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Q: Will you entertain questions related to wolfram alpha here?

Joe ColettaWill you entertain questions related to wolfram alpha here?

12 hours later…
Am I overreacting here? I find this "answer" an ill-intentioned speculaton about the fate of Belisarious.
@rhermans Seems like a joke in poor taste, I don't think you're overreacting. I do find it odd and curious how many differing stories there are - there was also one posted in chat some time ago suggesting Dr Belisarius was involved in some kind of south American drug trade or something. I'm not kidding - it genuinely almost makes me think it's all one person sock puppeting.
@CarlLange @rhermans I wrote the things that I had heard. That's all.
@Astudent And called it "truth", I see.
@Astudent And you think it's ok to replicate anything you have heard, without consideration to the quality of the source? What if you got that information from an irresponsible, bored, disheartened simpleton that enjoys slander on people unable to respond? Is it Ok for you to multiply the reach of the lie?
5 hours later…
@rhermans if acl is truly the source then the source is none of those things. He’s a great member of this site who used to visit this chat room regularly back in the day. At the same time that belisarius was also regularly using this chat room, so the two were aware of each other. That is where it gets weird: belisarius never, as I recall, in any of his many interactions in this chat room, gave the impression that he wasn’t a single individual.
The only way in which he did was that he was highly productive in those days. I could possibly imagine someone saying ”nobody can write that many answers, he surely can’t be a single person.”
But it wouldn’t have been intended to be interpreted literally…
posted on August 26, 2021 by The Wolfram|Alpha Team

We are excited to talk about a feature we released this summer that we call Math Input. We’ve had many requests to add this feature to the site, and after a lot of hard work from multiple teams, we’re ready to share it with you. Head over to Wolfram|Alpha to see it for yourself: &#10005 […]

1 hour later…
Q: How do I get my question answered if I don’t have enough points for a bounty?

ArbujaFor my question, In following example does d converge?, I’m unsure whether my question will be answered. It’s only been a few hours and someone has upvoted but no one has left a comment. How do I make sure someone will answer my question if I don’t have enough points for a bounty?

Hello guys, I recently upgraded from 12.1 to 12.3.1 and the front end seems very, very unstable, especially when opening/collapsing sections/subsections in a notebook. Anything bigger than a few screen scrolls will lead to a freeze of Mathematica that requires me to kill it. I am using Mathematica on Ubuntu. Has anybody experienced anything like that? I tried googling but nothing showed up.

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