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Thinking on this question about plotting a line region on 3D space, I came to the realisation of how weird is RegionPlot3D.
Isn't it just plain bad naming that RegionPlot3D does not accept a Region as an argument? It does expect only a "logical combination of inequalities".
Furthermore, "RegionPlot3D can in general only find regions of positive measure; it cannot find regions that are just lines or points.". So it's useless for this 1D region in 3D space.
The question received good answers on how to achieve the desired plot, my rant is about having a function named RegionPlot3D that doesn't work with Region and is restricted only to chunky intervals, i.e with "positive measure".
2 hours later…
@rhermans RegionPlot3D was introduced in 2007, and all the RegionXX family was introduced in 2017. In 2007 The word "Region" didn't have the connotation it has today in the semantic of the wolfram system. Fortunately this situation (I mean a legacy meaning ) happens rarely.
@andre314 Yeah, but it wouldn't break things if RegionPlot3D were to be extended to accept Regions and was at least as capable to display regions as other tools. Would it?
@andre314 BTW, thanks for your comment and answer, it is indeed an interesting point I didn't realize before. I accept you have explained why happened, but doesn't justify that this is how things should be now. Unless extending the functionality does break things. Does it?
2 hours later…
@rhermans I agree : this is only a explanation of what's happening, and effectively doesn't justify that this is how things should be now. I think that Wolfram Research will extend RegionPlot3D one day (but not soon probably). I can't say if this can be done without breakings things.
@andre314 I have never understood this until now, it's always confused me!
If a question is closed, what happens to it? Is having good answers a reason to re-open?
posted on July 22, 2022 by Francisco Rodriguez Arias

Click here to read this post in English » Nos es muy grato anunciar que Wolfram|Alpha, el primer motor de inteligencia computacional del mundo, ya está disponible en español. &#10005 ¿Qué es Wolfram|Alpha? Wolfram|Alpha es un motor de inteligencia computacional, que entiende y responde preguntas en lenguaje natural. Está basado en cuatro componentes fundamentales: P

4 hours later…
@ChrisK depends what was the reason it was closed. And it stays closed unless it has 0 score and/or no answers, something like that, don't remember atm, and otherwise it will be deleted after a longer period of time.
@Kuba thanks for the info -- I think this one's been improved enough and has a great answer to warrant re-opening
Q: Stability classification code for dynamic system

zeraoulia rafikI'm interested in carrying out stability analysis on discrete dynamic systems, as was done in this paper. The Author used their function TwoDimensionalStability[x^2 + 3 x y, y^2 - 2 x y] to look for stability properties. The output was: The fixed point {− 2/7 , 3/7} is saddle The fixed point {0, ...

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