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6:28 AM
In case somebody is wondering why I added , despite such questions are considered as off-topic. Main reason is that while the tag exists this makes it easier to check how many deleted questions were of this type. (And thus evaluate in some way how big a problem such questions are.)
I am not opposed to complete removal of the tag if it seems a reasonable solution. There were some discussions about the following course of action: What is the next thing to do with the (autograph-identification) tag? and How can we reduce the number of autograph identification questions asked by new users? and a few other posts.
Q: What is the next thing to do with the (autograph-identification) tag?

MartinRecently it was decided that the autograph-identification questions are no longer on-topic - as a result of the discussion here: Revisiting autograph identification questions (conclusion: off-topic). As far as I can tell, so far the only thing that was done as a consequence of this was adding a ...

Q: How can we reduce the number of autograph identification questions asked by new users?

DJ Spicy Deluxe-LeviThis community has come to the conclusion that autograph identification questions are off topic. However, it seems like pretty much every time I check this site for new questions a highly disproportionate amount of them are off-topic autograph identification questions made by new users. Obviously...


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