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at last, managed to golf Charcoal down to beat the regex-based JS answer
4 hours later…
hey where is everyone?
guys aoc starting soon
(day 9 i mean)
got em
Well, I'm here, at least
very good
why did you delete that i was about to star it
Because I pressed enter too early
Let me try again
In 2019, I did the entire Advent of Code in the last week or so
I was worried for a moment there'd be no-one else doing AOC with me
oh so we're doing fractions now?
Let's just do each second
What does the dashed line mean that appears between messages sometimes?
No idea
I guess it's meant to mark where you left
No, because there's two on my screen right now
This gets sillier and sillier each day
I wonder if they can be forced
(and a+b/c is a mixed fraction literal in Factor)
It appears the happen when someone talks and I'm on another tab
i saw that 2
you goofed up
I lost for 3 but got a really good head start on the next one :p
AOC is so wide I have to have it on 70% zoom to have it split screen
I just got my boilerplate ready
why is there a little gap on the calendar
what are they doing
i am
not doing well
i truly cannot tell what i'm doing wrong
this seems so easy
ah i trolled :/ could've gotten a lot higher if i read the problem better
I can't read
It's awful when you misread the question, happened to me a few days ago :/
Erm, I was too cautious with part2 this time
and i just accidentally closed the aoc page
@Lyxal That's the punchline of today
I failed horribly today: 1825/1288
Yes, that does mean my rank is lower today than it was on day 1
(although I did misread the question for part 1)
i wish i started trying competitively earlier cuz i'm doing kind of decently but i forgot until like dec 1 afternoon and i didn't do the first few days as soon as it hit 12 either
I was top few hundred for the first few days but then I messed up once and I've been getting 1k-2k since then
431/1040 today
Does part 2 work with the most naive algorithm, like extract all slices and sum all?
It's interesting that so far I've earned no points for two days, then earned points for two days, then earned no points for two days, then earned points for two days, and then I earned no points today.
yeah that's how i did it
I was too cautious on that too then
i got 25/25 today but i could've gotten probably 25/5 if i didn't screw up the second part lol :/
it's still single-digit day after all
Day       Time  Rank  Score       Time  Rank  Score
  9   00:04:21   288      0   00:18:44  2034      0
Day       Time  Rank  Score       Time  Rank  Score
  9   00:15:47  4032      0   00:19:00  2077      0
I can't read
I screwed up a little on part 2
I summed the first and lasti nstead of min and max
yep same
that lost me like 20 places
i am troll
I went ahead with cumulative sum, add the target value, and set intersect to find the range
too much pre-optimization ;_;
Okay who else used itertools.permutations?
I screwed up a little on part 2, but was so far behind on part 1 it didn't matter.
Day       Time  Rank  Score       Time  Rank  Score
  9   00:06:46   964      0   00:13:11   923      0
I used an equivalent of that in Factor
I imported itertools but I never remember what's in it
oh, no it's actually itertools.combinations
And there's a bigger gap now
see i wish i thought of that but no i just used a double loop lmao
between day 9 and ten
I've never imported anything so far.
yeah idk what's up with that
Although I had imported like 5 modules by day 9 in 2019
I guess it's cause we're on a plane
So we're moving fast
We were moving through outer space last year and there was no gap
i really hope that machine code problem from last day isn't recurring...
Or the challenge author is falling into a black hole and the gap represents how many days they're experiencing
anyone have any idea how to approach this problem part 2? adventofcode.com/2015/day/19#part2
it took me ten minutes to realize that the preamble wasn't supposed to produce the sums of every single number in the list
if the gap increases exponentially every day...
@Lyxal aww my markdown didn't work
aww it still doesn't work
Multiline messages can't have markdown
**I thought**
they could
@HyperNeutrino uhh I solved it before but I can't remember the details
lemme check
first 8 days : have a single line gap
day 9 : has a double line gap
day 10 : S P A C E
much better
@HyperNeutrino Spoiler in my APL solution here
Anybody else having problems with Part 1 - desc (part 2), i.e., Suppose the 26th number is 45...
oh wow github has dark mode on desktop now
@RahulVerma they use 1 indexing in their problem descriptions
so if you had a 0-indexed list, it'd be the 25th number
essentially, puzzle_input[25] is equal to 45
Github apparently added a Discussion feature
I saw something about that but I can't find it
which will likely render language developers' other discussion channels useless
You need to enable it in repo setting
@Bubbler Okay, thanks. I'll have to think about this a bit more
@Lyxal yeah, I know that. But, what does this means? Now, for the next number to be valid, there needs to be some pair of numbers among 1-19, 21-25, or 45 that add up to it...
Why not from 20-45?
the first number is 20 so the 2nd to 26th numbers are all of [1, ..., 25] excluding 20 and then also the 45
@HyperNeutrino A vague hint is that the input has some structure to exploit, and it has to do with inert gases
ah okay. ooh i think i see. thanks
@RahulVerma it is assuming 20 is the first number
so the first 25 is 1...25 (with 20 at position 1)
and then the 26th is 45
Initial list: [20, (numbers 1-25 in some random order without 20 [24 numbers])]
New list: [(numbers 1-25 in some random order without 20)[24 numbers], 45]
@RahulVerma does my explanation make sense?
@Lyxal yeah, of course! But, I still couldn't get why 20 is removed...
@RahulVerma here's another way of thinking about things:
20 was the first item, and the window of size 25 is moving forward
the inital list could very well be [20, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]
the 26th number is 45
making the list [20, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45]
but only the last 25 items are considered
so when you move, you include the next number and lose the first one
so the sum has to be in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45]
Which is 1-19, 21-25 and 45
wow pppery just left and simultaneously re-entered the room
Oh yes, @Lyxal @Bubbler I got it. So, I'd to push numbers from sample inputs every time?
and remove the smaller of them?
remove the first and add the next input to the list
@Bubbler did not know that the AOC questions got this hard
not smaller, just first in the order given
means the one with lower index
Yeah, it gets significantly harder in later half
oh well
better fasten my seatbelt then
@Razetime why else do you think I only got up to this day last year?
@RahulVerma think of it as a 25 item stack
which disposes of the numbers at the bottom it doesn't have space for
I'm waiting for the moment the difficulty skyrockets, so I have a better chance of higher rank
@Bubbler big brain play
@Lyxal No, 25 item queue
each time you push a new number from input, it drops the bottom of the stack
@Bubbler that too
@Razetime that may or may not be what I'm counting on for high ranks
Actually Python has such a size-bound queue, so if you fill it in and push a number, the last one automatically pops out at the back
@Lyxal Okay great, feels I should try it now :-)
Initially, [1..n] should be in order, right?
it isn't neccesarily sorted
It depends on the input you get
no, the initial part is the first 25 numbers in the input
the random sized range is just the example given
it's not real
ok, so this is preamble for the example given: 35
that says it focuses on only 5 numbers
different example
it'll probably be different to yours
the thing i missed for 10 minutes that you should be sure to mind is that the preamble is just the part of the input you don't consider for finding the animaly
say, have you viewed your puzzle input yet?
there's nothing else special about it
the preamble helps initialise the list you use to find sums
@Lyxal yeah!
@Lyxal no, I'm try my code first on the example (n=5)
Just be sure to start checking after 5 instead of 25, and to change it back for the real input
@RedwolfPrograms sure :p
Tried naive approach, it did work but apparently it takes 10 seconds
yeah it's definitely not fast
did you increase start index or slice length first
I used a builtin which apparently gives them in slice length order
My approach was to find the start index, then find the slice length, then the min and max of the slice
If in the example, I remove 15 and add 40, then I couldn't find two numbers adding upto 62..
i stopped increasing slice length at each index once the sum was over the target so it didn't take too long
still a bit slow but more like 1 second than 10
I just checked every slice length up to a thousand, it only took a few seconds I think
come to think of it the target was huge so maybe i should have started the index somewhere in the middle then moved it outwards in either direction
but that would have taken way longer to type than the runtime it could have saved
@Bubbler what I'm doing wrong in the ^ case?
Again, you're supposed to remove the number that appears first, not the smallest one
so you add 40 at the bottom of the list and you remove 35 which is at the top
ok, got it working now, thanks
Got both stars, second was a bit easier!
Thanks to @Bubbler, @Lyxal :D
@RahulVerma once you figure out the first it's not that hard :)
3 hours later…
Q: How can I compare a screen copied Unicode symbol with a pre-defined Unicode symbol in AHK? Thanks

Wen_CSEHow can I compare a screen copied Unicode symbol with a pre-defined Unicode symbol in AHK? Thanks. Hi, I am using this website as a test base for my AHK code https://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/math-trainer-multiply.html I want to write a AHK code to check the maths operator, to see if it is a mul...

@HyperNeutrino I have a question for you.
do only the first 100 correct answers score on AoC? that makes it very timezone dependent, no?
@Lyxal This exceeded all my expectations
slowing meglovania a tick woulda made it even better
@Neil that's right
@Lyxal I get why the memes page was deleted, but it is a great page to browse to see the golden days of the site :P
For example, why this so-so challenge has +40 and only 6 answers (4 from 2015)
@cairdcoinheringaahing It is disappointing to know that I turned up here after this was deleted
@Razetime You're 10k+ right?
If only I could add memes
Q: A fiercer four-square cipher

DennisBackground One-hundred and thirteen years ago, amateur cryptographer Félix Delastelle published his work on the four-square cipher, a digraphic substitution cipher that accepts two permutations of a 25-letter alphabet as keys and encodes messages consisting of those letters. Like most pen-and-p...

This one needs more answers
> I call Mama Fun Roll. – Mama Fun Roll Nov 3 '15 at 3:46
Iconic comment :P
molarmanful lol
heh Vote To Close is an anagram of Coolest Veto
@Neil I don't know if you remember this or not, but:
> A vote to close is the coolest veto! – Neil Feb 25 '16 at 21:37
ugh, stupid chat history
1 hour later…
I got a random downvote on my checksum challenge, now I'm no longer at a multiple of ten rep :/
I've also run out of old KoTHs to accept answers on (aside from Bot Factory and Political Simulator)
the only solution is to downvote eight answers
@JohnDvorak chaotic neutral
fun fact, the grub menu gets confused if you turn off num lock as then your arrow keys move double
Grub menu? Do they sell meal worms in restaurants already?
Insects are going to be menu items sooner or later
I imagine that it would be cheaper in the long run than eating mammals?
Unless you want to switch to full vegetarianism.
We just need to GMO cows which are perfect, stackable cubes
They can double as building materials to save space
Wow, I just realized my reputation graph looks nothing like most people's
How can I create a regex that catches a phrase the doesn't contain a certain other phrase? Like [^abc] but for phrases rather than individual characters?
in which language?
I was just looking for something like that a few days ago, does the flavor you're using have lookahead/behind?
@Adám ^([^a]..|a[^b].|ab[^c])$
@ngn Right, but for phrases rather than characters.
You can use (?!abc)...
Q: Complement of a Regex

Esolanging FruitFor the purposes of this challenge, we define a postfix regex dialect with alphabet {1, 0} and the following operations: 1 and 0 match themselves literally. _ matches the empty string. ! always fails (i.e. it does not match anything). ab; matches a, followed by b. ab| matches both a and b. a+ m...

or rather \b(?:(?!abc)\w)*\w\w\b
@ngn e.g. abc abc stuff def def should catch the inner abc stuff def for any "stuff" that doesn't have abc or def.
@JohnDvorak Ah, I'll try that. Why the trailing \w\w?
... right
it will work without it as well
Thanks a bunch!
Q: Recommendation - do you know any place where to buy ready-made articles?

masonjones26I am looking for a place where I can buy ready-made, unique articles in "flawless" english - something other than PeoplePerHour / fiverr (I'm not interested in outsourcing content creation and assigning topics). I just want to review (at least partially) the available content and choose something...

@Adám it matches 3 chars that are not "abc", but of course ?! is better
1 hour later…
Wow, AoC #8 has almost caught up to #7 in terms of number completed
@Lyxal why not
2 hours later…
Have we had a challenge to compute the BLEU score?
2 hours later…
Does anyone else notice the kerning is really bad for table headers, or is it just because I'm on a low resolution screen?
@Anush Doesn't look like it, since BLEU only appears in one post, and answer.
Cool. I might write a challenge in that case
Morning y'all
Wus popping?
Wait, so it's summer right now in the southern hemisphere, right?
That's right
You can practically hear the heat
How hot does it get in summer where you live?
It's not exactly know for it's snow
Well yeah, neither is Texas :p
@RedwolfPrograms 40°c+
@RedwolfPrograms that was supposed to be a quantification of temperature
It reaches Australia°c in summer
@cairdcoinheringaahing there's some regions here known for snow
Like "The Snowy Mountains"
Isn't that from LotR?
Ah, so y'all have the same creativity in naming as our "rocky mountains"?
The Snowy Mountains, known informally as "The Snowies", is an IBRA subregion and the highest mountain range on the continent of mainland Australia. It contains the Australian mainland's highest mountain, Mount Kosciuszko, which reaches to a height of 2,228 m (7,310 ft) above sea level. The range also contains the five highest peaks on the Australian mainland (including Mount Kosciuszko), all of which are above 2,100 m (6,890 ft). They are located in southern New South Wales and are part of the larger Australian Alps and Great Dividing Range, experiencing large natural snowfalls every winter. Snow...
Snowy mountains that have snow
@RedwolfPrograms apparently so
CMQ: What's the most unexpected thing you've found in your toilet?
My answer would be "a lizard"
@Lyxal Probably no water
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BeefsterThe math is right, but the answer is wrong (WIP) Choose a mathematical formula. Implement it in such a way that the math is correct, but the answer is wildly wrong due to floating point precision errors or some other defect in how computers operate. I'm not sure how to tag this and have a feelin...

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