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So whatcha need?
So I was thinking about making a Python chat bot, and I was wondering if you could help me a bit with the server.
You run Smokey on your own server right?
^ Readymade chat framework for Python
Would you run it just by running it in Python?
Yep. You login (only SE logins supported now), then get your room and post messages to it
See the sample
It's that simple?
Pretty much
What did you use to make your server?
I'm running on Ubuntu server
One machine on EC2, one machine in my closet.
I switch back and forth between them
Would I need anything other than just a machine that has Python?
Smokey has a fairly advanced 'hypervisor', almost - if it crashes, it'll auto-revert to previous commits until it works again
Kinda cool
@michaelpri Shouldn't need anything else
Hmm, that's a lot easier than I thought. Thanks :)
Yeah, good luck!
Ping us in CHQ with questions.
Manish is in there occasionally, and ProgramFOX is a wizard who knows everything
Yeah, I've talked to ProgramFOX in the Teenage Programmers Room on SO before
I'd favorite that if I were ever in SO chat
It's a pretty cool room. I like meeting people my age
My server's not gonna be very powerful, though. It's my sister's old pink Dell, with 1GB RAM
That's a beast
I've been running Smokey on an old Compaq laptop with... 2x256MB sticks :P
Do you know if it's possible to connect two machines to make server better?
And smokey is fairly heavy as far as chatbots go
@michaelpri You could, I don't think you really need to for a chatbot
unless one waits for the other to go down
@Undo Yeah, but I might put a few on it
I wouldn't worry about it until (unless) it becomes a problem
It should be able to run a few lightweight ones just fine
Smokey does a lot
I just happened to have a few old extra laptops, so I decided to learn how to make a server :)

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