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12:02 AM
This seems to be a better version of this older one (both questions by the same user). Usually we close the newer on as a dupe of the older, but I'm tempted to do the reverse. Any thoughts?
1 hour later…
1:29 AM
Would anyone be able to confirm that they cannnot/can reproduce the following unpredictable behavior of MathematicaScript -script:

Instructions to reproduce:

1. Create a file named script.mma containing

Export["/tmp/out.png", ListPlot[{}]];

2. Run `MathematicaScript -script script.mma`
For me that sometimes exits after printing "hello". I imagine that no-one will be able to reproduce that, in which case can anyone suggest why my system is doing this?
4 hours later…
5:56 AM
Actually, I now suspect that anyone who is using MacOS and Mathematica 12 will reproduce the above broken behavior.
It seems to be buggy. I've read the various SO tickets about how you might need an X11 server listening for Export to work in MathematicaScript, but whether that is so or not for Mathematica 12, it (a) should behave deterministically and (b) should exit with a non-zero process exit code when it fails.
A positive finding however: wolframscript -file seems to work.
6:52 AM
func = Table[1+k(d-1), {k,0.5,5,0.5}];
what's the good way to make legend for this so it's easier to see?
One way is PlotLegends -> "Expressions" but it doesn't look good
3 hours later…
9:30 AM
I'm occasionally evaluating a notebook on cloud Mathematica and more often than not gridlines, tick labels and such on plots just don't show up. I wonder why this is happening...
5 hours later…
2:40 PM
I cannot post anything to the Wolfram Community. Since yesterday I get this "Message Boards is temporarily unavailable." error.
1 hour later…
3:59 PM
Block[{t=Table[1+n(d-1),{n,par}]},Plot[t,{d,0,1},PlotLegends->(Row[{"Subscript[V, C]/Subscript[V, IN]\[ThinSpace]=\[ThinSpace]",#}]&/@par),PlotRange->{0,1},
TicksStyle->Directive[Black,Bold, 14]]]
There're two problems with this
can anyone help?
The first one is in legend
how can I omit the dot?
1. --> 1
2. --> 2
second, I want to show the value of the intersection points of lines and the x and y axes
how can I do that?
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
10:07 PM
@anhnha See e.g. this question for the dot
For the other question: You can solve for the intersection points and add the labels using Callout/Labeled
10:24 PM
I tried this and didn't work.
NormalNumber[x_] := ToString[x, InputForm]
NormalNumber /@ {5., 5.5, 123.001, 123.0001}
5. is still 5.
this one works
shownum[x_] :=
StringReplace[ToString@NumberForm[x, ExponentFunction -> (Null &)],
RegularExpression["\\.$"] -> ""]

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