@AnnonomusPenguin / @QPaysTaxes / @Quill I am now beginning the syntax refactoring process. Please do not push any commits. All files will be changed in this process, so we don't want conflicts. Thank you.
@EthanBierlein I didn't quite get if he was saying to add graphics (photos) or to just render the text using a graphics library to allow us to use colors for our text
@EthanBierlein I didn't quite get if he was saying to add graphics (photos) or to just render the text using a graphics library to allow us to use colors for our text
This somewhat depends on what platform you are on. The most common way to do this is by printing ANSI escape sequences. For a simple example, here's some python code from the blender build scripts:
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
We can already to colors in the terminal
It just requires a special setting on Windows boxes
To make everything streamlined for the user, we should also define all of the colors ourself... somehow. Whoever can find a way to do a syntax like `Backgroud_Color.Red` please take this issue.
I don't want the user to have to deal with colorama itself because it's not as streamlined. I want *everything* the user needs to be in Cactus itself
1. We throw an exception that could be caught by the gamemaker 2. We create a log file somewhere with a timestamp, error message, and the list of previous command used (to replicate error) 3. We alert the user that the game reached an error **by the developer** and what they should give the dev when reporting this
Optional: we require an email to show to the user when an error occurs.
I don't like alerting the user for a catchable exception (it seems pointless to have an
La programación es divertido. Actualmente, estoy trabajando en un proyecto llamado Cactus. Cactus es un motor de juego utilizado para diseñar juegos de aventuras basadas en texto, como zork.
> We need to validate `class_data` in all three classes:
- During `__init__` - Every time it's changed
We need to make sure:
- Everything that's required is there - Nothing extra is there - All of the items are of the correct types (key and value)
The first one is easy to do, but how do we do the second one, especially when data could change mid-function? Too bad we couldn't "watch" the dictionary for any changes.
This is the reason why I wanted the `__init__` argument to be a
> A generic set_attribute function wouldn't be the greatest because certain values have to have certain types, and it's not appending or anything, it's completely resetting the value.
@EthanBierlein umm.... how do you intend that to work? Where would they type that message? Why not just go to the chat room, type their message, then leave the chat room?
> @Ethan do we want leading underscores for everything that the user can use safely or only what is relevant? Like, do we want a leading underscore on find_start() in GameMap?
> 1. An idea: we could validate this every time `_handle_event()` is called. 2. I still don't think that we should be storing this stuff internally in a dictionary (from readability and validation purposes)... why do you what to do this in the first place? What advantage does this offer?
> Make sure to add these global commands to the help command, at the very beginning (the same time as it says the notes about about and help), and add a game.command.XXX to the event listener
* Rename `CactusSource` to `cactus`. * Rename the file `cactus_position` to `position`. * Rename the file `cactus_map` to `game_map`. * Rename the file `cactus_game` to `game`.
- Rename to `cactus` (lower C) - Rename to `cactus.flowchart.Flowchart()` (I don't want to have to do `cactus_map`, so I think we should start calling it a flowchart, as that's what it really is) - Rename to `cactus.position.Position()` - Rename to `cactus.game.Game()` - Set the `__init__.py` file to this:
```python from game import Game from flowchart import Flowchart from position import Position ```
Do you want me to take over the colorama issue? The only other "major" issue is with ASCII large text. These should be laid out similarly, so it might just be easier for me to do it. What do you think?