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youtube.com/watch?v=IIo-17SIkws This guy is apparently a native speaker of English. Have you ever heard a native speaker speaking in this manner (choppy and forcing the words out of their mouth), however, irrespective of the content of the video? Is that how a native speaker might sound if they'd been raised in a home of non-native speakers with a strong influence of those foreign languages?
What an interesting accent!
A native speaker of what sort of English?
Some sort of Canadian English.
The thing that strikes me the most about his pronunciation is the rhythm.
> Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
Now that's taking things a bit far!
1 hour later…
> Under a pretty autumn's thimbled finger
Maples assume a dress of golden sheen.
Pray let us stay awhile, pray let us linger,
Say leaves: embroider us instead with lace of green!
Stanza 2
> Pray lengthen this delight, they rustle gently,
Of lovely groves and dews that taste like wine.
But crows below their nutshells peck intently,
And if they hear at all, make not a sign.
3 hours later…
4 hours later…
Is the word hierarchy appropriately used in this question?
Is there a pun there?
I don't see it..
@Catija looks like Ben is getting stronger on his legs :)
@CowperKettle If you "ground" a child, you punish them by making them stay at home or in their room and maybe take away some of their privileges. The "joke" is "I'm going to ground him by knocking him to the ground." See the transitive verb definitions: merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ground
@snailplane i guess that is it. Here I have seen people use copy to mean notebook especially in schools. Probably it is the same in the place where yubraj stays.
Btw how are you doing?
@ColleenV I don't understand haw an injection may cause someone to fall flat on one's ass.
@CowperKettle if it is a drug that could make you woozy maybe
Sometimes we say things like "that flu knocked me on my ass. I was in bed for 3 days"
He could give them a sedative that would make them unable to do much
@ColleenV Interesting. I thought that "knocked me on my ass" meant "something strikes my ass"
@CowperKettle knocked in particular would make me think of being knocked down and falling on my butt
I would use hit for the other sense
You have to be careful though because there's a lot of vulgar slang using variations of hitting an ass. Using butt instead of ass can avoid a lot of it though
Is it correct to say "Get inside the class" to the students?
Is it correct to say "may I get in sir?"
@ColleenV Hi
Hello everyone!!!
@snailplane Yep.
@snailplane I mean I am giving homework to the students and their homework is to copy the exact text in their Notecopy. "Write it in your copy". Here, copy means "Notecopy"
It is the reply to your previous message
Notecopy's not a real word.
Then, what's the real word please?
@yubraj Notebook.
In Indian English, as I said, people use the word copy for some odd reason, and the OALD defines it as "a book used by students for writing exercises, etc. in", so I'm not even sure if it's equivalent to a notebook.
When I was in elementary/high school, I used a notebook to copy down what was on the blackboard, or what our teacher dictated to us. The teacher would sometimes (depending on the subject) dictate questions/exercises as well, that we'd have to do in class or at home.
And if they didn't explicitly dictate something, I'd write down what I thought was important.
So a notebook is a book of blank paper you write all of the above in.
@yubraj No. Look up classroom and class.
@yubraj Yeah.
> The protein has a C-terminal lysine capable of splitting away. Reflecting this fact, the peptide map includes (the?) tryptic peptide K.KLILD.K.
Since the peptide's code is provided, maybe the article is not needed?
@CowperKettle I think it could go either way. Is there only one tryptic peptide in the map?
My initial preference is without the article. I don't think it adds anything
Unless it is unusual for the map to have a tryptic peptide. I read it without the article to mean "this peptide is included and by the way, it is a tryptic peptide.
With the article, it is more like "this special peptide is included"
@ColleenV Thank you!
@userr2684291 Oh, I see. I didn't know copy was used that way in IndE.
Maybe it's a derivative of copy-book
In our English classes, the teacher always said "now open your copy-books"
A copybook, or copy book is a book used in education that contains examples of handwriting and blank space for learners to imitate. Typical uses include teaching penmanship and arithmetic to students. A page of a copy book typically starts with a copybook heading: a printed example of what should be copied, such as a single letter or a short proverb. The rest of the page is empty, except for horizontal rulings. The student is expected to copy the example down the page. By copying, the student is supposed to practise penmanship, spelling, reading comprehension, punctuation, and vocabulary. ��2...
It's tetrad' in Russian
Oops the Wiki article does not describe the type of copybook we used
We used blank copybooks
Probably the right term was 'notebook' but we used the term 'copybook'
> The arrows indicate the signals produced by the singly-charged and the doubly-charged ion.
I constantly forget this.. I hope I'm right in picking the singular.
@snailplane After I said hi to you a few days ago, I deleted all my accounts. But now I decided to create an ELL account, so am back on SE, LOL. I really dislike ELU and Math SE now, but I think ELL will be a nice place to hang around, LOL.
2 hours later…
@CowperKettle Ugh. That's snailplane's favorite province, so she'll know for sure (or just ask on the main site), but I'd use the plural, haha.
But the safest thing would be to rephrase it as "...by the singly-charged ion and the doubly-charged ion."; the repetition doesn't sound as strange as you might think.
Does Damkerng still visit this room frequently?
@Jasper No. Damkerng T. hasn't visited since May 13. There have been futile efforts to find and contact him.
@M.A.R. Hey.
@userr2684291 Oh I see. Well, I hope he is OK. He lives in a place with unstable government.
@userr2684291 hey
@Jasper who doesn't?
@M.A.R. Well, some places are much worse than others. Yours is bad too.
@M.A.R. Um, blind people?
My social society is worse than our government
@userr2684291 blind people have a government of their own?
I am surprised I got so many votes for my answer. I guess this is a nicer place than ELU after all.
The questions on ELL are also written much better, I must say. Very impressive.
Nicer, but for the cost of a lot of blind voters
What do you mean by blind voters?
@Jasper hahahaha nice joke
@M.A.R. "I see." ~ "Who doesn't?"
Do you think that ELU is better? I am not joking. Currently, ELL is better.
@Jasper you'd know what I mean when you see a blatantly wrong answer getting upvoted
@userr2684291 arch, you win
@M.A.R. Ah yes, and I see those on ELU as well, being upvoted by respected users, or even given by respected users.
Come on autocorrect, "argh" is legit
@Jasper I think I can agree ELL is better, but my point was it's no voter's utopia
It would naturally be better because it's a smaller site
And it doesn't have such a baity name
@Jasper well, I can't agree with ELL questions being formed better
It has a better average voter, and a less bitter atmosphere
I don't think it's valuable to argue over which site is better. It sounds like you have some negative feelings towards ELU, so I don't know that being impartial is possible.
But no way are questions phrased in a better manner. That would just be unrealistic.
Yes, let's conclude this discussion. EL&U is objectively better.
@Catija Jasp probably does, but I don't
@M.A.R. But I'm doing my best to fix the latter.
@userr2684291 well, we need to define 'better'
@M.A.R. Yeah, sorry. I wasn't saying that to you.
@M.A.R. The discussion has ended, socio.
But currently, I rather be on ELU commenting, and on ELL posting
But that might be different for other people
@userr2684291 Ah man, I was getting warmed up
@Catija Yes, I do have some negative feelings about that site, but that is based on what I observe. But anyway we are not really arguing, just chatting.
Let's talk about . . . What should we talk about?
@Jasper "arguing" has more than one meaning.
@M.A.R. You mean you were getting reverse cooled down?
Let's talk about arguing
@userr2684291 I was emitting cold
@Catija Ah yes, I know what you mean, and you also know what I mean, so everything's good, LOL.
Everyday conversation is not as precise as sciences®©®©®©
Right now I'm waiting for an hour to pass from dinner time so I can take an Iron pill
@M.A.R. Only ™ and ® work there, I think.
@M.A.R. Why do you need an iron pill?
More precisely, Ferrous sulfate
@Jasper I suffer from anemia
Not my main ailment though
But hey, you ideally don't need a reason to take an iron supplement
@Catija that holds true here as well
I dunno why it should be US localized
@M.A.R. Because it's not worldwide. :)
Oh Catija is a mod on Arts, not ELL. I didn't know that.
@Catija well, it should reasonably be northern-hemisphere-wide, no?
@Jasper Catija is practically a mod on ELL
@M.A.R. 'Cause in Russia it doesn't work that way.
@M.A.R. Practically?
@M.A.R. No, there are actually two methods of determining season.... calendar and astronomical.
Different countries use different methods.
In Soviet Russia, you become Autumn or something?
Free astronomy lesson!
@Catija oh, makes sense
@Jasper I'm assuming he means because I have 20K... and I've run in an election in the past but lost... but I'm not very active on ELL much any more.
Yes, they do use different calendars here as well, but the seasons are the same
So I thought they are unchangeable
@Catija I see. May I ask if Catija is a male or female name?
@Jasper As far as I'm aware, it's not either... I made it up.
@Jasper neither, it's not even a name
It sounds like some kinda cactus
Ah OK, so I will just use whatever pronoun I feel like, LOL.
@Jasper :/ Apparently it doesn't matter what I am, only what my name is.
@M.A.R. No, there's always winter there. And I believe seasons are free from the tyranny of capitalism in English.
@Catija I read your profile, and I would guess that you are a woman. =D
@Catija it only matters if we're human. </dramatic>
Maybe I should italicize that
By the way, @snailplane I finally bought the very expensive CGEL. =D
@Jasper yay, now we can both be bored to death reading past the first chapter
(I'm kidding, BTW.)
(Only most of the chapters are boring)
((I'm kidding, BTW))
By the way, is there a maximum number of edits we can do a day to get 2 points for each edit when we have less than 2000 rep?
@Jasper I don't think so.
@Jasper No, but there's a max amount of reputation earned from suggested edits (1000) and a max number of edits proposed that can exist at the same time (5, I think?).
@Catija Ah, maybe it is more than 5, because I think I did more than that just now. But I think I remember maybe a user can only approve 5 of another user in one day.
No, it's 5 for graduated sites and 20 for beta sites... pretty sure unless they've changed it without updating the FAQ. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/210416/…
Oh OK. Yeah I think mine got approved already.
By the way, I have never cooked in my entire life, LOL.
@Jasper ell.stackexchange.com/help/whats-reputation My mistake, the maximum amount of reputation points is 200 per day from suggested edits, ceteris paribus, which back-translates into 100 edits.
@userr2684291 Wow, 100 edits is a lot, LOL.
@Jasper I believe in you.
@userr2684291 Huh, I don't understand that sentence?
@Jasper I mean, you can do it; I believe in your success.
@userr2684291 OIC, oh well, I don't intend to do 100 edits a day, even though I could, LOL. I thought you were referring to something else.
@Jasper You got my hopes up, don't let me down now.
@userr2684291 LOL. Yeah just now I thought you knew me long ago on SE and was referring to another thing of mine (which I shan't mention of course).
Of course.
1 hour later…
Hello @snailplane are you around here now?
Erm never mind. Hello @Catija are you around here now?
@Catija Can I trouble you to help me delete a room I created? I think only mods can delete rooms, and they said use the flag only for serious purposes, so I did not use the flag.
We can sort of delete rooms... they're not really totally deleted, though. Mods can still see them.
Yes, I know. But the room has served its purpose, so I would like it to be deleted.
@Catija I see you in that room now. If it doesn't trouble you much, could you please help to delete it? Thank you.
@Jasper Hello! Glad to see you're back :-)
@snailplane Hi! I was troubling Catija to help me delete a room, but I see it is still there. Do mods need a reason to delete a room if the owner requests for it?
I can delete it.
OK, it's the only room that I own. I think the room has served its purpose, and my intention of deleting it is to not create more drama.
You can go in and read the contents there if you want.
If it doesn't trouble you, please help me to delete it, thank you.
It should be deleted now.
OK, thank you very much.
If you have any questions as a mod about what I said in that room, feel free to ask me. =D
Do you feel like something needs moderator intervention?
Not really. I think what I did is good enough, so that settles it for me.
3 hours ago, by M.A.R.
But hey, you ideally don't need a reason to take an iron supplement
Excess iron is very dangerous, though.
So I would only recommend iron supplements to people who need them.
Excess anything is bad. Did you know excess water can kill you? LOL
Yeah, it definitely can. People have died before from water intoxication. But bodies are good at getting rid of excess water, and not as good at getting rid of excess iron.
Wow, you even know the term water intoxication. You really know everything, LOL.
If I had taken iron supplements before my iron-related condition was diagnosed, I probably would have been much worse off.
I have been feeling very bad the past few months, so I made an appointment to see the doc for meds again.
I went off meds for a while, and I am not sure if they work, but since I have been feeling so bad, I thought I would give them another go.
Oh :-( I hope they can figure out something that works for you.
It was very sad. I thought I was finally going to get well.
But suddenly many things went downhill again. I don't even know why.
But I will keep hoping and keep holding on.
At least, I try to do that.
I'll be hoping for you too.
@snailplane Um, did you see the last migrated question from ELU?
One moment

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