It does get at your question, in that I am claiming that any formulation of quantum mechanics must have these rules in some form. So I would say that your desire to find a way to describe MWI branches that doesn't have this feature is equivalent to wanting quantum mechanics without interference, and is therefore hopeless.
16 hours later…
The canon is that the feature I am describing is indeed hopeless -- that indeed the Born rule is inconsistent with a uniform counting measure. This I accept more or less as fact. But my question is about demonstrating this directly, but simply evolving a wave packing, counting the "worlds" and showing that the principle of indifference leads to a different probability than Born. What you are showing is distinct from this, and much more obscure.
That would be fine if it were the only possibility, but I don't think it is, in that in principle it seems clear that such an example should exist, hence my original SE question: what is an example where you evolve a wave function into unequal probabilities that directly demonstrates this difficulty.
Interference (well linear superposition in general) is perfectly compatible by itself with MWI; it is taken as an axiom with the total superposed amplitude describing "world density" (BTW this isn't necessarily an unmotivated ontology, it is simply taken as isomorphic to a mathematical description of many classical trajectories). The question is, given this amplitude, interference contributing to it or not, do the amplitudes imply Born probabilities given a uniform measure?
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Apr '1522
From SE question "Looking for a simple example of generating u...