Because I'm not a native speaker and I can't judge the content of websites, I ask for help in directing me to a good website which contains good English (not much informal) that I can read daily from it and improve my reading and vocabulary.
Since we allow some resource requests on meta, should we move this over there? Or just close it? I'm not sure if it's clear enough to be a good meta question.
Since tardigrades are almost extremophilic, and so are these, should we use them as shielding material? A thick enough layer outside the spacecraft will shield it and we may use breeding techniques so that the shield is automatically renewed.
> Well, guess what's next. The autumn's growing old. As of this writing, they in towers cold Are turning off the taps, an easy game, And putting cottonwool between the frames. You're now a homester, a stargazer too, October through the transom breathes on you, Winter is next on each one's prayer beads, And I can see the roofs on faded walls Beyond the church, beyond the garden weeds Excitedly expecting snowfalls.
Winter is next on each one's prayer beads
To frost, to frost now every mind proceeds
To winter, winter each reflection speeds
Winter its wintry
Upcoming winter wintry visions breeds
"К зиме, к зиме все движется в умах"
It's winter, winter - every mind thus reads.
The original says "to the winter, to the winter every [thought?] is moving in [people's?] minds"
What is the correct way of commanding students in school assembly conduction, "step out from your line and come front" "or step of your line and come front" which one is the correct one?
Step out from or step of ?