@CharlieBrumbaugh, Yay! Thanks!
I don't want to name names or anything like that which isn't constructive. But, as with everyone else, I want to encourage you to just keep being who you are.
@Aravona I have a question about your scuba diving with seahorses question.
I googled it and of course came up with a long list of gorgeous places, but it looked like a tourist-y list and I know from something a while ago that those are kind of off-topic. This is probably totally hypocritical of me, but might it make sense to narrow down the question to a certain region or time of year? Even if you then added related questions with other regions or times of year, it might be better than what would look too broad.
I want to answer it, but not with a wiki-list from a travel website. What would be the most helpful way to answer it? On your other question, @CharlieBrumbaugh mentioned some cuttlefish places and picked one of the more popular ones. I have a few more for that question, I just haven't gotten around to writing them.
On the other hand... I'd like to ask where I can see a specific bird, looking for an answer with a few places where it might be on its migratory route.
That would be kind of the same as yours, right? I could say locally or globally and see what comes up. Or would that be too broad?
The meta post, which uses all my questions in the answer, makes them on-topic, but I think there was only one, maybe two, where I didn't narrow down at least something, like time of year or part of the country.
Yikes, I sound like I'm being critical and I'm totally not!
I just kind of wanted to run that by you. Obviously the community benefits from knowing where to dive with seahorses, whether it's in one question or two or three.
If I don't hear from you otherwise, and noone else has answered the seahorse one, I'll post the list I found, at least picking some out with a combination of copy/paste and my own words.
@Aravona, if you want to take me diving with you, I could have my own experience to add!!!!
Then again, I'm terribly claustrophobic and would be an awful diver!
So, I'll stop babbling at you now... Please excuse my late night ramblings!
@RoryAlsop, I'm just curious. There was a recent answer that I had written a comment on before it was edited. Since my comment then became outdated, did you kindly delete it, or had someone flagged it? I don't want to know who and definitely don't want to talk about the question ever, it's simply a procedural question. Thanks!