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07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

I'm thinking that this game might make a decent king of the hill challenge: gamerz.net/~fm/Main
@Sparr Seems almost identical to gamecabinet.com/rules/WavingHands.html
(And IIRC Peter Taylor sandboxed a KotH idea about that a while ago)
@Doorknob I edited Wooden Shield by the way.
same game, although firetop mountain is actually implemented
thanks for the pointer, though, I'll comment on the meta thread
@ProgramFOX I know. I sort by active so I can see edits.
@PeterTaylor It looks like the domino golf didn't really strike a chord. Do you think it's still worth to write up a draft for a code-challenge to minimise a domino circuit? To give people a head start I could provide non-minimised versions of a few gates, so people could start by just chaining those together if they wanted to.
@MartinBüttner had great fun writing my answer, still golfing it
(probably shaved another 10 or so bytes (I was asleep at some point))
@VisualMelon I'm glad you liked it! :)
I suppose a lot of people were thrown off by the convoluted spec, but I really couldn't get it any shorter.
I thought it was fine
I got confused by wording here and there, but that's because I just assumed I knew how it was going to work allready
so I wasn't handling the /\ catching the adjacent dominos properly
what is this about "a code-challenge to minimise a domino circuit"?
you can build logical circuits with dominos. in fact, the third input example for the golf challenge is an AND gate (check out different combinations of toppling other the two left most dominoes). the idea is to make a challenge where you're given a truth table (basically a boolean function with n inputs and m outputs) and you are to produce a domino circuit with as few dominoes as possible.
that sounds fabulous
ah, WireWorld, that's what it reminds me of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireworld
much more fun than (traditional) game of life ;)
:D that's nuts
I'm just thinking a the domino circuit thing would probably also not be too popular because it would probably be quite difficult. it contains both minimising a logical circuit and converting that into a minimal domino grid... in fact there might even be a solution where you can't even distinguish the gates any more.
well, I'm on holiday at the moment, so I'd probably have a go at it, but I wouldn't put much effort into the minimising
it's probably not gonna be up for another couple of weeks at least. I'd need to write verifier which can automatically check the participants' outputs
have you written a solution for the existing question?
also, there is the problem that domino lanes can't cross as it stands. I'd have to add forwarders (x and + or just one catch-all *) which don't fall themselves but propagate any push one cell further ahead
no I haven't
I was thinking about re-usable cells last night
and now I'm worried that my solution would be somewhat shorter if I'd done it backwards...
what do you mean?
currently when a fallen domino interacts with an unfallen domino it sets the direction it should fall in
but it does this by &ing with the options
(each domino is an enum of the 8 directions)
when I'm thinking I should have done is instead use the & to remove the direction that won't happen
this would mean I don't need to compare to the copy
which is at an 8byte offset
(it compares to a copy to see if it can fall but it's been knocked from the other direction)
if it was a bit more recent I'd represent C#
If you get 5 upvotes, that would give you a Necromancer badge :P
nah, too much Python bias, C#ers don't get upvotes ;)
(except maybe the good ones)
I guess C# is better off with things like those image-processing popcons
New caveman scoreboard posted!
ha, still scoring half as much as the leader! :D
wait there's a Hodor :D
Uh oh, did I throw an exception?
All you did was throw syntax errors. Sorry about not catching that earlier. :/
Strange, I didn't get these when I tested it.
What Ruby version? Perhaps that's the problem
ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]
That's what ruby -v gives.
Hm, same here
well I've got to get some done... see you later guys
runs code on Ideone
Hmm... works fine there.
@Doorknob Is it possible to find out on which line?
It reports them all on line 1 for some reason :/
This is really weird
Okay, that's really odd.
I just copy/pasted from the PPCG post into a new file, and now it works again. O_o
Anyway, it works now :)
I have to include PeriodicalCicadaCaveman anyway, so I'm just going to rerun the entire thing and include the fixed version of yours as well. Sorry for the weirdness :/
Gah, I have to go. I'll rerun the simulations as soon as possible; sorry again for the trouble
forgot something...
dear 1250 rep users... would you care to have a look at this synonym proposal? codegolf.stackexchange.com/tags/graphical-output/synonyms
I do not have a tag score of 5 in graphical-output, so I cannot vote for it.
according to the tag wikis the only difference is that graphical-output doesn't include ascii art but the other one does, which seems like a minor difference since we have an ascii-art tag anyway
ah it's the other way round
1250 rep for suggesting but only 5 answer score for voting
No, to vote or suggest, you need 1250 rep and score of 5 in that tag.
calling @DigitalTrauma, @Geobits, @Quincunx :)
hm every source I read mentions the rep only for suggesting them
> Users with this privilege and a total answer score of 5 or more on the tag, can suggest tag synonyms
yes that's what I'm saying
Q: Should we distinguish types of fastest-code challenges?

Martin BüttnerIt seems like many users who want to do a fastest-code challenge don't really think about it how they actually measure "fastness". And then usually a short discussion develops in the comments laying out two possibilities: Scoring by runtime on a benchmark of test cases. Scoring by asymptotic co...

and then there is a separate sentence on voting which doesn't mention the privilege
same on the actual synonym site and on the meta.SE faq post
@MartinBüttner ah, I misunderstood that as "every source I read mentions only the rep for suggesting them, not the tag score"
never mind
1 hour later…
argh, my mouse doesn't wanna work anymore
trackpads suck, lol
it appears gimp was the offender :/
2 hours later…
is there a symbol (like N, Z, Q, R, C) for the set {0,1} (or any other binary set)? (@PeterTaylor :))
I started writing up a draft for Domino Circuits... it's already growing so long again and I even skipped most of the detailed spec from Domino Day in favour of an exhaustive list of possible pushes. :-/ But then again, Vector Racing was also quite popular despite a very lengthy post.
just made my domino program output gifs
no idea how to control the timing... but the default seems ok ;)
sweet! :D
should I replace the ungolfed code in my answer with this new ungolfed code with gifness?
is it much different or are there just a few additional lines? if there are just a few additional lines, you could post them separately at the end, and write where to insert them to produce the gif
it's just added lines interspersed in the old code
ah okay
and the gifness is all #defined so you can still compile it without any Windows dependancies without effort
then it should be obvious which lines are extraneous, so sure, go ahead and add them
would it be abnoxious to inline one of the gifs?
what do you mean by inline?
have it as an image as opposed to providing a link to one
oh no, definitely include the image itself and not a link!
you could even make a slightly bigger one to make it more interesting
for the fourth input example I just generated a random grid with ruby and tried starting from a few corners
you could do the same for 30x15 or something
(or whatever fits SE's column width and isn't too tall)
yeah, I don't really have a clue what I'm doing with the rendering, I just tried font and image sizes until it fitted. No idea if it'll fit on anyone else machine ;)
haha, as long as you get some nice gifs to include in your answer :P
@VisualMelon your gif works just fine
doesn't for me :(
do you have ruby?
I believe so
if you want to generate a larger GIF, try ruby -e "15.times{30.times{print ['|','-','/','\\'].sample};puts}" in the console (where 30 is the width and 15 is the height of the grid)
well and then experiment with replacing one or two dominoes with a letter
I'll just multiply up the values in the source code if I want to make bigger ones
but currently the program seems to be !working for anything except your inputs...
no, I don't mean scaling the picture
I mean actually generating a larger input grid
with more dominoes
yep, sorry, misunderstood that completly
you can probably make it even bigger
like 80 x 20
you'd hope so
but right now I can't get it to eat my 49x8
I'll try as you said
maybe I can't count
perfectly possible
I do indeed have Ruby, what an interesting turn of events
why am I such an idiot, there will be \r everywhere
ok, no, there is definitely something wrong with the reading of large inputs...
ok, I'm going to have to assume that the Windows terminal objects to strings more than 240chars or something
because it works when I pipe it in from a file
hah, I remember this from good vs evil
This is really the worst line of code I have ever written:
m == "#" ? (p = n) : (m == ">" ? p += n : (m == "<" ? p -= n : (m == "=" ? c[p] = n : (m == "+" ? c[p] = (c[p] + n) % 256 : (m == "-" ? c[p] = (c[p] - n) % 256 : (m == ":" ? i = o * 2 : 0))))))
that took a bit of time to sort
The worst thing is that my code does not work, and it is not because of that line...
(it's also turning chars into ints)
...I think we know who wins the worst line of code
I'm loaded with this stuff
I recently had to implement a bunch of these in matlab: functions.wolfram.com/HypergeometricFunctions/ThreeJSymbol/17/… ... I can still see the blood on my hands
want to see the cheapest way I've found to read two ints from the console in C#?
@MartinBüttner those are beautiful!
I just looked at my older code archives, and found this:
biomeMaps[i] = mapman.tmap(i, 256, seed, 48, 3, lambda x,y:32, lambda x,y:0.9, eval("lambda h:max(0, min(1, (h/64.0)*10-10+%i*10))*64"%biomes[i][6]))
@VisualMelon I know, but the code which calculates them isn't :D
I was so ridiculously lucky not to make a single typo
I would never have been able to find it
depends on your definition xD
yeah, I spent most of yesterday obsessing about powers of 2 in my "constants" for the dominoes program
wait a minute
what am i saying?! I wrote badbot
In one of my oldest codes, I wrote exactly the same code in a try and catch statement. The worst thing about that is that I, when I wrote that code, did not know why it kept giving errors...
Here's an excerpt.
		if self.uReplyingTo.lower() in self.responses:
			rn = self.findSubresponse(self.uReplyingTo, response)
			if len(rn):
				self.responses[self.uReplyingTo][rn[0]][1] += 1
				closestSubresponseData = self.getClosestSubresponse(self.uReplyingTo, response)
at least it's more text than punctuation :P
@VisualMelon that's what I have lines from my csprng for :D
@ProgramFOX Speaking of try and catch. A friend of mine (in our final BSc project) implemented a function to peek at the second element on a stack using try-finally
something like
top = stack.pop()
    return stack.peek()
    return null
(yes, with the finally logically after the return)
@VisualMelon want more text than punctuation? how about more actual written english than anything else?
digs up github project
not a fan of English personally
that's a lot of comments
yup ;D
I didn't wanna mess up their pretty formatting so I stopped maintaining the codebase entirely
see the comment at the bottom, lol
hehe :P
i guess my logic was "if commenting was good practice, this must be great practice"
after seeing this question codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/34931/… I was thinking about posting a similar one, but for the rigorous grammar of the language myself and a friend defined
@VisualMelon incoming Lojban!
can't stand it
taropeht toneta timlan ei
What if I wrote a huge module in Python that made code that uses it able to express real life concepts, then people could just speak the code
I was then wondering if it would be unjust to get the good people of CodeGolf.SE to write us a new word verifier (you give it a word, it tells you if it is valid) because the one I wrote 4 years ago is somewhat out of date
like, this.surrounding.humans[0].ask(this.surrounding.humans[0].dog.walk)
wait, that looks too much like Java :I
nah, must be JavaScript, hope the next file has a defensive semi-colon
@VisualMelon well, you'd have to specify the language, other than that I love text problems :P
it would be good for a number of reasons...
@VisualMelon It's probably Swift actually
reason 1: I'm too lazy to do it myself
reason 2: we'd have to write the spec properly, which we never get round to
reason 3: omg code golf
(reason 4: I get to make a sphinx wiki for it behind your back)
if you want to get involved with a language developemnt
please do :P
esp. if you want to write our documentation for us :P
this probably isn't the place, but timlan.tim32.org
you will very quickly realise that we priorities thinking about grammar over everything else
we have 2 language parsers, one in C# and one in C++, both are horrendous
I've bookmarked it, like a creep baws
infact, that would be a fun code-golf as well, write a parser for the language
we might have a timlan e-mail address at some point
we've not properly worked on it for a month or so now, I think we became scared of gerunds and then one of us went on holiday
You've just perfectly illustrated why English is as horrible as it is
but yeah, now and then we get back into and work out something on the TWODO, and more things to the TWODO, and iterate
> I think we became scared of gerunds and then one of us went on holiday
are you suggesting that common phrase is somehow convoluted?
edited to clarify, lol
yeah, we are programmers, and we don't like English, so the obvious solution was obvious
If I ever make a language, I'd make it so that words are like checksums of objects
that way you never forget words, and you never have to learn any
can't argue with that
infact, a fun enough challenge would be to write a timlan number parser...
none of ours work
because we are too lazy to fix them
instead of using 0..9
we use b-,c-,d-,f-.... for digits
because that saves on phones for pronounciation
I would, but all of my code is in Python xD
write it in Python then :P
can probably write a regex to turn it into some pre-defined python compliant format
but yeah, it supports any base
"hey man, I'm gonna scan this document for Timlan numbers!"
(inc. negative bases)
strange, the parser isn't open in one of my many IDEs
this is most irregular
After 10 million years, the Vogons destroy the python program 5 minutes before it finishes.
oh, we have a github! forgot that existed

Scripts to do things with Fonti (not related to TTS). Will include an updated VWV." yeah that's definitely not a lie
(VWV is the word verifier)
Bob Dylan already wrote your VWV.
(making references is my new favorite hobby)
I'm afraid I don't get the reference
ouch, the timlan github contains PHP, the shame
@VisualMelon The Python program is Earth, set to find the Ultimate Question. The Vogons destroy it before it finishes; The people who made Earth disguise as Trillian's Mice and try to find the question from the minds of a person in the Matrix. He's gone though, so they make one up, taking it from a Bob Dylan song.
I feel so cultured suddenly
Douglas Adams is awesome
@VisualMelon Just put the text from earlier into TCP, $ ( ( I like [present] self-determining [determiner] timlan ) ) .
parser works ;)
I think TCP has baked in affixes....
(it's the C++ one, the C# one takes them from the fixionary)
I like how you defined ConCatEnate as "miaw."
another friend of ours wrote a cute JS thing so we could have TCP work in our blog tim32.org/blog/post.php?id=151 (click the cute arrow image things IF YOU DARE)
@Trimsty yeah, there is a fair bit like that ;)
the parser stuff on there doesn't make much sense, lol
which stuff where?
@VisualMelon your link
cat rilanahaeq 0?
ah, yeah
TCP doesn't support the relative close prefixes
it's seriously out of date... those have been around for months and months...
the C# parser sits in an IRC bot on our not so private channel
Heh, I guess I /could/ write a parser for it, lol
it's kept up to date, but is horrendous
@Trimsty it's really easy, like, we intend to allocate a Saturday to re-write it in
python can run on servers too, yaaaay
we just havn't got round to it yet
meh, the more parsers the better...? :P
of course :)
the lookup tool is nice
I wrote that (oh god PHP) years back when we first started
@VisualMelon :P There's no definition for "father" or "mother"
we arn't good at words
@VisualMelon words r confoozn
they are, however unambiguous and pronoucable
if you want to write a parser, this file is a less formatted dictionary
that took far to long to create
so you defined "shopkeeper", but not "mother"
we had a thing called "Vocab'o'Clock"
@VisualMelon heh
and it always had a theme
clearly family was never the theme :P
I like this VOS thing, is good pasta is like assert good(pasta) which makes semantic sense
yeah, and because all verbs are marked with a tense affix, you always know the structure of classic sentences
we have things called "supplements" which are horrible but essential for not pulling your own teeth out
so you can say eiami lapopis instead riloeveeht lapopis ei
(I'm not sure that second thing is valid, we beat up a lot of the verbs at some point and it's hard to remember when they change)
Now I want to set up a huge wiki and api for this thing, lol
well, if you want to help us document it well
that would be great
i do :D
half our problem is that no one every wants to help, so we don't know what is confusing
because we make all the decisions together at 4am
we probably shouldn't be filling this channel up
4am is best am
yeah xD
I'm always there (see the website xD)
oh hey @Cyanogenoid
Oh hey Trimsty
casually resumes being cjfaure on irc
help, my reputation is back at 6,666 D:
@JoeZ. QUICK! let's all downvote you
(not really)
(plz don't kill meh ;_;)
if I keep going at this pace I'm only 2 weeks away from 10k rep :)
also my rep kinda freaked out this week codegolf.stackexchange.com/users?tab=Reputation&filter=week
Yeah, you had some great Mathematica answers this week :)
@MartinBüttner if I keep going at my current rate, I'm 54,220 days away from 10k
@ProgramFOX Yeah, I love those challenges :D
@Trimsty patience!
@MartinBüttner Or did I do my math wrong, and it's actually 1844
very likely, unless your rate is 0.2 rep a day
@MartinBüttner right now, it's like, 8
I'll be happy if I have 300 by the end of the year
probably from trickling votes on most creative way to display 42
@Trimsty I haven't been active on SO for ages now (except for one answer in March), but I left so many answers behind, that I probably got the last 2k rep from trickling votes ^^
(it's how Jon Skeet hits his rep cap every day at 3am)
@MartinBüttner xD
I'm not even joking
okay, on average more like 6am
lol I'm so confused by the two separate links for comments now
it's a great feature for mobile though
Yea, my mouse pointer is constantly going to the wrong one so far. Damn muscle memory.
+1 to everything ;_;
As much as I like RPSLV, I have to think that a koth that gets 12 answers within the first hour of posting probably isn't going to interest me much.
@Geobits how come?
(I'm sorry I spoiled it for you, would you still have played it with 8 answers? :P)
actually, I might be responsible for even more answers, as it's questionable whether it would have hit HNQ so fast with only 2 instead of 6 answers after half an hour
1 hour later…
I don't mean that the actual number of answers made it uninteresting. I mean the type of question that attracts that many answers so quickly. While I agree that some silly/nonsense/not-really-trying-to-win answers are probably good for a koth, the ratio on this one seems a bit high.
It's just too easy to throw "something" at it without trying.
The top two voted answers(with 6 and 7 votes) right now are literally "pick a random letter".
@Geobits it's the optimal strategy as long as there are no other "silly" other entries :P
(well FairBot is)
I think this challenge in particular needs a lot of silly entries for actual strategies to become interesting
07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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