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Alternatively, draw a line from the old base to the old animal pen and keep going in that direction. The entrance is close to the edge of the desert.
@HelkaHomba You ready to terraform?
@Eridan That's pretty unlucky.
1 hour later…
@AquaTart I've gotten 8 and 7 tonight. So a bit more luck now :)
@AquaTart I'll get on in 20 min, then yes
@HelkaHomba ok
Ping me when you get on.
@AquaTart on
2 hours later…
That was an insane amount of mining.
And digging.
Wow, you guys rekt that mountain. Now I feel kinda guilty for having to leave
you should, it was hard
I'll be on tomorrow to clean up the east side and gather all the nether brick I'll need.
@phase :(
@AquaTart <3
Not hard, just tedious.
Luckily I don't think we'll have to do anything like that again. I'm definitely automating the mirroring.
it was so hard a random wither came out of no where and we had to fight it off while also mining out the end and killing the ender dragon
Thanks a bundle you guys; spawn is going to look awesome.
After all that effort, it better.
it'd be cool if we just left it like this
like, this is what we're capable of
And potentially deadly to new players.
I don't think I'll need much help for the rest hopefully.
you always spawn on the ground tho
oh, that's good
The y of where you spawn is actually the highest block at the x and z coords of the spawn point.
So you can't spawn in the air
x and z are random within the spawn chunk
center spawn chunk
@HelkaHomba: Yes, you can take however much redstone you need.
I need to terraform out the desert if you guys want to do that next week
Man, I wish i had been able to stay and work with you guys the whole way. Now I feel obligated to pay you
@phase If I help, I expect diamond as payment.
@phase I would be up for that any time.
Took 4 diamond to repair my shovel fully.
@El'endiaStarman 4 diamonds for a shovel
I can get you some more diamonds.
Surprised me too.
The fact that there were enchantments might have contributed.
Funny, it usually only takes me 3 or so. Must have been really worn down.
Close to breaking.
why not just make a new one?
> enchantments
Anvils rock.
Did you guys really kill the dragon or was that a joke?
That was a joke.
@phase you're still working? now I'm really guilty :/
sigh guess I'll pay all of you 4 diamonds or something
@AquaTart oh no that's old
just a nice picture of us working together
Oh OK. Guilt subsided
@El'endiaStarman oh OK with the luck I've been having I can probably get you enough to repair your shovel in 20 minutes
no problem at all
I'll be willing to cough up some materials to repair any tools emotionally damaged in this. It's the least I can do
oop gotta go
We should collect enderpearls for getting to the end. I think we need 10 or 11 more. I have 1.
@AquaTart Oops sorry, dug in the wrong place. Might have a bit of filling in to do
@HelkaHomba Was lagging, so I tried to relog, but now it seems to get stuck at "downloading terrain"
This tree has four different colors of leaves. :P
Gonna hop off for a bit and maybe come back on later :)
5 hours later…
Hmm anyone know where the enchanting table went?
5 hours later…
Just in case anyone sees this: found at Lumien's house
1 hour later…
south side = rekt
@AquaTart The server uses Java 8
The following 5 players have been remove from the whitelist due to inactivity (they have not been on since 2015). As usual, they can ping me at any time if they wan't to rejoin:

> wan't
All words tha't end in t require apostrophes
Also, the sleep mod had been changed slightly so now 4 players or 50% of those online, whichever is smaller, need to sleep to skip night. There is no longer an afk timeout limit for sleeping.
Oh, and ppcgmc.herokuapp.com should now accurately list all whitelisted players
@AquaTart: Thanks for the diamonds! :)
Also, I actually got a ping notification from your in-game message. :P
@AquaTart Yes, I can install custom mods
@HelkaHomba I meant packages.
I presume you have SSH access so that's a yes
@El'endiaStarman Pop by my Nether house and take what you need
@AquaTart Like adding a jar file to the server? I have complete control of all server files.
I mean using apt-get or similar.
I think I have everything set up just gotta test it
one second
@AquaTart Then no. Afaik I only have access to the minecraft server console (for whitelisting and stuff)
I'm just flabbergasted honestly. I've never heard of a server host that doesn't provide any form of access aside from the game console.
I can't do this then. ChatExchange needs BeautifulSoup and requests.
You can't even upload files to the server?
@AquaTart I can do that
What hosting package do you have?
Is it Budget Package 2
If so then you have FTP access which I think should be enough
I'll have to do some extra work though.
Yes, using Multicraft, which only has the minecraft console
@AquaTart I bet I can make a basic java chatbot. We just need a login and sendMessage command
SE's chat interface is very... very.... very.... strange.
Hey, I found a Java interface.
@HelkaHomba I didn't want to use anything like Selenium or WebClient for performance reasons
It feels a bit overkill
I'll try this "OakBot"
Oh, I'm going to have to modify this a lot
Oh hey, here's this:
This looks a little more my speed.
Hrmph, this won't do.
I guess I'll see if I can't rig something up myself.
Looks like the Oak one use HttpPost to login
	public void login(String email, String password) throws IOException {
		logger.info("Logging in as " + email + "...");

		String fkey = parseFkey("https://stackoverflow.com/users/login");

		HttpPost request = new HttpPost("https://stackoverflow.com/users/login");
		List<NameValuePair> params = Arrays.asList(
			new BasicNameValuePair("email", email),
			new BasicNameValuePair("password", password),
			new BasicNameValuePair("fkey", fkey)
		request.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params, Consts.UTF_8));
Luckily since all we need to do is post this shouldn't be too tricky.
Yep, looks like all I have to do is POST /chats/ROOM_ID/messages/new
That's pretty easy.
But there's rate limiting, 20 sec max. Current chat relay sends all new chat in multiline msg every 20 sec. (There's no length limit on SE multiline messages)
That's not a problem.
I already have it set up like the way you asked.
The only logic I need is the actual posting of a message.
I was planning on making it store the username and password in environmental variables, but guess I'll have to make it do it in files.
Like config.yml? The more this is just like other bukkit plugins, the more the server and I will like it.
Ruh-roh; I forgot SE's login is different from SO's login.
@HelkaHomba Can you switch Chat Relay's parent profile to SO? That should make it so I can login with SO instead.
er, ok
He'll still be able to chat since he has 20 rep network wide
Actually, nevermind.
@HelkaHomba You don't need to change the parent profile, I was wrong. All you have to do is make him join SO.
@AquaTart I believe you could use codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/login in place of stackoverflow.com/users/login . The form looks just the same
Oh I'm kinda stupid
I was using stackexchange.com/users/login
That might work, but it has a weirder interface
It wouldn't work.
OK, I think I've been doing this slightly wrong.
Oop, nope, I was right.
Oop, sorry @PhiNotPi @CoolestVeto, restarted server since admin page thingy was frozen or something
OK, I think I've got it ready to go. It only logs chat messages at the moment, not player deaths or connecting/disconnecting. Gonna test it
@AquaTart On your own server or do you need me to install it?
On my own server.
@HelkaHomba: I think Sp3000 asked about spruce saplings yesterday. There are some spruce trees near the swamp.
Only now did I realize how much of a pain this would be to debug....
I'm getting a 302 which means it's logging in OK...
So it must be something with messages not getting sent.
Are you sure you are remaining logged in when trying to send messages?
@PhiNotPi: There are a few carrots in my home. You can take some for farming if you want.
@El'endiaStarman Someone who doesn't know about chat relay would be weirded out by these comments :P
@HelkaHomba That's what I'm testing now.
@HelkaHomba hahahaha, yeah :P
I actually really liked how AquaTart/quartata and I were communicating while I was in-game and he wasn't. :P
Quartata is generously making a chat relay Bukkit plugin, so hopefully it will be on all the time
Hmm, the message sending is returning 302 as well.
I hope it isn't sending it to the wrong room XD
The chat relay room is restricted, remember
No it's sending it to beep boop maggot right now
or at least it's supposed to
Well for starters here's a problem
The timer thread is running every 20 milliseconds not every 20 seconds
omg no one on y u do dis 2 mes
Anyone want to have an enderman hunt in a couple hours? (say UTC midnight) We run around at night and try to kill as many endermen as possible for pearls to get to the end. We only need 8 more I believe.
I contributed a pearl last night, actually. They are hard to kill.
How mysterious this be
OK, now I'm confused.
302 is the success code for logging in
But I think 200 is the success code for chat messages, not 302
dafuq does 302 mean here then
You're sending new messages to chat.stackexchange.com/chats/30332/messages/new right?
I'm gonna take a break and come back to this with a pair of fresh eyes.
@HelkaHomba Yes.
I am getting a reply back so it isn't anything like that.
@HelkaHomba Has an End portal been found?
@phase Yep, Helka and someone else went and found it like the third day or something. :P
RL day, that is.
I don't know why but I laugh everytime I see EntityUtils.consumeQuietly
nom nom nom
Pretty much. :P
@phase: you have to build another portal in the Nether at the right coordinates.
@El'endiaStarman ikikik
I just thought I was far enough away
@CoolestVeto: How big is your farm?
Okay, yeah, that's big. :P
I've built more efficient farms though, in the sense of using the least water.
Yeah, but water dot farms are ugly.
Just put a lily pad on the water square... :P
I honestly just built it because I like how farms look in this game.
They're so pretty. c:
haha, not a bad reason :P
I honestly prefer mini farms for wheat and stuff
Although I don't know how well they work in SMP....
"mini" in the sense of...?
I live in a spawn chunk, so that doesn't matter, random tick still grows them when the chunks aren't player-loaded.
They're essentially a farmland block hooked up to a piston that shakes the crops and a bone meal dispenser on a clock.
You hold right click with a bunch of seeds and it auto harvests
You can use dispensers to feed crops with bone meal?
It's really great.
I don't think we have a skeltal spawner, though.
If I spot one, I am running until we come back with an army. :P

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