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@Mego Only if you flip the tea flag in php.ini
tfw you find a clicker game that keeps going when the tab is closed
left it overnight and I've got a couple sextillion <units>
@Mr.Xcoder yep
tells me "don't you dare to sleep" thouhg >_>
@WheatWizard Did you brute force the result or use some more efficient methods? Because for a set of n elements there are n^(2n) binary functions...
@user202729 What are you talking about?
@user202729 Oh no I didn't I took the results from OEIS
OEIS has everything
@Riker don't most idle games do that
I didn't think so
thought you had to have the tab open at least
well most games slow down progress/simplify calculations when the tab is closed so i guess they don't count?
also +1 for cancer notation
@Riker also this is quite a bit lower than some other idle games :P
@Riker Quite a few idle games can catch up using time diffs
@ASCII-only There's a massively long endgame on it
looks yes it does
In fact, it's infinitely long :P
Does anyone have any languages that they think could go in the polyglot? Hitting random on esolangs.org has stopped yielding valuable results. My personal preference is minimalistic esolangs, but at this point all ideas are good ideas.
Charcoal :p although I'm still too lazy to add it
maybe it's still broken, idk
Didn't we have a problem with Charcoal?
I think so
Not sure if it's valid, but I'm pretty sure I pushed a bugfix a while after that
Fixing bugs is fine
1 hour later…
Q: Is the name of the community correct?

Victor StafusaThe title of this question really sounds very silly, but lets see all of those questions: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/22665/how-many-valid-routes https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/22653/operations-on-stacks-of-coins https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/22427/...

... still not applied?
Does Jelly have "apply permutation to list" atom?
@user202729 Hahaha you think SE pays attention to us
Is there a difference between ex and vi on modern systems? I think they both just point to vim nowadays but I'm not sure.
@Mego I wonder how non-SO SE sites even exist, considering they don't generate ad revenue.
@Pavel I feel more and more like the non-flagship sites are just lip service about community support
I'm not sure if that even means anything.
Ah well.
Q: Write it into number theory style

l4m2Write an expression with {There exists at least one non-negative integer(written as E), All non-negative integers(written as A), +, * (no minus or divide), =, >, <, &(and), |(or), !(not), (, ) and variable names}, which is true iff There exists a rational number a, such that pi + e * a is rationa...

Still, I prefer the SE to anagolf. So there's that.
Chat Mega Challenge: create a cellular automata metapixel polyglot - a single structure that can emulate all Life-like CA rules, regardless of which Life-like CA rule it is implemented in.
Like the OTCA metapixel, but it can be used in any Life-like CA
People will forget about it... before it gets an answer.
I can't even understand how OTCA metapixel works... no hope for that.
Q: Default for fastest-code or restricted-time challenge

user202729Because it would be hard for newcomers to find and read all of the meta questions about this topic, I suggest having a common post for all of them. It would be easier for moderators to point newcomers at a single post instead of multiple meta posts. Related questions: What is the best way to ac...

Although it's not going to work in B/S or B012345678/S012345678.
@Mego Is it proven that a metapixel is even possible in all CAs?
@Pavel I have no idea
Should badly downvoted answers on meta be deleted, or just keep it so that "people know that this is bad"?
1 hour later…
I did some research to solve the AMD vulnerability debate from earlier: there were two attacks specified in the paper: Spectre and Meltdown. Spectre affects basically every CPU; however, only Intel chips seem to be vulnerable to privilege-escalation attacks via Spectre. It's theoretically possible to do a privilege-escalation attack via Spectre on an AMD chip, but it would be much, much harder, and likely involve exploiting some other vulnerability. Meltdown only affects Intel chips since 1995.
Pro Tip: when naming critical security bugs, don't use James Bond movies as inspiration
I don't remember Meltdown being a Bond film, though it could be a future one
Also, if you're going to use Bond film titles as inspiration, use good ones :P Casino Royale exploit announcement coming soon
@Mego A polyglot that works in every Life-like rule? That doesn't seem doable
Oh, something I forgot to add to that blob of info: Meltdown is the one that will incur the performance penalty. Spectre is fixable by compiler and library maintainers, while kernels need patching for Meltdown.
@ASCII-only Right, because not all rules are TC. How about as many as possible?
@Mego Haven't seen a PE PoC yet, only reads from memory (kernel for Intel, userspace for everyone).
Is Spectre entirely fixable though, or just mitigable?
@Pietu1998 I think just mitigable. I don't entirely understand everything that I read :P
this random CA-related video has comic sans >_>
and it's by microsoft research
@Mego How I understood it is that you can't stop Spectre without making new CPUs, detecting attacks is almost impossible, and you can really only make using the infoleak harder
@mınxomaτ I think that PEs are assumed to be possible because of the possibility of reading the root password via Spectre
@Pietu1998 Yeah, that's my understanding too, but I wasn't entirely sure that it is correct
@ASCII-only well it's their font
@betseg but it's not their only font. nor is it their best
You should love all your children equally
what I don't understand is why people are so taken by surprise by spectre & meltdown
it's been long known that cache timing side-channel attacks are feasible in the crypto community
and for that reason secure crypto code uses constant-time implementations without doing memory access based on secret data
B-but I thought that couldn't access my history, those new spectrum and melting thingies can read my history!
> he has been hunting for big primes with GIMPS for over 14 years. The discovery is eligible for a $3,000 GIMPS research discovery award.
I think his electricity bill has probably been higher than reward at this point :P
@Downgoat I think it's about even probably
assuming it's just a desktop pc
@Downgoat It's not the money that's important, it's the fact that some day some guy will pick up an old book about about computing primes and will see the guy who discovered that prime and forget their name.
it said he had i5 so probably mid-teir desktop
assuming 100 watt extra workload, it takes 876 kwh per year, at around 20 cents each roughly 175 euro per year
1 hour later…
@totallyhuman f x=x++'_':x
@cairdcoinheringaahing Brachylog, 6 bytes: ,"_",? or j,"_"↺
@WheatWizard From your example in the moufang loop change, can a Cayley table of a moufang loop contain a number larger than a and b?
@cairdcoinheringaahing brainfuck, 40 30 bytes tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fO1o72k7bRtsm1i7WTtdOJ1rPTifWJhrIBbJi//…
Though I'd lost a gold badge, but it turns out you get separate badges for meta...
Someone here have an idea what --docker might do when used with docker run? I'm looking at a codebase that uses this, but it doesn't appear in the docker run reference. It doesn't error either.
I think we do need to encourage/force close voters to left a comment why a challenge is unclear (in case of unclear)... or there are too many "everything is unclear" question?
@mınxomaτ Looks like it doesn't do anything
Q: Compute the RFC 2550 timestamp

MegoRFC 2550 is a satirical proposal (published on April 1, 1999) for a space-efficient ASCII representation of timestamps that can support any date (even those prior to the beginning of the universe and those past the predicted end of the universe). The algorithm for computing a RFC 2550-compliant t...

2 hours later…
@flawr point-free isn't shorter :(
@totallyhuman you mean your solution is pointless now?
@totallyhuman colon-pee? eww...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Darren HMegatanium trading Your task is to build a javascript function to trade a fictional stock called Megatanium You start with $1000 and 0 stock of Megatanium Challenge This is a king-of-the-hill challenge, all submissions should be written in javascript Your function should accept four variables...

@Cowsquack No that's part of the closure of the table. Numbers are actually treated more like variables than numbers in a Caley table
@NewlyFeaturedQuestions Why +600...?
Q: Am I a 'Redivosite' Number?

ArnauldRedivosite is a portmanteau word invented for the sole purpose of this challenge. It's a mix of Reduction, Division and Composite. Definition Given an integer N > 6: If N is prime, N is not a Redivosite Number. If N is composite: repeatedly compute N' = N / d + d + 1 until N' is prime, wher...

@user202729 100 higher than actual bounty limit
I thought it was supposed to be the bounty total at the current time, but that's 150 so i dunno
We should have a feed for new Community Promotion Ads.
What is this group for?
@AditKirtaniEarth-2 wut..? Welcome to general chat for Programming Puzzles and Code Golf.
(look at the room info --> )
I say that the programming language they program CPU is not assembly (so the big errors)
@RosLuP Huh?
Apparently RosLuP is not very good at English....
@user202729 That's quite mean.
How can I use a bash glob (./*) to include dotfiles?
*.* perhaps?
Nope, no matches found.
Anyone know why I get an "attempt to compare singular iterator with past-the-end iterator" error? What's wrong? (C++, gcc)
note the space
@Cowsquack Closer, but fails unless there are both dotfiles and normal files.
Why doesn't * match <space>...?
(I have little to no experience about Bash)
* will fail to match anything if there are only dotfiles, so the glob fails entirely and the command isn't run.
@user202729 Becayse space seperates arguments. * .* is two globs, not one.
(assumes I don't know what does glob mean)
Q: Strategic Vanishers

Wheat Wizard This post is loosely inspired by this mathoverflow post. A Vanisher is any pattern in Conway's Game of life that completely disappears after one step. For example the following pattern is a size 9 Vanisher. An interesting property of Vanishers is that any pattern can be made into a vanis...

@user202729 When you run a command in bash with * in it, the * isn't passed into the program, but is expanded to match filenames in the current directory.
So the number of times command is run is equal to the number of matching files?
Oh.... I deleted the iterator while looping through the list.
Iterator invalidation (or even worse, pointer invalidation) is dangerous.
Why does porting a solution from Python to C++ can help me get AC? Python hates me...
@WheatWizard I didn't know that the rules of GoL were actually in the tag wiki, sorry!
No problem. I'm not really that against adding them.
@Mr.Xcoder Annoying multiple edit pings...
Anyone can please help me figure out what went wrong? My C++ code and Python code, and problem link. (the order should not be important) (goo.gl links are shortened TIO link)
Oh good lord CS Academy uses using namespace std;
Yes... and I never use it.
@user202729 not quite, each file is listed as a separate argument.
TIL that we're not the only ones on SE who golf
@cairdcoinheringaahing There's also a chemistry golf
I'm not sure how it works though
Yay. I just got my first Great question!
And I am about to get my first Great answer, but I have +100/-4 :(!
@WheatWizard Nice! Link to question?
I advertised yesterday in TNB, and there is a new (now closed) challenge which contains "" so those might have been two sources of upvotes
@Mr.Xcoder I was at +100/-4 a little while ago.
Yeah I've been trickling a vote every few days for a while. Who knows maybe it did something maybe it didn't
Yeah but I hate the fact that, whenever I get closer to 100, someone downvotes! It stagnated at 90, then I bumped it a bit and got to +93, then -1... Stagnated again... Then it got to 97, boom -1! (just to avoid confusion, I am talking about this)
@WheatWizard I've been thinking of a lang where who start with a few extremely basic axioms (or even none if that is possible) and have to prove things in order to be able to compute anything
Sounds interesting.
that would help make more suitable for ppcg
Are you familiar with Logic programming?
no, but would that be like prolog?
Ninja'd. Was just about to ask about Prolog
Yes prolog is the big name in logic programming
If you would like to make a language like that I'd take a look
An important concept is the Curry Howard correspondence
thanks, I think I start by looking into prolog
Be warned Prolog is pretty bad.
in what sense?
@WheatWizard Hehe, that was me :P
I really like being the 100th upvoter :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nice new GH project
The Jelly tutorial?
It's very old so it has some archaic design choices. It has a very poor type system.
Yeah :|
I added more stuff to mine a couple of days ago
I'm also a pretty big critic of Prolog's cut (!). Which is pretty much necessary t make any non-trivial program in Prolog
Totally unrelated: I've been looking at Vim alphabet challenges answers, and they all have the same template: :h<_↵jjYZZPqq...q25@q It's kinda annoying :/
I just uploaded my personal site to github (link on my profile, just a draft so far) :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can you read Vim? o.O
I've been experimenting (and started learning V), so kinda
wait what
in what sense
In the sense that it is more appreciated than any other subject / science
No, but (IMO) art is
Ugh, terrible
ZZ writes and quits the file, it doesn't "go back twice"
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That's what happens
@WheatWizard what website/tool did you use to learn prolog?
Uh I don't remember
I think I just fooled around with it a bit
IIRC Fatalize uses/used Prolog, you could ask them
I think I started with a few tutorials but didn't really like any of them
@cairdcoinheringaahing Fatalize has written a programming language in Prolog!
I wish you could upvote user's profiles. This one is just brilliant
Wow, 15x500 bounties have been offered in the Best of PPCG 2017.
@Mr.Xcoder I have too FWIW. Although Brachylog is a much larger undertaking.
@Mr.Xcoder anybody can read vim if they squint hard enough
but yeah that's a pretty annoying template
It's a genius hack to save a ton of bytes over iabcdefg...xyz
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nitpick: ZZ means "Close the current buffer". The help page is opened in a new buffer, so two are open. When you close the help page buffer, you return to the main one.
Oh, ninja'd
@DJMcMayhem repetitiveness
So? That's like saying it's annoying that every C++ answer uses int main, or that python answers tend to use lambdas.
Except that in this case, it's one of the most clever golfs I've seen in a long time
It's a clever golf. I'm complaining more about the repetitiveness of alphabet challenges, rather than the Vim answers
Ah. That is a valid complaint
Anyway, V answers tend to have a similar (but shorter) template too: ¬az26ñ...
tfw every single answer of the multiple choice question is identical
bad copy-paste much
(they're all wrong, too)
What's the question?
integrate sinx cosx
@Riker Reminds me of this:
Dec 13 '17 at 18:45, by DJMcMayhem
A friend of mine is taking a CIS class, and she just got the stupidest question I have ever seen:
answer should be -1/2 cos x iirc
the answers are all 1/2 cos x
@DJMcMayhem have a very old star
Dec 13 '17 at 18:52, by Unihedron
Which of the following shapes have the most sides? A line, a diagonal, a point, a frisbee
Dec 13 '17 at 18:53, by DJMcMayhem
Which language is the golfiest? English, Binary, Klingon, or Brain-flak?
ಠ_ಠ Not this again
hm so what should I pick TNB
going with 'b' I guess
I was playing a board game called "Sentinels of the Multiverse" recently. It's modeled after a bunch of fictional comic books, so every card in the game has a "quote" from one of the comic books. In one of the quotes, the character says something about analyzing where a bullet went, and says "The wind is going 6 knots per hour"
6 knots per hour.
That was painful to read
Honestly still hurts a little bit
Also, who measures the speed of bullets in knots??
Well, she was measuring the wind...
ಠ_ಠ I need to start reading things before commenting
But the bigger problem is that Knots per hour is speed/time, which would be acceleration.
The wind is travelling at 9.2 Meters per second squared!
She could've meant that that the wind was accelerating at 6 knots per hour?
Actually, I just found the full flavor text online:
> "Judging from the trajectory of the angle, and figuring the wind at 6 knots per hour, north by northeast as per this morning's weather report... " - The Wraith, Freedom Five #159
Trajectory of the angle...
What was the star for?
What star? :P
@WheatWizard say have a rule a(q,w). and I want to make both a(w,q). and a(q,w). true if either is true (because normally a(w,q). gives false). Trying a(X,Y):-a(Y,X). results in an infinite loop tio.run/##KyjKz8lP1y0uz/z/… do you know how to short-circuit it?
That's what ! is for
It's a little more complex but essentially prolog won't backtrace through a !.
@Riker If that’s a statement, I am a counter-example.
the correct way to whitespace code: i.sstatic.net/ageKQ.png
@Mr.Xcoder Surely you can read it. Understanding it is an unrelated matter :P
Vim is fairly understandable. V is more confusing than Jelly :P
Ha! Not as far as I'm concerned... :P
@betseg @DJMcMayhem and @DJMcMayhem again ಠ_ಠ
@betseg is that tmux?
gnome builder
no answer to my question :/
what question?
oh i asked a question in discord not here :/
i said "am i putting whitespaces correctly"
i wrote "the correct way" here
I thought you meant the unanswered question on main you asked :P
so was that a correct way to whitespace
$ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=28
Before you continue ensure that your system is fully upgraded by running "dnf --refresh upgrade". Do you want to continue [y/N]: y
Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates'
pacman > dnf, arch > fedora
:/ I'm taking too long to hit gold code golf
@betseg Let me fail to break my computer with unstable software in peace
im triggered
i installed arch twice in 3 years
because i got a new pc
@totallyhuman 11 upvotes :P
yeah that would've been fairly easy back in the summer, but school :(
Neither replit nor ideone have the kernel patches to prevent Meltdown.
@totallyhuman At least you finished the answers portion, I took months to get enough answers after I hit the vote count.
but that means you're better at it than me
which isn't saying a lot but...
i'm good with silver
or maybe i only have bronze
/me shrugs
@betseg I found the issue by the way, I tried to upgrade to a version of Fedora that apparantly doesn't actually exist.
@Pavel Fedora 28 doesn't exist?!
Try updating your cache.
sudo dnf update might work.
sudo apt-get update will update... the wrong cache. That's useless...
@wizzwizz4 If you go to the Fedora wiki, all links related to Fedora 28 either 404 or Internal Server Error.
@Pavel Why are they covering it up? I blame caching.
How is it that I've only just noticed that shouldiblamechaching.com has the following footnote: Advice may be invalid due to caching
@Pavel All links?
See, look! It was released on 2018-05-01.
I suspect your clock might be wrong.
What date format?
@wizzwizz4 February 20th, actually, kinda.
> Branch Fedora 28 from Rawhide (Rawhide becomes future F29)
I was trying to get the beta version.
The problem is that the wiki lists 28 as already being available as an unstable release, and it isn't.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hissing cat format.
CMC: Given a string consisting of only printable ASCII, reverse every run of [a-zA-Z] characters
"Hello, world!" --> "olleH, dlrow!"
Hard to code from the phone.
CMC: Output the following:

can i get a hexdump
Hold on a second
RProgN, 18 bytes "ᕕપՕʪŕªU*
@DJMcMayhem ruby -pe $_.gsub/[a-zA-Z]/{|i|i.reverse}
ReRegex, 17 bytes ᕕપՕʪŕªU*
@ATaco you missed line 2
Oh, I didn’t see a line two
ಠ_ಠ I can;t get a hexdump
Anyway, the concept remains the same
00000000: e195 95e0 aaaa d595 caaa c595 c2aa 552a  ..............U*
00000010: 150a 0502 0a                             .....
@cairdcoinheringaahing @betseg
Thanks. How did you get it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing With xxd and a heredoc
xxd <<EOF

I'm not sure how else you would go about it tbh
@cairdcoinheringaahing Flipbit, 39 bytes: >^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^><[<^<]^[>>]^[.<.<]
@Pavel xxd<<<ᕕપՕʪŕªU*
@H.PWiz Well you can't put two lines in a here-string right?
Oh, didn't pay attention to the newlines. You ca use '..' though
Mm, I suppose. Still, a herestring should succeed too, right? It's the same thing.
Yeah, no difference
@cairdcoinheringaahing Explain?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Is there an explanation on how it works somewhere? The wiki doesn't exist
The city I live in just announced that it's going to start providing municipal, gigabit, net-neutral internet service. :)
I'm working on it, hold on
That's really exciting
@DJMcMayhem Nice. What city?
How it works (cc @DJMcMayhem @WheatWizard)
Binary hexdump:
00000000: 11100001 10010101 10010101 11100000 10101010 10101010  ......
00000006: 11010101 10010101 11001010 10101010 11000101 10010101  ......
0000000c: 11000010 10101010 01010101 00101010 00010101 00001101  ..U*..
00000012: 00001010 00000101 00000010 00001101 00001010           .....
I still fail to see the pattern
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe it's broken
What's the pattern supposed to be?
I think you may have an incorrect hexdump
If mine is wrong, then pavel's is wrong
Yeah. This is the binary of each character
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, It makes sense now
Care to share?
@cairdcoinheringaahing You don't understand what I'm saying. I meant "Ah, thanks @cairdcoinheringaahing for explaining what the binary of every character is. Now I understand the CMC better."
@cairdcoinheringaahing SOGL, 13 bytes: '⁰Δ№{Ƨ10m2│ζo
AH, now I understand :P
Python, 63 bytes: print(''.join(chr(int(("10"*7)[:i],2))for i in range(14,1,-1)))
I know just printing it straight up is shorter
10 bytes in Jelly (which is shorter than the string) :P
I'd have ~11 bytes in Canvas, but at least 3 features are missing (one of them being the ability to push numbers > 9 ಠ_ಠ)
@dzaima What are the other two?
@cairdcoinheringaahing 52 bytes in brain-flak: ((()()()){}()){({}<(({})({})())((({})){})>[()])}{}{}
Brain-flak is shorter than python kek
@DJMcMayhem Nice :P
@DJMcMayhem I got 35 bytes in Python. Sorry :/ (I know what you mean though)
@wizzwizz4 needs to be for each prefix and there are no base convertion built-ins
@cairdcoinheringaahing Addendum: Generating it in brain-flak is shorter than generating it in python.
@cairdcoinheringaahing did you see my brainfuck answer to your cmc
@cairdcoinheringaahing It was not stated that a trailing newline is not allowed, and the default is that it is.
@betseg The _ CMC? Yes, why?
just wondered
@cairdcoinheringaahing Jelly, 9 bytes: ⁽ׯB¹ƤḄUỌ
heh, who'd've thought that the docs stuff for Canvas would be over half the size of the code
> Q: Doesn't rawhide eat babies / kill pets / burn down houses / break constantly?
> A: No. Please stop telling everyone that.
plot twist: it does
Can't tell if joke or if you've used Rawhide
yay for misreading a question and doing more work than needed
@WheatWizard Out of curiosity, are you actually going to try to do that, or was that a joke? 'cause it took a week before I got an answer in a real programming language.
I tried it, but probably not, I'm on winter break so I'm pretty lazy right now
I need some real work that I can get distracted from before I can do anything like that
Yeah, I'm the same way. I can only work on hobby-type-things when I have more important things to do.
Apparently our school now blocks github and github.io, except my github.io page
I swear people only look at the test cases on challenges, and not rules about input formats
that's why I don't like test cases
Both answers currently on the RFC 2550 challenge use the same input format as the test cases, even though they would both greatly benefit from using a different allowed format
@Zacharý why though
Because for the joke of a CS class, I submitted a project via github (at least I think that's why, but my partner's is still blocked)
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