@CarlLange You could try to define a mapping from a square to your shape and use that as a GeometricTransform on HilbertCurve and then just add some nice styling to HilbertCurve?
Or use LineIntegralConvolutionPlot and use that as Texture
I'm exporting some plots from Mathematica into x3d for display on the web, and I'm having some trouble getting the plot mesh to display consistently. I believe this behaviour is ultimately a bug on the part of the Mathematica x3d exporter, and I'd like to document it here.
Start off by building ...
Ugh. Wolfram might consider adding the ability to have version-specific front end preferences include the subversion: I'm already getting tired of having to switch magnification when I open something on 12.0 that I worked on in 12.1, where a different magnification setting is more comfortable in each.
That, and why must 12.1 seem to chew up ~20% cpu just sitting there doing "nothing" if there are graphics in the notebook?
@b3m2a1 That's a great idea. There's an example that uses ListIntegralConvolutionPlot to vizualise wind data and I'd say that's a really good starting point, thanks a lot!
@rcollyer Might be impractical to supply notebook I'm currently working on, but give me an hour or so and I'll try to simplify it and/or find example elsewhere.
@rcollyer Cool. It's even worse - that example, after opening and checking CPU use in task manager, doing some scrolling, etc. then just hangs. I have to kill Mathematica to get out...
@Szabolcs i must admit, you were right. governors want to call the army because there are too many citizens around. migrants also are uncontrollable, they don't fear fines,and don't care about the quarantine. i wonder how greece is dealing with them