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After he left us, we worked harder. After=when, two actions in the past, one after another.imho.
Since he left us, we worked harder. Since=because (reason).
I see it like that.
"The news of a lead to Moriarty had made her restless, and she had to be careful not to upset him".
What's the meaning of "lead" here?
Morning all.
@V.V. oh, but "since" can mean both of them there. Since the 'time' "since" can be used, that's what we should discuss
The other one is almost irrelevant
@V.V. I gather it's stuff that lead to a crime suspect and help you catch him
Yep. See "lead noun (INFORMATION)"
@V.V. It was related to my previous question on the ell.
@userr2684291 I don't think so, I saw it on the Grammarly facebook page as an picture post.
@Cardinal the only event-type meaning for "shower" that I can find in dictionaries is some kinda party held for a woman
@M.A.R. nods
I saw that myself, too.
Thanks @M.A.R.for " information ".
@Cardinal you always discover something interesting.
@V.V. Thanks, 0:-)
1 hour later…
@M.A.R. I didn't know it can be used without the other word (baby).
But apparently it can.
7 hours later…
Q: Should 'to be' be involved or it's optional?

MaxContext: "The nervous system was so complex and highly developed as to leave Lake aghast. Though excessively primitive and archaic in some respects, the thing had a set of ganglial centres and connectives arguing the very extremes of specialised development. Its five-lobed brain was surprisin...

2 hours later…
"I met Holmes outside the address as arranged, looking suit and very dapper in his I’m-going-to-a-concert greatcoat, and the nephew arrived a minute after me." Is "looking suit" =well-dressed?
Nice picture, hi!
Looks like a mistake (and this time I looked it up, 'suit' isn't an adjective). When you google the first part of the sentence verbatim, you get https://books.google.hr/books?id=9Rk7BAAAQBAJ&pg=PT70&lpg=PT70&dq=%22I+met+Holmes+outside+the+address+as+arranged%22&source=bl&ots=oQC-cocD66&sig=1VJ8gqcItQefxrAk7giDVJbQ0KM&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22I%20met%20Holmes%20outside%20the%20address%20as%20arranged%22&f=false:
"looking very dapper in his I'm-going-to-a-concert suit and greatcoat"
@userr2684291 Interesting how those two words migrated west like that.
I wonder what causes that sort of error.
O-o! And I searched in all possible dictionaries.Thanks a lot!
good morning

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