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heck, why are there suddenly 10 questions whose by mythology.stackexchange.com/users/29/codingenthusiast with really generic-sounding titles?
did someone steal their account?
ah no, they aren't new questions, they are blanked. even worse.
I'll flag.
And the titles were edited to completely different than what they used to be.
apparently the same user also vandalized a few posts on SO.
and they're also suspended on SO
Wait, drat, I did it wrong. Looks like I reverted only the bodies of the questions, not the title. The interface messed me up.
Ok, that problem affected just one question, which I fixed now. Good.
2 hours later…
mythology.meta.stackexchange.com/q/612/197 ooh! moderator election coming up soon!
7 hours later…
suspended for seven days, thank you

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