found no instances of unhappy-happy.
1 hour later…
It's so warm, the park is full of people
It's -11°C
After -25, it feels like sping.
Hello @MaryStar I see you here! grammarbook.com has simple grammar and punctuation rules for American English, if you are interested. It's an online version of the famous The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation.
@Jasper Hi!! Thank you!! :-)
home is the worst place; it has never experienced remodel and has become squalid.
if you stay in university, there are always people who repair any facility which is broken and people who clean the campus.
the dorm will always have drinking water, refrigerator and microwave stove to use.
during Chinese new year, the university also prepared meals for people staying in school to eat; it's difficult to find food during that period because eateries are generally closed and the microwaved mealboxes in convenience stores may be overdued.
but if you stay at home, nobody would help you with that.
home has no heating source if you can't get heated food there.
universities are places having the most free resource
if you stay outside university, it feels like a wasteland.
Word of the day: filicide (As the graph below shows, the rate of filicide offending for males has decreased in Australia in recent years, while the rate for females has increased.)
actually university is also a good place for homeless people to stay.
because it has free computers to use, free public shower room, library having professional books and seminar rooms where one can sleep at night.
but the best thing is you can hold a position there
because in that way you can have an office there, grant to rent a house nearby.
food in university is also especially cheap
2 hours later…
Which word can I use instead of peculiarities?
> Reasons of the reported deviation: 1) peculiarities of cultivation process scale-up;
Etymology of the day: tenez (The term "tennis" is thought to derive from the French word tenez, which means "take heed" – a warning from the server to the receiver.)
@snailboat I have absolutely no idea what this paragraph is about. It looks like it's about baseball maybe? Haha. Reading that I feel as though I'd been transported to a different reality where people are talking about something and while all the words seem familiar, it's impossible to understand what precisely it is that they're talking about. It's all gibberish!
I even managed to construe it as some sort of advertisement... philosophy, where middle of the plate is a metaphor for mediocre advertisements.
OK, I googled the whole thing and it is about baseball.
And yeah, I agree with your observation regarding the shift in meaning.
> Reasons for the omission of the analysis: 1) Employees of the Production Division were under excessive workload.
Is this okay? "Were under excessive workload"?
Hm.. "were overworked"?
"suffered from a heavy workload"?
Chesterton of the day: "everything is prolonging its existence by denying that it exists".
2 hours later…
Word of the eve: Inbreeding depression
4 hours later…
I think "What teacher doesn't ruffle when students act up in class?" quoted from thefreedictionary.com/ruffle may write wrong because it doesn't sound rational.
@CaptainBohemian You should try to move to a place with proper food and heating, and then after that you can try to get a position in a university.
@Jasper how to? position is just the place to move to. We are not animals who can live in a cave and hunt in its neighborhood. We live by position.
i just learnt a new word: clew--A ball of yarn or thread.
whiskbroom: A small short-handled broom used especially to brush clothes.
@CaptainBohemian Then try to get a position first. =)
1 hour later…
I think one needs 1000 subscribers on youtube to be able to monetize ads.
@Jasper I also remember a 300-view threshold on videos that would have done something but I forgot
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Let me know when you remember.
All I ever got was 10 subscribers, and I deleted that channel as well.

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