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I wonder why Underflow[] < 3/2 evaluates to True, but Underflow[] < Log[2] stays unevaluated (although FullSimplify[Underflow[] < Log[2]] still simplifies to True)?
And what is even more weird, both Underflow[] < Underflow[] and Underflow[] > Underflow[] stay unevaluated, although FullSimplify simplifies the former to False and the latter to True. Now I have an elusive recollection that I might have already asked this question a few years ago...
3 hours later…
@RolfMertig Could you give a little more info about what it does? (I've got Workbench up & running now and am scared to mess with it!)
6 hours later…
What is the name of the following algorithm? I am interested to know the proof why it works.
RandomPartition[n_, p_] := Module[{r},
   r = RandomSample[Range[n - 1], p - 1] // Sort;
   AppendTo[r, n];
   Prepend[r // Differences, r[[1]]]
2 hours later…
@TooFatManNoNeck it's probably too simple to have a name. All that happens is that you take a range 1, 2, 3 ... n. You sample p numbers from this range, perhaps 3, 10, 15, n. You make sure that n is always part of the sample. You then take the differences so you get 3, 7, 5, n - 15. You make sure especially that 3 is part of the list of differences. You now a list of random partition lengths that you can feed e.g. to TakeList.
@C.E.: Thank you!
6 hours later…
Is there an obvious way to project a region - eg if I have a 3D region, to project it into 2D in an arbitrary axis?
(Looking at it from the top down orthographically, for example)
(It was too much to hope that DimensionReduce would be nice shorthand for it :P)
Aha, this is relevant, except that I am using a DiscretizedRegion and not an ImplicitRegion wolfram.com/mathematica/new-in-10/basic-and-formula-regions/…
Ah, of course, you can just use a ScalingTransform and change whatever dimension to 0.
@ChrisK It will not download and overwrite your existing Eclipse.app folder, but as it is now specificied in line 56 the Eclipse.app/eclipse.ini file will get changed. So maybe I should let the script create an Eclipse2020-06.app folder (like on Windows and Linux), I am not sure what Mac users do if they have multiple versions of a program (I rarely use macOS).
@ChrisK I actually just thought of it as a nice exercise in automatizing something non-trivial on multiple operating systems. Took me longer than I thought ...
What it does is: Download the 2020-6 Eclipse version, install it, download the WWB plugin, install it and configure all of it ( as I like it ... ). All without bothering about installation of Java first, because I just use the existing OpenJDK Java of Mathematica (or Wolfram Engine). All of this works from the free Wolfram Engine, too ... (it even openes Eclipse at the end).
5 hours later…
@ChrisK Import["https://wolfr.am/NHGLnZMa"] will install it to Eclipse2020-06.app now on macOS.

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